What is the maximum span for a 2×12, 2×10, 2×8 and 2×6 header? The maximum span for a header (also known as a beam) depends on several factors, including the type of wood or material used, the load it needs to support, and local building codes.
Here are some general guidelines based on common wood types like Douglas fir-larch:
Typically for a residential construction, a #2-DFL 2×12 header can typically span from 8-12 feet. A 2×12 size header used as double (2-2×12, or 4×12), triple (3-2×12, or 6×12), and quadruple (4-2×12, or 8×12). A typical double 2×12 header can span up to 8 feet, while a typical triple 2×12 header can span up to 10 feet. In addition, a typical quadruple 2×12 header can span up to 12 feet.
Typically for a residential construction, a #2-DFL 2×10 header can typically span from 7-10 feet. A 2×10 size header used as double (2-2×10, or 4×10), triple (3-2×10, or 6×10), and quadruple (4-2×10, or 8×10). A typical double 2×10 header can span up to 7 feet, while a typical triple 2×10 header can span up to 9 feet. In addition, a typical quadruple 2×10 header can span up to 10 feet.
Typically for a residential construction, a #2-DFL 2×8 header can typically span from 6-9 feet. A 2×8 size header used as double (2-2×8, or 4×8), triple (3-2×8, or 6×8), and quadruple (4-2×8, or 8×8). A typical double 2×8 header can span up to 6 feet, while a typical triple 2×8 header can span up to 7 feet. In addition, a typical quadruple 2×8 header can span up to 9 feet.
Typically for a residential construction, a #2-DFL 2×6 header can typically span up to 4 feet and 6 inches. A 2×6 size header used as only double (2-2×6, or 4×6). A typical double 2×6 header can span up to a 4 foot and a 6 inch.
Typically for a residential construction, a #2-DFL 2×4 header can typically span up to 3 feet and 1 inch. A 2×4 size header used as only double (2-2×4, or 4×4). A typical double 2×4 header can span up to a 3 foot and a 1 inch.

A header is a horizontal beam generally made of timber that provided along the opening in full length for doorway, window, skylight or stairway. Wood header provide structural support in wood frame construction.
Typically header is provided at least twice size then any other surrounding members such as rafter, purlin and stud. It is often made of two joists, rafter or studs. It runs between full length supports and along its length and carry the load of shorter studs, joists or rafter that terminate at the opening.
The header helps to provide support, stability and strength to the top and side sections of the door frame. The header for a window & door is seems like a bridge that transferring the weight above it to the floor and foundation below. Doors in a load-bearing wall that holds the weight of the house, created by beams and trusses, need a larger header than those in non-load-bearing walls. The header is usually made of dimensional lumber installed on its edge. Calculating and know the size of the header depends on what the header needs to support.
Headers carry the weight of the structure above and transfer it to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Longer openings such as in garage require larger headers. Load bearing walls those that carry the weight of joists and trusses require larger headers than non-bearing wall.
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What is the maximum span for a 2×12, 2×10, 2×8 and 2×6 header
Calculating header size is complex as depending on many factors such as:- the length of the window or door opening, the combined weight of the floors, walls and roofs above, the building width, the snow load in the area, whether it’s a bearing wall where joists, trusses and rafters rest or a non-bearing wall to which joists, trusses and rafters run parallel, whether it’s an exterior or interior bearing wall and what species of wood you’re working with.
The rule of thumb is used for calculating maximum allowable span for 2×12, 2×10, 2×8, 2×6 and 2×4 size header to be 1 inch of header depth per foot of span, such as doubled 2×6 for a 6 foot opening, and doubled 2×8 for a 8 foot opening.
The maximum span for a 2×12 header have to be 12 feet, while the maximum span for a 2×10 header got to be 10 feet. Moreover, the maximum span for a 2×8 header need to be 9 feet, while the maximum span for a 2×6 header ought to be 4 feet and 6 inches. In addition, the maximum span for a 2×4 header have to be 3 feet and 6 inches.
What is the maximum span for a 2×12 header
The maximum span for a 2×12 header is typically about 12 feet. The maximum span for a 2-2×12 header have to be an 8 foot, while the maximum span for a 3-2×12 header have to be a 10 foot. In addition, the maximum span for a 4-2×12 header have to be a 12 foot.
The nominal size of a #2-DFL double 2×12 (2-2×12, 4×12) header can allow to span a maximum of 8 foot and 1 inch, while the nominal size of a #2-DFL triple 2×12 (3-2×12, 6×12) header can allow to span a maximum of 10 foot and 2 inch. In addition, the nominal size of a #2-DFL quadruple 2×12 (4-2×12, 8×12) header can allow to span a maximum of 11 foot and 9 inch.
What is the maximum span for a 2×10 header
The maximum span for a 2×10 header is typically almost 10 feet. The maximum span for a 2-2×10 header have to be a 7 foot, while the maximum span for a 3-2×10 header have to be a 9 foot. In addition, the maximum span for a 4-2×10 header have to be a 10 foot.
The nominal size of a #2-DFL double 2×10 (2-2×10, 4×10) header can allow to span a maximum of 7 foot and 0 inch, while the nominal size of a #2-DFL triple 2×10 (3-2×10, 6×10) header can allow to span a maximum of 8 foot and 9 inch. In addition, the nominal size of a #2-DFL quadruple 2×10 (4-2×10, 8×10) header can allow to span a maximum of 10 foot and 1 inch.
What is the maximum span for a 2×8 header
The maximum span for a 2×8 header is typically almost 9 feet. The maximum span for a 2-2×8 header have to be a 6 foot, while the maximum span for a 3-2×8 header have to be a 7 foot. In addition, the maximum span for a 4-2×8 header have to be a 9 foot.
The nominal size of a #2-DFL double 2×8 (2-2×8, 4×8) header can allow to span a maximum of 5 foot and 9 inch, while the nominal size of a #2-DFL triple 2×8 (3-2×8, 6×8) header can allow to span a maximum of 7 foot and 2 inch. In addition, the nominal size of a #2-DFL quadruple 2×8 (4-2×8, 8×8) header can allow to span a maximum of 9 foot and 0 inch.
What is the maximum span for a 2×6 header
The maximum span for a 2×6 header is 6 feet. As per general thumb rules and guidelines, 6 feet is the maximum allowable span for a double 2×6 or 4×6 size header. Thus, nominal size of a 2 2×6 header can maximum span upto 6 feet. Thus, a double 2×6 size header is most suitable for a 6 foot span or opening.
What is the maximum span for a 2×4 header
The maximum span for a 2×4 header is 4 feet. As per general thumb rules and guidelines, 4 feet is the maximum allowable span for a double 2×4 or 4×4 size header. Thus, nominal size of a 2 2×4 header can maximum span upto 6 feet. Thus, a double 2×4 size header is most suitable for a 4 foot span or opening.
How far can a 2×4 header span
The nominal size of a #2-DFL double 2×4 (2-2×4, 4×4) header can allow to span a maximum of 3 foot and 1 inch for a single story and 20 feet wide building.
How far can a 2×6 header span
The nominal size of a #2-DFL double 2×6 (2-2×6, 4×6) header can allow to span a maximum of 4 foot and 6 inch for a single story and 20 feet wide building.
How far can a 2×8 header span
A typical 2×8 header can span a maximum distance of up to 8 feet. As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a double 2×8 header can span upto 8 feet. Thus, 8 feet is maximum allowable span for a double 2×8 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 8 foot, you will need a double 2×8 size header. A double 2×8 size header is needed for a 8 foot span or opening.
How far can a 2×10 header span
A typical 2×10 header can span a maximum distance of up to 10 feet. As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a double 2×10 header can span upto 10 feet. Thus, 10 feet is maximum allowable span for a double 2×10 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 10 foot, you will need a double 2×10 size header. A double 2×10 size header is needed for a 10 foot span or opening.
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How far can a 2×12 header span
A typical 2×12 header can span a maximum distance of up to 12 feet. As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a double 2×12 header can span upto 12 feet. Thus, 12 feet is maximum allowable span for a double 2×12 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 12 foot, you will need a double 2×12 size header. A double 2×12 size header is needed for a 12 foot span or opening.
The maximum span for a 2×12 header got to be 12 feet, while the maximum span for a 2×10 header got to be 10 feet. Moreover, the maximum span for a 2×8 header ought to be 9 feet, while the maximum span for a 2×6 header ought to be 4 feet and 6 inches.