The amount of sand needed for a sandbox depends on its area (length × width) and depth you want the sand to be fill. On average, for a 8×8-foot sandbox with a depth of about 8 inches, you’d need approximately 32 cubic feet or 64 bags of 50 lb play sand. Adjust the quantity based on your specific dimensions of sandbox.
A sandbox is a rectangular, square or circular shape hole in the ground, or a box boarder with lumber, filled with play sand from 4 to 6 inches deep in which children can play. The size of a sandbox can vary widely, but a common dimensions are around 4×4, 3×3, 5×5, 6×6, 8×8 and 10×10 feet, and their depth is about 8 inches high.
You don’t need to fill the sandbox all the way to top, you have to fill only halfway for an ideal play. We recommend to fill 4″ to 6″ of play sand. It means if your depth of the sandbox is about 8 inches high, you have to fill sandbox only 6 inches deep with play sand.

A play sand is a less coarse, fine, smooth, wash and cleaned sand, free from bacteria that has been made through certain processes to make sure it is safe for children to play with. Generally play sand sold in cubic foot or in bag sand.
A play sand comes usually in 50 lb bags that contain approximately 0.5 cubic feet volume of sand. So, you’d require 2 sacks of 50 lb play sand per cubic foot, or 54 sacks of 50 lb play sand per cubic yard.
To determine how much sand you’d need for sandbox, here’s calculation steps:-
- Calculate the area of the sandbox: Area = Length x Width in square feet
- Determine the desired depth you want the sand to be fill (depth range from 4 to 6 inches) and convert in feet by dividing it by 12, such as 4″ = 3/12′ = 0.33 feet, or 6″= 6/12 = 0.5 feet
- Calculate the volume needed: volume = Area x Depth in cubic feet
- Convert cubic feet to bags of 50 lb play sand: Multiply your measurement in cubic feet by 2 to estimate the required sacks of 50 lb play sand.
In general, you’ll need approximately 50 cubic feet or 100 bags of 50 lb play sand for a 10×10 sandbox, 32 cubic feet (or 64×50 lb) play sand for an 8×8 sandbox, 18 cubic feet (or 36×50 lb) play sand for a 6×6 sandbox, 12.5 cubic feet (or 25×50 lb) play sand for a 5×5 sandbox, 8 cubic feet (or 16×50 lb) play sand for a 4×4 sandbox, and 4.5 cubic feet (or 9×50 lb) play sand for a 3×3 sandbox.
How much play sand do i need for a sandbox
To calculate how much play sand you’ll need for a sandbox multiply the desired depth by the length and width of the sandbox layout in same unit of measurement.
Here’s is the play sand calculation steps to find out how much play sand do i need for a 3×3 sandbox?
- Estimate Cubic inches of sand box:
For Example: To determine how much sand you’d need for a 3 by 3-foot sandbox layout with 6 inches of sand, you’d perform the following calculation: 6 inches x (3×12) inches x (3×12) inches = 7,776 cubic inches. - Estimate Cubic Feet of play sand:- Multiply your measurement in cubic inches by 0.000579 to estimate the volume of sand in cubic feet. So, 7,776 x 0.000579 = 4.5 cubic feet of sand
- Estimate sacks of play sand:- Multiply your measurement in cubic feet by 2 to estimate the required sacks of 50 lb play sand. So, 4.5 ×2 = 9 bags of 50 lb sand
You’ll need approximately 4.5 cubic feet or 9 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 3×3 sandbox with a 6-inch depth. It’s a good idea to order a bit extra to account for any irregularities in the surface or for future maintenance.

How much sand do i need for a 4×4 sandbox
You’ll need approximately 8 cubic feet or 16 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 4×4 sandbox with a standard 6-inch depth. Maths calculation:- volume in cubic feet = 6/12′ × 4′ × 4′ = 8 cubic feet, no. of sacks of 50 lb sand = 8 × 2 = 16 bags.
How much sand do i need for a 5×5 sandbox
You’ll need approximately 12.5 cubic feet or 25 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 5×5 sandbox with a standard 6-inch depth. Maths calculation:- volume in cubic feet = 6/12′ × 5′ × 5′ = 12.5 cubic feet, no. of sacks of 50 lb sand = 12.5 × 2 = 25 bags.
How much sand do i need for a 6×6 sandbox
You’ll need approximately 18 cubic feet or 36 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 6×6 sandbox with a standard 6-inch depth. Maths calculation:- volume in cubic feet = 6/12′ × 6′ × 6′ = 18 cubic feet, no. of sacks of 50 lb sand = 18 × 2= 36 bags.
How much sand do i need for a 8×8 sandbox
You’ll need approximately 32 cubic feet or 64 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 8×8 sandbox with a standard 6-inch depth. Maths calculation:- volume in cubic feet = 6/12′ × 8′ × 8’= 32 cubic feet, no. of sacks of 50 lb sand = 32 × 2 = 64 bags.
How much sand do i need for a 10×10 sandbox
You’ll need approximately 50 cubic feet or 100 bags of 50 lb play sand to fill a 10×10 sandbox with a standard 6-inch depth. Maths calculation:- volume in cubic feet = 6/12′ × 10′ × 10′ = 50 cubic feet, no. of sacks of 50 lb sand = 50 × 2 = 100 bags.
The amount of sand needed for a sandbox depends on its area and depth of sand. On average, for an 8×8-foot sandbox with a depth of about 8 inches, you’d need approximately 32 cubic feet or 64 bags of 50 lb play sand.