To calculate how many blocks you need for a wall, follow these steps:
1. Determine the wall’s length and height in feet or meters.
2. Calculate the area of the wall by multiplying the length by the height.
3. Find out the size of the blocks you plan to use (typically measured in square feet or square meters).
4. Divide the wall area by the block size to determine how many blocks are needed.
Here’s the formula: Number of blocks = Wall area / Block size.
Make sure to account for any openings or windows in the wall when calculating the area. Additionally, consider adding some extra blocks for waste or future repairs.
Block manufacturers those that use cinders material of fly ash or bottom ash, coal dust, recycle aggregator, fine particles of ash after burning of coal as an aggregate material are known as cinder blocks in the United States. Its other name concrete block is also popular.

In United States, cinder or concrete block serve as economic building material and there is a wide range of construction application for many types of Residential, Public and industrial building. Due to sturdy and long lasting building material, architect and Engineer will recommended for house construction, retaining wall, security barriers etc and this is best choice.
Concrete blocks also known as Concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks. For a concrete block wall, the number of blocks you will need will depend on the size of wall and wether it is single or double skin wall.
When you are think about starting and new projects of block masonry in external and internal or partition wall in the house, boundaries for Garden, retaining wall, block pier, foundation and columns, one of the toughest aspect is determining how many concrete blocks you will need, ordering few blocks make delay in construction for over ordering make loss of money that increases your estimate for construction, so block calculation for wall and its formula help you and better guide to find how many blocks you need.
Knowing the size of concrete block help in block wall calculation, cinder block must confirm to ASTM standard when fabricating, most commonly used, a standard size of cinder block is 16 inch long by 8 inch high by 8 inch depth, which is represented in inch as 8″×8″×16″ or in mm as 200 × 200 × 400 (depth × height× length). This is nominal size of standard cinder block, their actual size measures 3/8 inch or 10mm shorter, allowing for mortar joints, their actual size is 7 5/8″ × 7 5/8″ × 15 5/8″ or approx 190 × 190 × 390 in mm. Other sizes are also available given here —
● Nominal size of 4″ full CMU or cinder block – 4″×8″×16″ or 100 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm
● Nominal size of 6″ full CMU or cinder block – 6″×8″×16″ or 150 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm
● Nominal size of 8″ full CMU or cinder block – 8″×8″×16″ or 200 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm
● Nominal size of 10″ full CMU or cinder block – 10″×8″×16″ or 250 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm
● Nominal size of 12″ full CMU or cinder block – 12″×8″×16″ or 300 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm
Block wall calculation | Block calculation | Find how many blocks you need
A standard size of cinder block is 16 inch long by 8 inch high by 8 inch depth, which is represented in inch as 8″×8″×16″ or in mm as 200 × 200 × 400 (depth × height× length).
To find the number of concrete blocks you need, multiply the length and width of block wall to figure square footage, divide the block wall square footage by square footage of one concrete block to get number of concrete blocks you needed. Add 5% – 10% additional blocks for accurate estimate.
Block calculation formula: Formula to calculate number of concrete blocks you will need: Number of concrete blocks = Square footage of block wall ÷ Surface area of one concrete block + 5% – 10% additional blocks for accurate estimate. If your wall area is 100 sq ft, 118 nos of block will be required because (100 /0.89) of 10% = 118.
Regarding this, how to calculate concrete blocks needed, to find how many blocks you need, you do block wall calculation in following steps:-
How to calculate number of concrete blocks in a wall
Steps to calculate number of concrete blocks in a wall, proceeded as follows:-
● Determine the length and height of the block wall such as length of the wall =10 feet and height of wall = 10 ft
● Calculate the square footage of clock wall by multiplying length and height such as 10 ft × 10 ft = 100 sq ft
● Calculate square footage of one block such as 16″× 8″ = 128 sq in ÷ 144 = 0.89 sq ft
● To determining the number of blocks you will need, divide the wall square footage by square footage of one concrete block, such as number of blocks = wall sq ft/ block sq ft, 100/ 0.89 = 112 nos blocks.
● Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 112 = 6 nos, 112 + 6 = 118 nos blocks, thus you will need 118 blocks for 100 sq ft wall.
How to calculate concrete blocks needed
To calculate how many concrete blocks you needed by dividing the area of your block wall by the area per block. If your area of block wall is 100 square feet , then divide it by 0.89 ( surface area of block ) such as 100/0.89 , you can get 112 nos of concrete blocks. Always add extra 5 to 10% concrete blocks for accurate estimate. Formula to calculate number of concrete blocks needed: Number of concrete blocks = Square footage of block wall ÷ Surface area of one concrete block.
To determine the number of concrete blocks you will need, multiply the length and width of block wall to figure square footage, divide the block wall square footage by square footage of one concrete block to get number of concrete blocks needed. Add 5% – 10% additional blocks for accurate estimate.
Formula to calculate number of concrete blocks needed: Number of concrete blocks = Square footage of block wall ÷ Surface area of one concrete block
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How many concrete blocks for 100 sq ft
Calculation for how many concrete blocks required for 100 sq ft wall:-
1) Calculate block wall square footage (10 ft × 10 ft = 100 square footage) :- measures length and height of block wall, suppose a block wall is 10 feet long by 10 feet high, wall sq ft = length × height = 10 ft × 10 ft = 100 square footage.
2) Calculate square footage of block (16″× 8″ = 128 sq in ÷ 144 = 0.89 sq ft):- most commonly used, a standard size of concrete block is 8″×8″×16″, block sq ft = length × height = 16″ × 8″ = 128 square inch, divide by 144 to get 128 ÷ 144 = 0.89 square footage
3) determining the number of blocks you need (100 sq ft÷ 0.89 sq ft = 112 nos blocks):- determining the number of blocks you need by dividing the wall square footage by square footage of one concrete block, such as number of blocks = wall sq ft/ block sq ft, 100/0.89 = 112 nos blocks
4) Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 112 = 6 nos, 112 + 6 = 118 nos blocks.
A typical nominal size of full 8 inch (8×8×16 inch) block requires about 113 blocks per 100 square feet and a half 8 inch (8×8×8 inch) block requires 226 blocks per 100 square feet.
How many concrete blocks per 100 sq ft? Typically there are 113 concrete blocks, with the most commonly used standard dimensions of 200 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm (8 in × 8 in × 16 in) per 100 square feet of block wall.
How many concrete blocks per sq ft? Typically there are 1.13 concrete blocks, with the most commonly used standard dimensions of 200 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm (8 in × 8 in × 16 in) per square foot of block wall.
How many concrete blocks do i need for 100 sq ft? Typically, you need 113 concrete blocks, with the most commonly used standard dimensions of 200 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm (8 in × 8 in × 16 in) for 100 square feet of block wall.
How many concrete blocks do i need per sq ft? Typically, you need 1.13 concrete blocks, with the most commonly used standard dimensions of 200 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm (8 in × 8 in × 16 in) per square foot of block wall.
How much do cinder blocks weight (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″)
How much does a concrete block weight (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″)
Compressive strength of concrete block in N/mm2 and Kg/cm2
Block wall calculation | Find how many blocks you need
How many concrete blocks per m2
Calculation for how many concrete blocks or breeze blocks per m2 (square metre):-
1) Calculate block wall square metre (4 m × 2.5 m = 10 square metre) :- measures length and height of block wall, suppose a block wall is 4 m long by 2.5 m high, wall m2 = length × height = 4m × 2.5m = 10 m2.
2) Calculate square metre of block (0.4× 0.2= 0.08 m2):- most commonly used, a standard size of concrete block is 200×200×400 in mm, block m2 = length × height = 0.4× 0.2= 0.08 m2
3) determining the number of blocks you need (10 sq m÷ 0.08 sq m = 125 nos blocks):- determining the number of blocks you need by dividing the wall square metre by square metre of one concrete block, such as number of blocks = wall sq m/ block sq m, 10/0.08 = 125 nos blocks
4) Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 125 = 7 nos, 125 + 7 = 132 nos blocks
How many concrete blocks needed for 10 m2:- generally you will need 132 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks for 10m2 of block wall.
As per UK practices, there are about 11 concrete blocks measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 concrete blocks per square meter (m2).
How many concrete blocks per m2: Typically you will need 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks (or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks) per m2 for a single block wall.
How many concrete blocks do i need for 10 m2:- generally you will need 132 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks for 10m2 of block wall.
How many concrete blocks do i need per m2:- generally, you will need 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks per m2 of block wall.
How many blocks per m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 blocks measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per square meter (m2).
How many blocks in a square metre
As per UK practices, there are about 11 concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm in a square metre for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 blocks per square metre.
How many breeze blocks per m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 breeze blocks (or concrete blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 blocks per square meter (m2).
Blocks per m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 blocks per square meter (m2).
How many blocks per m2 UK
There are about 11 concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 UK (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 blocks per square meter (m2).
How many concrete blocks per m3
As per UK practices, there are about 106 concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m3 (cubic meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 106 concrete blocks per cubic meter (m3).
As per US practices, there are about 63 concrete blocks (or cinder blocks or CMU) measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm per m3 (cubic meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 63 concrete blocks measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm per cubic meter (m3).
Steps for calculation:-
1) Calculate volume block wall in cubic metre (4 m × 2.5 m ×0.2m = 2 cubic metre) :- measures length, height and thickness of block wall in metre, suppose a block wall is 4 m long by 2.5 m high by 200mm thickness, volume of wall in m 3 = length × height × thickness = 4m × 2.5m × 0.2m = 2 m3.
2) Calculate volume of one block in m 3 (0.4× 0.2 × 0.2= 0.016 m3):- most commonly used, a standard size of concrete block is 200×200×400 in mm, volume of block in m3 = length × height × thickness = 0.4× 0.2 × 0.2= 0.016 m3
3) determining the number of blocks you need (2 m 3÷ 0.016m3 = 125 nos blocks):- determining the number of blocks you need by dividing the volume of wall in cubic metre by cubic metre of one concrete block, such as number of blocks = volume of wall / volume of one block , 2/0.016 = 125 nos blocks
4) Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 125 = 7 nos, 125 + 7 = 132 nos blocks
How many concrete blocks needed per m3
In UK practice, approximately 106 concrete blocks (or hollow blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m3 (cubic metre) are needed for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 106 concrete blocks measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per cubic meter (m3).
How many concrete blocks per m3
In UK practice, there approximately 106 concrete blocks (or hollow blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m3 (cubic metre) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 106 concrete blocks measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per cubic meter (m3).
In US practice, there approximately 63 concrete blocks (or cinder blocks or CMU) measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm per m3 (cubic metre) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 63 concrete blocks measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm per cubic meter (m3).
How many concrete blocks do i need for 10 m3
In US practice, you will need approximately 630 concrete blocks (or cinder blocks or CMU) measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm for 10 m3 for a single skin wall. Therefore, a 10m3 of single skin wall requires about 630 concrete blocks measuring 400mm × 200mm × 200mm.
How many concrete blocks per cubic foot (CFT)
In US practice, there approximately 2 concrete blocks (or cinder blocks or CMU) measuring 16″ × 8″ × 8″ per cubic foot. Therefore, a cubic foot of single skin wall requires about 2 concrete blocks measuring 16″×8″×8″.
1) Calculate block wall cubic footage (10 ft × 10 ft × 0.66 ft = 66 cubic footage) :- measures length, height and thickness of block wall, suppose a block wall is 10 feet long by 10 feet high by 8 inch wide, volume of wall in CF = length × height × thickness = 10 ft × 10 ft × 0.66 ft = 66 cubic feet.
2) Calculate volume of block (16″× 8″ × 8″ = 1024 sq in ÷ 1728 = 0.59 cubic feet):- most commonly used, a standard size of concrete block is 8″×8″×16″, volume of one block in CF = length × height × thickness = 16″ × 8″ × 8″ = 1024 cubic inch, divide by 1728 to get 1024 ÷ 1728 = 0.59 cubic feet
3) determining the number of blocks you need (66 CF÷ 0.59 CF = 112 nos blocks):- determining the number of blocks you need by dividing the volume of block wall by cubic feet of one concrete block, such as number of blocks = volume of wall CF/ volume of block CF, 66/0.59 = 112 nos blocks
4) Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 112 = 6 nos, 112 + 6 = 118 nos blocks
How many concrete blocks per cubic feet:-generally, you will need 1.8 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks per cubic foot (CFT) of block wall.
How many concrete blocks do i need for a cubic foot:- generally, you will need 1.8 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ (200mm × 200mm × 400mm) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks for a cubic foot (CFT) of block wall.
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Block wall calculation | Block calculation
How many blocks do I need for a wall
● Concrete blocks per m^3 = 66 nos blocks
● Concrete blocks per ft^3 = 1.8 nos blocks
● Concrete blocks per m2 = 13 nos blocks
● Concrete blocks per ft^2 = 1.18 nos blocks
● Concrete blocks per yd^3 = 49 nos blocks
● Concrete blocks per yd^2 = 11 nos blocks
How much do cinder blocks weight (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″)
How much does a concrete block weight (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″)
Compressive strength of concrete block in N/mm2 and Kg/cm2
Block wall calculation | Find how many blocks you need
Block calculation formula/ block work calculator
Measuring the length and height of block wall such as 3 yard long to 5 yard height, and multiply to get square yard 3×5 = 15 sq yd, and used the block calculation formula to get number of block by multiplying the square yard by 11, such as 15 × 11= 165, thus you will get 165 number of concrete blocks in wall.
How many 100mm concrete blocks are in a m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 100mm concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 100mm blocks in one square meter.
Common size of 100mm blocks are 400× 200× 100 mm, area of one block = 0.4 × 0.2 = 0.08m2, volume of block wall = 1m2, number of 100mm blocks in wall = 1/0.08 = 13 nos.
How many 100mm concrete blocks are in a m2:-, generally, there are 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 100mm or 4 inch thick (100mm × 200mm × 400mm or 4″×8″×16″) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks are in a m2.
How many 75mm blocks per m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 75mm concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 75mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 75mm blocks in one square meter.
How many 140mm blocks per m2
As per UK practices, there are about 11 140mm concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 140mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 11 140mm blocks in one square meter.
How many 150mm concrete blocks are in a m2
As per US practices, there are about 13 150mm concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 400mm × 200mm × 150mm per m2 (square meter) for a single skin wall. Therefore, a single skin wall requires about 13 150mm blocks in one square meter.
Common size of 150mm blocks are 400× 200× 150 mm, Area of one block = 0.4 × 0.2 = 0.08m2, volume of block wall = 1m2, number of 150mm blocks in wall = 1/0.08 = 13 nos.
How many 150mm concrete blocks are in a m2:- generally, there are 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 150mm or 6 inch thick (150mm × 200mm × 400mm or 6″×8″×16″) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks are in a m2.
How many 200mm concrete blocks are in a m2
Common size of 200mm blocks are 400× 200× 200 mm, Area of one block = 0.4 × 0.2 = 0.08m2, volume of block wall = 1m2, number of 200mm blocks in wall = 1/0.08 = 13 nos,
How many 200mm concrete blocks are in a m2:- generally, there are 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 200mm or 8 inch thick (200mm × 200mm × 400mm or 8″×8″×16″) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks are in a m2.
How many 250mm concrete blocks are in a m2
Common size of 250mm blocks are 400× 200× 250 mm, Area of one block = 0.4 × 0.2 = 0.08m2, volume of block wall = 1m2, number of 250mm blocks in wall = 1/0.08 = 13 nos.
How many 250mm concrete blocks are in a m2:- generally, there are 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 250mm or 10 inch thick (250mm × 200mm × 400mm or 10″×8″×16″) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks are in a m2.
How many 300mm concrete blocks are in a m2
Common size of 300mm blocks are 400× 200× 300 mm, Area of one block = 0.4 × 0.2 = 0.08m2, volume of block wall = 1m2, number of 300mm blocks in wall = 1/0.08 = 13 nos.
How many 300mm concrete blocks are in a m2:- generally, there are 13 nos of most commonly used standard size of 300mm or 12 inch thick (300mm × 200mm × 400mm or 12″×8″×16″) concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks are in a m2.
How many concrete blocks per m2
Standard size of concrete block in Ireland and the UK, blocks are usually 440 mm × 215 mm × 100 mm excluding mortar joints, calculations assume a 10mm mortar joint.
Calculation:- to determine No. of blocks per m2
● Add mortar thickness such as 440 +10 = 450mm, 215 +10 = 225mm
● Area of one block with mortar = 450 mm × 225 mm = 0.45m × 0.225m = 0.10 sq. meters
● No. of blocks per m2 = 1÷ 0.10 = 10 nos blocks
For standard UK blocks (440 x 215 x 100mm) most commonly used for general building work, you will require ten blocks per square metre. Thus there are 10 blocks per m2, when all calculations assume a 10mm mortar joint.
To determine the number of concrete blocks you will need, multiply the length and width of block wall to figure square footage, divide the block wall square footage by square footage of one concrete block to get number of concrete blocks needed.