In india, the construction cost of a 150 gaj (square yards) house can vary significantly based on factors like location, materials used, construction requirement, design and the level of finishes.
When you are dream about a new house of 150 gaj/ sq yards built up area of single or two floor, planning can be challenging when you do not have an idea about budgeting and estimating about home construction.
Here, in this article we provide estimating and construction of 150 gaj residential home, duplex, individual villas, flats. Looking around your budgets and plan to estimate. Construction of your house estimate consist of all direct and indirect cost.

Construction material or building material such as steel, cement, sand, aggregate, bricks, mesh wire, concrete, admixture and others approved building material is required for construction of a new house. Construction estimate for 150 gaj or sq yards (1350 sq ft) house/ flat with building materials consist of layout cost, cost of building materials, civil work and finishing cost (development cost) and cost of labour.
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Total construction cost for house depending on major factors such as construction site location, types of foundation, soil condition, regulatory requirements, construction cost of materials, inflammation factor, location of construction, interior decor &design and some more other parameters.
In india, for civil work, average cost of house construction varies from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,200 per sq ft. Cost of civil work consist of cost of building material or construction materials such as cement, bricks, sand, aggregate, steel required for your foundation, plinth, wall, roof, boundary wall, parapet wall, plastering, flooring and brick work. Cost of civil work also consist of shuttering charges, contractor charges and labour charges
In india, for finishing work, Rate/ cost of house construction varies from Rs 500 to Rs 700 per sq ft. Cost of finishing work in consists of cost of flooring, tiling, electrical fitting, plumbing sanitary, water storage tank, security, fireproof, wall putty, painting, fixing of windows and door.
The overall, construction cost of a residential house/flat is range between Rs 1,500 to Rs 1,700 per sq ft. This will include cost of civil work, finishing work, labour charges, shuttering charges and all miscellaneous charges of security or plan approval by municipal or panchayat.
150 gaj house construction cost in India with materials
In many part of India gaj also used as measuring unit also known as square yards which is equal as 9 square feet, thus 1 gaj or sq yards = 3 × 3 = 9 square feet, so 150 gaj = 9×150 = 1350 sq ft.
In India, the total construction cost of building a fully furnished a 150 gaj single storey house can range from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 24 lakh, a 2 storey house from Rs 35 lakh to Rs 40 lakh, and 3 storey from Rs 48 lakh to Rs 55 lakh.
150 gaj house construction cost:- in india, generally construction cost of 150 gaj or 150 sq yards or 1350 sq ft of full furnished single floor (G+0)/ ground floor house may varies from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 24 lakh, for G+1/ 2 storey/ 2 floor from Rs 35 lakh to Rs 40 lakh, for G+2/ 3 storey/ 3 floor from Rs 48 lakh to Rs 55 lakh and for G+3/ 4 storey/ 4 floor from Rs 60 lakh to Rs 70 lakh. Noted that construction cost of upper floor above the ground is 70% of ground floor cost.
Construction cost of 150 gaj house for G+0:- in india, generally construction cost of 150 gaj or 150 sq yards or 1350 sq ft may be of full furnished single floor (G+0)/ ground floor house may varies from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 24 lakh. Overall, construction cost of a residential house/flat is range between Rs 1,500 to Rs 1,700 per sq ft.
Construction cost of 150 gaj house for G+1:- in india, generally construction cost of 150 gaj or 150 sq yards or 1350 sq ft may be full furnished two floor (G+1)/ 2 storey house may varies from Rs 35 lakh to Rs 40 lakh. Overall, construction cost of a residential house/flat is range between Rs 1,500 to Rs 1,700 per sq ft.
Construction cost of 150 gaj house for G+2:- in india, generally construction cost of 150 gaj or 150 sq yards or 1350 sq ft of full furnished three floor (G+2)/ 3 storey house may varies from Rs 48 lakh to Rs 55 lakh. Overall, construction cost of a residential house/flat is range between Rs 1,500 to Rs 1,700 per sq ft.
Construction cost of 150 gaj house for G+3:- in india, generally construction cost of 150 gaj or 150 sq yards or 1350 sq ft of full furnished four floor (G+3)/ 4 storey house may varies from Rs 60 lakh to Rs 70 lakh. Overall, construction cost of a residential house/flat is range between Rs 1,500 to Rs 1,700 per sq ft.
Construction materials required for 150 gaj house
Cement required for 150 gaj house:- using thumb rule, number of cement bag required is calculated as built up area × 0.4 bag, as 150 gaj is equal to 1350 sq ft, thus No. of cement bags = 1350×0.4 = 540, round it nearly 540 bags, so generally for a 150 gaj small residential house, you will need 540 bags of 50kg cement.
Steel required for 150 gaj house:- using thumb rule, quantity of steel required is calculated as built up area × 2.5kg, thus steel quantity = 1350× 2.5 = 3375 kg, round it 3400kg, so generally for a 150 gaj small residential house, you will need 3400kg (3.4MT) of steel.
Sand required for 150 gaj house:- using thumb rule, quantity of sand required is calculated as built up area × 1.2 cft, thus sand quantity = 1350×1.2 = 1620 cft, round it nearly 1620 cft, so generally for a 150 gaj small residential house, you will need 1620 cft (16.2 brass, 16.2 unit, 70 MT) of sand
Aggregate required for 150 gaj house:- using thumb rule, quantity of aggregate required is calculated as built up area × 1.5 cft, thus aggregate quantity = 1350× 1.5 = 2025 cft, rounding it nearly as 2000 cft, so generally for a 150 gaj small residential house, you will need 2000 cft (20 brass, 20 units, 80 MT) of aggregate.
200 gaj house construction cost in India with materials
120 gaj house construction cost in India with materials
60 gaj house construction cost in India with materials
80 gaj house construction cost in India with materials
100 gaj (sq yards) house construction cost in India with materials
No. of bricks required for 150 gaj house:- using thumb rule, number of bricks required is calculated as built up area × 8 pieces, thus No. of bricks = 1350×8 = 10800, add@10% wastage, so generally for a 150 gaj small residential house, you will need approximately 12000 nos of bricks.
The construction cost of a 150 gaj full furnished single floor house may vary from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 24 lakh including labour & material cost. For this you will need 540 bags of 50kg cement, 3.4 MT of steel, 1,620 cu ft of sand, 2,000 cu ft of aggregate & 12,000 no. of bricks.