How much gravel do i need per square metre

How much gravel do i need per square metre | how much gravel do i need for 10 square meters | how much gravel do i need for 5 square meters |how much gravel do i need for 20 and 30 square meters.

The amount of gravel you need per square meter depends on the depth of gravel you want to use. Typically, for a standard gravel application, you might need about 100-150 kilograms of gravel per square meter for a 5-7 centimeter (2-3 inch) depth. However, for more specific or heavy-duty applications, you may need more gravel

How much gravel do i need per square metre
How much gravel do i need per square metre

How much gravel do I need for my driveway, or garden, to fill excavation will depend on desired length and width and gravel depth you need. Calculating the total amount of gravel you will need for your pathways can sometimes be overwhelming.

If you want to estimate the required quantity of gravel per square metre, chipping, pebbles or cobbles for your driveway, pathway, patio or for your planting area, you should know the dimension of your projects, what is their area and how your depth should be.

Gravel is consist of fine to coarser aggregate formed of different size 10mm, 20mm, 40mm, and some are pea sizes gravel, others are pebbles. It is categorised as per shape and size.

Most common size of gravel or aggregate which are used in construction are as fine gravel (4- 8 mm), medium gravel (8- 16 mm), coarse gravel (16- 32 mm), pebbles (32- 64 mm), cobbles (64 – 256 mm) and Boulder more than 256mm.

Gravel or coarse aggregate is one of the most important construction material required in every civil construction work, for landscaping projects, gravel rods, its required for fill the excavation area, used as backfills, required for preparing the concrete mix, it will be in round or oval, angular, pea size shaped gravel.

What thickness of gravel do I need?, you would usually lay a 10mm and 20mm size of gravel. If you used 10mm gravel for your projects, their depth should be at least 30-40mm, but on a driveway this would need to be at least 50mm.

A 20mm aggregate would need to be at least 40-50mm deep, and at least 50-60mm on driveways. But i recommend to 50mm depth should be an ideal option. A larger aggregate will settle and bond together better than smaller ones.

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How much gravel do i need per square metre

A cubic meter of typical gravel or aggregate weighs about 1,680 kilograms, or 1.68 tonnes. A square meter of gravel with a depth of 50mm weighs about 84 kg or 0.084 tonnes

To calculate how much gravel do i need per square metre, simply measure depth of your project in mm, then divide it by 1000 to convert in metre. Then multiply one square metre area to the depth in metre to get required quantity of gravel per square metre.

For example, if your project area is 1m2, and depth is 50 mm, then calculate required gravel quantity as follows: 1) Thickness 50mm in meter = 50/1000 = 0.05 meter, 2) Volume of project equal to required gravel quantity = 1m2 × 0.05m = 0.05 m3. Thus, you would need 0.05 cubic meters, or 84 kg, or 0.084 tonnes of gravel per square metre at standard depth of 50 mm.

At 5 cm standard depth, you would need 0.05 cubic meters, (or 84 kg, or 0.084 tonnes) of gravel per square metre. At 4 cm thick, 0.04 m3 (67 kg, or 0.067 tonnes) of gravel will be required for one square meter. At 3 cm thick, 0.03 m3 (50 kg, or 0.05 tonnes) of gravel will be necessary for 1 square meter. At 6 cm thick, 0.06 m3 (100 kg, or 0.1 tonnes) of gravel will be required for one square meter.

To calculate gravel quantity per m2 at 40mm
● 1) Thickness = 40/1000 = 0.04 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 1m2 × 0.04m = 0.04m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.04 × 1680 = 67 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 67/1000 = 0.067 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.04 m3 (67 kg, or 0.067 tonnes) of gravel per m2 at 40mm depth.

To calculate gravel quantity per m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 1m2 × 0.05m = 0.05m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.05 × 1680 = 84 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 84/1000 = 0.084 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.05 m3 (84 kg, or 0.084 tonnes) of gravel per m2 at 50mm depth.

To calculate gravel quantity per m2 at 60mm
● 1) Thickness = 60/1000 = 0.06 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 1m2 × 0.06m = 0.06m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.06 × 1680 = 100 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 100/1000 = 0.10 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.06 m3 (100 kg, or 0.10 tonnes) of gravel per m2 at 60mm depth.

To calculate gravel quantity per m2 at 30mm
● 1) Thickness = 30/1000 = 0.03 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 1m2 × 0.03m = 0.03m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.03 × 1680 = 50 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 50/1000 = 0.05 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.03 m3 (50 kg, or 0.05 tonnes) of gravel per m2 at 30mm depth.

How much gravel do i need for 10 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 10 square meters or an area of 5 metres by 2 metres, you would need approximately one bulk bags, 0.5m3, or 840 kg, or 0.84 tonne of gravel, or 0.4m3 (or 670 kg, or 0.67 tonne) of gravel at 40mm thick.

To calculate gravel quantity for 10m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 10m2 × 0.05m = 0.5m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.5 × 1680 = 840 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 840/1000 = 0.84 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.5 m3 (840 kg, or 0.84 tonnes) of gravel for 10m2 at 50mm depth.

How much gravel do i need for 5 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 5 square meters or an area of 5 metres by 1 metres, you would need approximately half a bulk bags, 0.25m3, or 420 kg, or 0.42 tonne of gravel.

To calculate gravel quantity for 5m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 5m2 × 0.05m = 0.25m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.25 × 1680 = 420 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 420/1000 = 0.42 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.25 m3 (420 kg, or 0.42 tonnes) of gravel for 5m2 at 50mm depth.

How much gravel do i need for 15 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 15 square meters or an area of 5 metres by 3 metres, you would need approximately one and half a bulk bags, 0.75m3, or 1260 kg, or 1.26 tonne of gravel.

To calculate gravel quantity for 15m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 15m2 × 0.05m = 0.75m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 0.75 × 1680 = 1260 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 1260/1000 = 1.26 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 0.75 m3 (1260 kg, or 1.26 tonnes) of gravel for 15m2 at 50mm depth.

How much gravel do i need for 20 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 20 square meters or an area of 5 metres by 4 metres, you would need approximately two bulk bags, 1m3, or 1680 kg, or 1.68 tonne of gravel

To calculate gravel quantity for 20m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 20m2 × 0.05m = 1m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 1 × 1680 = 1680 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 1680/1000 = 1.68 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 1 m3 (1680 kg, or 1.68 tonnes) of gravel for 20m2 at 50mm depth.

How much gravel do i need for 25 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 25 square meters or an area of 5 metres by 5 metres, you would need approximately two and half a bulk bags, 1.25m3, or 2100 kg, or 2.1 tonne of gravel.

To calculate gravel quantity for 25m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 25m2 × 0.05m = 1.25m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 1.25 × 1680 = 2100 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 2100/1000 = 2.1 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 1.25 m3 (2100 kg, or 2.1 tonnes) of gravel for 25m2 at 50mm depth.

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How much gravel do i need for 30 square meters

With a depth of 50mm, for 30 square meters or an area of 6 metres by 5 metres, you would need approximately 3 bulk bags, 1.5m3, or 2520 kg, or 2.52 tonne of gravel.

To calculate gravel quantity for 30m2 at 50mm
● 1) Thickness = 50/1000 = 0.05 metre
● 2) Volume of gravel = 30m2 × 0.05m = 1.5m3
● 3) Required gravel in kg = 1.5 × 1680 = 2520 kg
● 4) Required gravel in tonne = 2520/1000 = 2.52 tonne
● 5) Thus, you would need 1.5 m3 (2520 kg, or 2.52 tonnes) of gravel for 30m2 at 50mm depth.


At 50mm standard depth, you would need 0.05 cubic meters, (or 84 kg, or 0.084 tonnes) of gravel per square metre. A cubic meter of typical aggregate weighs about 1,680 kilograms, or 1.68 tonnes.