How much is a yard of gravel | how much is a yard of gravel weigh | how much is a yard of gravel cover | how much is a yard of gravel cost | how much is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 yards of gravel weigh, cover and cost.
Gravel is one of the most important building material collected from river basin, mountains, rocks, small rocks, pebbles, loose and dry sand, aggregate and pea gravel. Pea gravel is chosen best for walkway because it is round in shape of small size which make it most comfortable to work on.
How much area does a yard of gravel cover? It will depends on the size of the stone, the amount of dust content and the thickness of the layer and the how level the surface is to be covered.
Gravel is made of rock is to build roads, path, driveway, Patio, pedestrian, pavement, pathways, roadways, landscaping, and etc.
Gravel is categorised according to their size, size more than 5mm put in the category of gravel, it is formed of igneous rocks. It is categorised as fine gravel (4 – 8 mm), medium gravel (8 – 16 mm), coarse gravel (16 – 32 mm), pebbles (32 – 64 mm), cobbles (64 – 256 mm) and Boulder more than 256mm.

You are looking to buying gravel and crushed stone for your construction work, if you want to apply them in normal depth 50 mm for your driveway and 35 mm depth normally in pedestrian pathway, you need to know how much area will cover by 1 ton of gravel and you should purchase and you can load in your vehicle.
Most of gravel supplier which are available nearly to you, will give you option to deliver gravel and crushed stone at your homes, for this they should cost some money for transportation. If you have a truck or vehicle that you can use to bring gravel to your destination or construction site, then it is cheaper and faster option for you.
In this regarding, how much is a yard of gravel, how much is a yard of gravel weigh, how much is a yard of gravel cover, how much is a yard of gravel cost, Knowing about full detail analysis, then you should keep reading.
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How much is a yard of gravel
Weight of gravel depends on the rocks type, loose and dense condition, compact, moisture content, dry and wet condition, others inorganic mixed in the gravel. For estimating purpose, contractor’s and Builder’s would take weight of gravel as 3000lb (pounds) per yard or 1.5 short tons per yard, and which is equivalent to 110 lb per cubic feet.
1 yard of gravel look likes by 3 feet long by 3 feet wide and by 3 feet height, which is equal as 27 cubic feet as (length× width× height= 27).
A cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 feet long by 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall, is typically weighs about 3,000lb (pounds) or 1.5 tons, and will cover approximately 162 square feet at 2 inches thick, and will cost between $15 to $75 per yard, with an average cost of $40 per yard. If you buy gravel bag, 54 bags of 50 lb gravel to cover the same area as a cubic yard.
How much is a yard of gravel weigh
A cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 foot long by 3 foot wide by 3 foot tall, is typically weighs about 3,000lb (pounds) or 1.5 tons, which is approximately equal as 110 lbs per cubic foot. A cubic yard of dry gravel is typically weighs about 2970 pounds or 1.5 tons. A cubic yard of wet gravel is typically weighs about 3375 pounds or 1.7 tons. Moisture is prime factors that determining the weight of gravel.
How much is a yard of gravel cover
A cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 feet long by 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall, is typically covers 162 square feet (18 square yards or 15 square meters) at recommended depth of 2 inches thick, 324 square feet at 1 inch thick, 108 square feet (12 square yards or 10 square meters) at 3 inches thick, or 81 square feet (9 square yards or 7.5 square meters) at 4 inches thick.
How much is a yard of gravel cost
A cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 feet long by 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall, is typically costs ranges from $15 to $75, with an average of $40 per yard. The costs of gravel ranges from $10 to $50 per ton, or $15 to $75 per cubic yard, or $1 to $3 per square foot, or $1350 per truckload depending on the rock types, volume, and travel distance. Gravel spreading costs $12 per yard or $46 per hour.
How much is 2 yards of gravel
2 cubic yards of gravel is typically weighs around 6,000 pound (3 tons) and which will cover 200 square feet area at 3 inches deep, and will cost an average of $80 for 2 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 3 yards of gravel
3 cubic yards of gravel is typically weighs around 9,000 pound (4.5 tons) and which will cover 300 square feet area at 3 inches deep, and will cost an average of $120 for 3 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 4 yards of gravel
4 cubic yards of gravel is typically weighs around 12,000 pound (6 tons) and which will cover 400 square feet area with a standard depth of 3 inches thick, and will cost an average of $160 for 4 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 5 yards of gravel
5 cubic yards of gravel is typically weighs around 15,000 pounds or 7.5 tons, and which will cover 500 square feet area with a standard depth of 3 inches thick, and will cost an average of $200 for 5 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 6 yards of gravel
6 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 18,000lb (pounds) or 9 tons, and which will cover 972 square feet area with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $240 for 6 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 7 yards of gravel
7 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 21,000lb (pounds) or 10.5 tons, and which will cover 1,134 square feet (126 square yards, or 105 m2) area with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $280 for 7 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 8 yards of gravel
8 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 24,000lb (pounds) or 12 tons, and which will cover 1,296 square feet area (144 square yards, or 120 m2) with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $320 for 8 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
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How much is 9 yards of gravel
9 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 27,000lb (pounds) or 13.5 tons, and which will cover 1,458 square feet area (162 square yards, or 135 m2) with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $3600 for 9 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 10 yards of gravel
10 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 30,000lb (pounds) or 15 tons, and which will cover 1,620 square feet area (180 square yards, or 150 m2) with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $400 for 10 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
How much is 12 yards of gravel
12 cubic yards of gravel, is typically weighs around 36,000lb (pounds) or 18 tons, and which will cover 1,944 square feet area (216 square yards, or 180 m2) with a standard depth of 2 inches thick, and will cost an average of $480 for 12 cubic yards of gravel (national an average cost will be $40 per yard).
A cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 feet long by 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall, is typically weighs about 3000lb (pounds) or 1.5 tons, and will cover approximately 162 square feet at 2 inches thick, and will cost between $15 to $75 per yard, with an average cost of $40 per yard. If you buy gravel bag, 54 bags of 50 lb gravel to cover the same area as a cubic yard.