For house construction, it’s common to use a combination of coarse and fine sand. The specific type of sand can vary based on regional availability. Generally, sharp or coarse sand is preferred for the structural components like concrete, while finer sand may be used for plastering.

River sand is kind of a small particles produced from repeated impact, collision or friction of stone by a river water and other factor like wind, temperature, moisture, etc. rocks break down from weathering and erosion over thousands and millions of years it is continue and slow process.
Weather condition also influence the formation of sand , high rise of temperature in environment causes breaking of stones in a small particle to form sand, river water wash it and take it merged into water.
Different types of Rock like sedimentary rocks eroded by river water in their floor, tiny particles of rocks weathered, eroded and wash and taken by river water, deposited on the bank of river or river bed.
Sand is tiny particles and important material used for house construction, it is used as fine aggregate in concrete formation, plastering of brick wall and brickwork mortar and it is also used as a filler material beneath the tiles and foundation, backfilled, it provide greater support to the the foundation of house.
Which is the best sand used for house construction
Sand is tiny particles and important material used for house construction, it is used as fine aggregate in concrete formation, plastering of brick wall and brickwork mortar and it is also used as a filler material beneath the tiles and foundation, backfilled, it provide greater support to the the foundation of house.
Types of sand used in construction
Types of sand used in construction:- there is two types of sand used in house construction are River/ natural sand and manufactured/ M- sand/ plaster sand.
1) River sand:- River sand is natural sand have fine quality deposited in river beds or river bank. It is one of the important construction material used for building formation. The colour of sand is white is grey brown colour, It has some amount of silt impurity and organic material which should be must sieved out before the use.
2) Manufactured/ M sand/plaster sand:- Manufactured sand is formed by proper crossing of aggregate into fine particle by crusher mill, it provide quality control production and maintain, it will better confirm to IS 383 zone II rules, manufactured sand is also known as M-sand or plaster sand (used for plastering of wall). Manufactured sand have no organic material and presence of silt material and other impurities like Iron pyrites, alkalis, salt, coal and other harmful impurities.
Which sand is the best for house construction
According to Indian standard there is a some quality control standard unit for sand used in house construction, it must be confirm and follow the IS 383 zone II rules guideline. Using river sand for your house construction must be ideal and it must be confirm the IS code.
Which sand is the best for house construction:- both using of River sand/natural sand and manufactured/ M sand are best for house construction which must confirm and follow the Indian standard code IS 383 zone II rules, it must be free from any organic materials and other harmful impurities like silt, Iron pyrites, alkalis, salt, coal, etc. River sand have some impurities of silt, presence of iron pyrite, alkalis, which may be harmful for your structure. While using of manufactured sand which are produced by quantity quality control production free from organic material and other importance, it has no chance of harmful impact on your structure. So you can choose best sand either of river sand or manufactured sand for your house construction. I recommended to use M Sand for your house construction, if good natural river sand is not available in your areas.
Properties of good sand
Different Properties of river Sand and manufactured send should must follow the IS 383 zone II rules, river sand is made from weathering and eroded of Rocks into tiny particles by river water in thousands and million of year, it is continue and slow process made from sedimentary rocks. There is several properties of good sand are as follows:-
1) there is some amount of silt present in a river sand or natural sand, good sand have silt content should not be more than 3% by weight.
2) good send must be free from any organic material.
3) it must be confirm and follow the rule and regulation given by Indian Standard IS 383 zone II.
4) good sand not contain harmful impurities such as iron iron pyrites, Alkalies, salt and other organic impurities which may affect harmful impact on your building structure in future.
Which sand is good for construction
The question is arising into mind “Which sand is good for construction”, there is a lot of confusion using of river sand or manufactured sant for your building construction, which will be good sand?
Which sand is good for construction, they have not definite answer, decision should be made by local availability, quality and their cost based on location area, both river sand and manufactured sand is good for construction which must confirm IS 383 zone II. river sand is natural sand formed from weathering of sedimentary rock, it have some quantity of silt and organic impurities they must be sieve out before use, manufactured sand is quality control production and in maintain Indian Standard code and free from organic materials and other impurities, i recommended to use M Sand for your house construction, if good natural river sand is not available in your areas.
Which sand is better for construction
Which sand is better for construction?:- both river sand and manufactured sand is better for construction, which must be confirm Indian standard IS 383 zone II, it must be free from organic material and other harmful impurities like Iron pyrites, silt, coal, salt, etc, I recommended to use M Sand is better option for your house construction, if good natural river sand is not available in your areas.
Which type of sand is best for construction
Which Type of sand is best for construction? Using of river sand and manufacture sand is best sand type for construction, which must be confirm Indian standard IS 383 zone II, it must be free from organic material and other harmful impurities like Iron pyrites, silt, coal, salt, etc, I recommended to use M Sand is best option for your house construction, if good natural river sand is not available in your areas.