Weight of MS round bar calculator and its formula | weight of round bar | Wt of round bar | weight of round bar calculator | weight of round bar formula | MS round bar weight calculation formula | how to calculate weight of round bar | Unit Weight of round bar | weight calculation formula for Round bar.

Round bar is long cylindrical metal bar widely used in Industrial and commercial fields. It has many application and used as shaft, Framework, supports, brushes, axles, roller, Foundation, anchor bolts, pins, etc and it has great importance in engineering work. Round bar available in many metal types like hot- rolled Steel, cold- rolled steel, aluminium, stainless steel, mild steel and more.
Mild steel/MS round bar is a highly malleable and highly versatile metal suited to Commercial and industrial application it is known as Carbon Steel with containing low amount of carbon that’s why it is known as “low Carbon Steel”. Percentage of carbon is ranging from 0.05% to 0.25% by weight.
In this article we know about weight of round bar calculator and its formula for various size of MS bar like 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 60mm, 65mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm. Their weight is measured in kilogram per metre (kg/m), kilogram per foot kg/ft and pound per foot (lb/ft) by using different formula.
Weight of MS round bar calculator and its formula
Weight of MS round bar calculator are used to find out weight of different size of Steel bar like 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 60mm, 65mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm. Weight is calculated by multiplication of volume and its density.
Weight = Volume × density
Volume of round bar is equal to πD^2/4.H and its density is equal to 7850kg/m3, then its weight,
Weight = πD^2/4.H × 7850kg/m3.
Considering MS round bar is long bar cylindrical shape having cross sectional area πr^2, Where are r is radius of cylinder and taking diameter is equal to twice of radius D=2r, so cross sectional area of cylinder is equal to πD^2/4, H is height of cylinder, then its volume is equal to πD^2/4× H.
Volume = cross section area × Height
Volume = πD^2/4× H
MS round bar weight calculation formula
There is different types of formula are used to calculate the weight of MS round bar, MS round bar is most important construction material widely used in various project in Industrial and commercial, so people want to know formula for weight of round bar and try to found out weight of round bar formula of MS bar.
Unit Weight of round bar is defined ratio of Unit Weight to its volume, measured in kg/m3, representing weight of 1 cubic metre of MS round bar is about 7850kg, so Unit Weight of round bar in cubic meter is about 7850kg/m3. If it is measured in pound per foot (lb/ft3), then their unit weight is 490lb/m3.
MS round bar weight calculation formula, we should take derivation,
Area of round bar = πD^2/4, where D is diameter of round bar, and π =3.14, taking age is height of cylinder then its volume is equal to πD^2/4× H.
Volume of round bar = πD^2/4× H,
Taking its density = 7850kg/m3, and Height = 1m,
Weight = Volume × density,
Weight of round bar = πD^2/4.H × 7850kg/m3,
Weight = πD^2/4 ×1/(1000)2 m2 ×7850kg/m3,
Weight = D^2/162.3 kg/m = dia.mm2 × 0.006162 kg/m, when its measured in pound per foot, then their weight formula is dia.mm2 × 0.004140 lb/ft, and when its measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight formula is dia.mm2 × 0.001878 kg/ft.
Round bar weight calculation formula such as dia.mm2 × 0.006162 kg/m, are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in Kilogram per metre, in pounds per foot such as dia.mm2 × 0.004140 lb/ft, are used and for kg per foot such as dia.mm2 × 0.001878 kg/ft, are used to calculate weight of MS round bar.
Weight of round bar formula are following:–
1) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.006162 kg/m, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in Kilogram per metre
2) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.004140 lb/ft, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in pounds per foot
3) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.001878 kg/ft, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in kilograms per foot.
How to calculate weight of round bar
As we know that round bar is long, cylindrical ms bar coming in different size like 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 60mm, 65mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm. How to calculate weight of round bar, we are using some formula to calculate the weight.
How to calculate weight of round bar:- we are using some formula which are given here,
1) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.006162 kg/m, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in Kilogram per metre
2) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.004140 lb/ft, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in pounds per foot
3) ms round bar – dia.mm2 × 0.001878 kg/ft, this formula are used to calculate weight of MS round bar in kilograms per foot.
Suppose, we have 6mm dia of round bar, then its weight in kilogram per metre is, weight = dia.mm2 × 0.006162 kg/m, weight = 6×6×0.006162 =0.22kg/m, if this is measured in pound per foot, then weight = dia.mm2 × 0.004140 lb/ft, weight = 6×6×0.004140 = 0.15lb/ft and if this is measured in kilograms per foot, then weight = dia.mm2 × 0.001878 kg/ft, weight = 6×6×0.001878 = 0.067kg/ft.
Weight of 6mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 6mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 0.22kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 0.15lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.067kg/ft.
Weight of 6mm MS round bar are 1) 0.22kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 0.15lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.067kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 8mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 8mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 0.394kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 0.265lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.12kg/ft.
Weight of 8mm MS round bar are 1) 0.394kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 0.265lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.12kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 10mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 10mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 0.616kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 0.414lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.188kg/ft.
Weight of 10mm MS round bar are 1) 0.616kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 0.414lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.188kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 12mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 12mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 0.887kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 0.596lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.270kg/ft.
Weight of 12mm MS round bar are 1) 0.887kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 0.596lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.270kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 16mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 16mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 1.58kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 1.059lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.481kg/ft.
Weight of 16mm MS round bar are 1) 1.58kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 1.059lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.481kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 20mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 20mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 2.46kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 1.656lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 0.751kg/ft.
Weight of 20mm MS round bar are 1) 2.46kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 1.656lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 0.751kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 25mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 25mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 3.85kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 2.587lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 1.17kg/ft.
Weight of 25mm MS round bar are 1) 3.85kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 2.587lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 1.17kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 32mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 32mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 6.309kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 4.24lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 1.923kg/ft.
Weight of 32mm MS round bar are 1) 6.309kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 4.24lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 1.923kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 40mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 40mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 9.86kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 6.624lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 3.0kg/ft.
Weight of 40mm MS round bar are 1) 9.86kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 6.624lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 3.0kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 45mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 45mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 12.48kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 8.38lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 3.8kg/ft.
Weight of 45mm MS round bar are 1) 12.48kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 8.38lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 3.8kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 50mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 50mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 15.40kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 10.35lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 4.695kg/ft.
Weight of 50mm MS round bar are 1) 15.40kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 10.35lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 4.695kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 60mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 60mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 22.183kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 14.90lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 6.76kg/ft.
Weight of 60mm MS round bar are 1) 22.183kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 14.90lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 6.76kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 65mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 65mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 26.03kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 17.49lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 7.93kg/ft.
Weight of 65mm MS round bar are 1) 26.03kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 17.49lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 7.93kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of 75mm MS round bar
Round bar of mild steel measured in different unit per unit length like kilogram per metre, Pounds per foot and kilogram per foot, for 75mm ms round bar, when its measured in Kilogram per metre, then their weight should be 34.66kg/m, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot, then their weight should be 23.29lbs/ft and if it’s measured in kilogram per foot, then their weight should be 10.563kg/ft.
Weight of 75mm MS round bar are 1) 34.66kg/m, when its measured in kilogram per metre, 2) 23.29lbs/ft, if it’s measured in Pounds per foot and 3) 10.563kg/ft, when its measured in Kilogram per foot.
Weight of MS round bar chart
Mild steel/MS round bar is a highly malleable and highly versatile metal suited to Commercial and industrial application it is known as Carbon Steel with containing low amount of carbon that’s why it is known as “low Carbon Steel”. Percentage of carbon is ranging from 0.05% to 0.25% by weight.
In this article we know about weight of MS round bar chart for various size of MS bar like 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 60mm, 65mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm. Their weight is measured in kilogram per metre (kg/m), kilogram per foot kg/ft and pound per foot (lb/ft) by using different formula.