How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

The number of bags of cement needed to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:3:6 mix depends on factors like the moisture content of the materials and specific local conditions. For a concrete mix with the ratio 1:3:6 (cement:sand:aggregate), you would typically use about 5 x 50 kg or 9 x 25 kg bags of cement to produce 1 cubic meter (m³) of concrete.

Concrete is a blended mix of Portland cement, sand, aggregate, water with approve ingredient. The ready mix concrete can be used for building or repairing foundation walls, fence post, sidewalks, curbs, steps and ramps and for setting posts and others concrete structure like, footing, slab, beam and columns.

How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6
How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

Cement in concrete acts as a binding material, binding the ingredients like sand and aggregate together to form a solid and durable material. It reacts with water to create a paste that hardens over time, providing strength and cohesion to the overall concrete structure.

A mix ratio of 1:3:6 typically refers to the proportion of cement, sand & aggregate in a concrete mix. It signifies one part cement, three parts sand, and six parts aggregate. These ratios are measured by volume. So, for example, if you have 1 cubic foot of cement, you would need 3 cubic feet of sand and 6 cubic feet of gravel to maintain the specified mix ratio.

The density of construction materials can vary, but here are approximate values: cement is typically around 1,440 kg/m³, sand is roughly 1,600 kg/m³, aggregate (gravel) is around 1,450 kg/m³ and water is about 1,000 kg/m³.

How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

The dry volume of concrete is the volume of all the ingredients (cement, sand, and aggregate) before adding water. The wet volume is the volume of the concrete mixture after water is added. The wet volume is less than the dry volume due to shrinkage properties.

The dry volume of concrete is 1.54, which means after applying water to the dry concrete mix, the volume of the dry concrete mix is reduced by about 54%. = 1.54. So, we need 1.54 cubic meters of dry mix to get 1 cubic meter of wet mix concrete.

Here’s are calculation steps to find out number of cement bags required to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:3:6 mix ratio:-

  1. Estimate dry volume of concrete mix: Use the formula Dry volume = Wet volume x 1.54, like dry volume of concrete = 1 × 1.54 = 1.54m3
  2. Estimate parts of cement in mix: Total proportion = 1+3+6 = 10, parts of cement = 1/10, parts of sand = 2/10, and parts of aggregate = 4/10
  3. Estimate cement quantity: Volume of cement = 1.54×1/10 = 0.154m3. Cement quantity in kg = 0.154m3 × 1,440 kg/m3 = 222 kg, and cement quantity in bags: 222/50 = 4.44 x 50 kg bags, or 222/25 = 8.87 x 25 kg bags.
  4. Estimate sand quantity: Volume of sand = 1.54×3/10 = 0.462m3. Sand quantity in kg = 0.462m3 × 1,600 kg/m3 = 740 kg, sand quantity in cubic feet = 0.462 × 35.32 = 16.3 CFT, sand quantity in bulk bags = 740/800 = nearly 1 bulk bag, or 740/25 = 30 small 25kg bags.
  5. Estimate gravel quantity: Volume of gravel = 1.54×6/10 = 0.924m3. Aggregate quantity in kg = 0.924m3 × 1,450 kg/m3 = 1,340 kg, aggregate quantity in cubic feet = 0.924 × 35.32 = 32.6 CFT, aggregate quantity in bulk bags = 1340/850 = 1.6 bulk bag, or 1340/25 = 54 small 25kg bags.
  6. Estimate water quantity: The typical water-cement ratio for M10 with 1:3:6 mix is about 0.55, so amount of water = 220 × 0.55 = approx 120 liters.

Therefore, to make 1m3 of concrete with standard 1:3:6 mix, you’d need approximately 5 x 50 kg or 9 x 25 kg bags of cement, 0.462m3 or 16.3 cubic feet of sand, 0.924m3 or 32.6 cubic feet of aggregate and 120 liters of water. This is ideal amount of ingredients to produce 1 cubic meter of concrete with 1:3:6 mix.

How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

Typically for residential use, you’ll need approximately 5 x 50 kg or 9 x 25 kg bags (0.154m3, or 222 kg, 5.44 cubic feet) of cement to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:3:6 mix (1 part cement to 3 parts sand to 6 parts aggregate).

How much sand to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

Typically for residential use, you’ll need approximately little less than 1 bulk bag or 30 x 25 kg small bags (0.462m3, or 740 kg, 16.3 cubic feet) of sand to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:3:6 mix (1 part cement to 3 parts sand to 6 parts aggregate).

How much aggregate to make 1m3 of concrete 1:3:6

Typically for residential use, you’ll need approximately 1.6 bulk bag or 54 x 25 kg small bags (0.924m3, or 1,340 kg, 32.6 cubic feet) of aggregate (gravel) to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:3:6 mix (1 part cement to 3 parts sand to 6 parts aggregate).


There would be approximately 5 x 50 kg or 9 x 25 kg bags of cement, 0.462m3 (1 bulk bag), or 16.3 cubic feet of sand, 0.924m3 (1.6 bulk bag) or 32.6 cubic feet of aggregate and 120 liters of water are required to make 1m3 concrete with 1:3:6 mix.