How many floors can be constructed in 500 sq ft | how many floors is a 500 sq ft
Building/ apartments are constructed in many cities, rural and urban areas according to building byelaws that is acceptable by local authority. Your local municipal corporation, nagar nigam authority will allow you with certain limitations and restrictions. So you can’t built as many floors in given plot size as you want. They are made as follows the rules and guidelines of building byelaws. Pls check the first what are the guidelines in your area or consult with locall authority.
Number of floors will depend on the size of plots, parking area, economical level of society and major factors is FSI (Floor Space Index) or FAR (Floor Area Ratio) that deciding the number of floors can be built in given plot size or area.
FSI stand for floor space index and FAR stand for floor area ratio regulated by municipal corporation of town and city in many country. It is calculated value of ratio of total area of floor of building and Plot land area of buildings. It allow Builders and contractor to construct building according to given laws, rule and regulation of municipal corporation.
Permissible FSI depend on many factor:- population of city, location of your land plot, type of building construction you want like a residential building, apartment and business building, width of road, availability of power water and sewer system.
You cannot fix FSI in your city by yourself, floor space index is fix by municipal corporation of city and town by rule and regulation. Suppose floor space index is 2 in your city and your land area is about 500 square feet then you can built in 1000 sq ft area such as, floor area construction = FSI × area of land = 2 × 500 sqft = 1000 sqft.
If the size of the plot or land being used for a project is 500 sq ft and the FAR determined for that particular city/locality is 1.5, then, the total floor area that can be constructed will be 750 sq ft (500×1.5). As the maximum space available on the ground floor will be around 500 sq ft, hence, with the remaining built-up area of 250 sq ft, it is possible to construct just one more floor.
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How many floors can be constructed in 500 sq ft
Number of floors in 500 sq ft or 25×20 size plot will all depends on the FSI (Floor Space Index) or FAR (Floor Area Ratio). Generally FSI value represented as 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 or in decimal. If the approved FSI in your area is 3, then, you can develop 500×3 = 1500 square feet of area. If FSI is 2.5, then, you can develop 500×2.5 = 1250 square feet of area.
Let us assume, the FSI in your locality is 2, then, you can develop 1000 square feet of area. A typical 1BHK can be built in approximately 500 square feet of area. therefore, you will be able to build 1000/500 = 2 flats of 1bhk in the given land. One 1bhk flat per floor.

There are 2 floors of 1BHK (500 sq ft each and one 1bhk per floor) can be built/ constructed in 500 sq ft or 25×20 size plot upto 2 storey (G+1) building, if permissible FSI in your locality is 2. Note that ground floor used for car parking. As you know, it all depends on the given FSI/FAR in your locality, so better for you to check that from the local development body.
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There are 2 floors (ground floor + 1 upper floor) of 1BHK (500 sq ft each and one 1bhk per floor) can be built/ constructed in 500 sq ft or 25×20 size plot upto 2 storey (G+1) building, if permissible FSI in your locality is 2. Note that ground floor used for car parking.