Cement consumption in PCC 1:3:6 and M10

Cement consumption in PCC 1:3:6,How to calculate quantity of cement in PCC in this topic we know about how to calculate quantity of cement in PCC and cement consumption in PCC 1:3:6.we know that we have several grade of concrete like M5, M7.5, M10, M15, M20 and M25 and so more- and water cement ratio for M10 grade of concrete.

Generally PCC is stand for plain cement concrete which has a mix of cement sand and aggregate in fixed proportion. PCC generally made by lean concrete and ordinary concrete. Generally lean concrete and ordinary concrete is used for levelling course bedding for footing and making concrete road and pavement.

What is types of plain cement concrete (pcc)?:-There are two types of plain cement concrete: lean concrete and ordinary plain cement concrete.

What is lean concrete?:- Grade of concrete which have amount of cement is lower than the amount of liquid present in strata is known as lean concrete. Generally M5 and M7.5 grade of concrete is used as lean concrete. Its main application is to provide uniform surface for the foundation which prevent the foundation from direct contact of soil.

What is ordinary concrete:- PCC which is made of M10 and M15 grade of concrete known as ordinary concrete which has medium amount of cement present in mix. Its main function is to providing bedding for footing and making concrete road and pavement.

M10 grade of concrete:- In m10 grade of concrete M stand for mix and numerical figure 10 is stand for compressive strength of 150 mm cube size after 28 days of curing. So compressive strength of m10 grade of concrete is 10N/mm^ 2 and mix ratio in m10 grade of concrete is about 1:3:6 in which one part is cement 3 Part is sand and 6 part is aggregate.

Cement consumption in PCC 1:3:6

The PCC concrete ratio 1:3:6 indicates the proportions of cement, sand and aggregate used in the nominal concrete mix. The numbers indicate the parts of each material based on volumetric analysis. For example, in a 1:3:6 concrete mix ratio, 1 part of cement mixed to 3 parts sand and 6 parts of aggregate by volume.

Suppose we have project of making concrete pavement of area 100m2 and slab thickness of PCC is 150 mm.

Area = 100 sq.m

Thickness = 150 mm = 0.15 m

Wet volume of concrete= 100m2×0.15m

Wv = wet volume = 15 m3

Now we have to calculate dry volume calculating dry volume we should multiply a cofactor 1.54 in wet volume.

Now dry volume of concrete= 15m3×1.54

Dry volume = 23.1 m2

Mix ratio in M10 grade = 1:3:6 one part cement 3 part is sand and 6 part is aggregate.

Total proportion = 1+3+6=10

Part of coment =1/10

Part of sand = 3/10

Part of aggregate = 6/10

Calculation of cement quantity consumption in pcc 1:3:6

Weight = volume ×density

Density of cement = 1440kg/m3

Dry volume = 23.1m3

One bag cement weight =50kg

Part of cement in mix =1/10

Weight = (1/10) 23.1m3×1440 kg/m3

Weight of cement = 3326.4 kg

Bags of cement = 3326.4/50= 66.5 bags

The typical cement consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 100 m2 (square meters) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 3,350 kg ( or 67 bags of 50kg cement).

The typical cement consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 1 m3 (cubic meter) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 224 kg (4.5 bags of 50kg cement).

Sand quantity consumption in PCC 1:3:6

Part of sand in mix = 3/10

1m3 = 35.32 cuft

Dry volume =23.1 m3

Volume of sand = (3/10)×23.1 × 35.32 cuft

Volume of sand = 244.8 cuft

if one tractor trolly has = approx =80 cuft

Than no. of tractor trolly of sand

= 244.8/80 =2.91 =3 tractor trolly sand

The typical sand consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 100 m2 (square meter) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 245 CFT ( or 11,025 kg, or 11 MT).

The typical sand consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 1 m3 (cubic meter) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 16 CFT ( or 750 kg, or 0.75 MT).

Aggregate quantity consumption in pcc 1:3:6

Part of aggregate in mix = 6/10

1m3 = 35.32 cuft

Dry volume =23.1 m3

Volume of aggregate = (6/10)×23.1 × 35.32 cuft

Volume of aggregates = 489.5 cuft

if one tractor trolly has = approx =80 cuft

Than no. of tractor trolly of aggregate

= 489.5/80 =5.83 =6.1 tractor trolly aggregate

The typical aggregate consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 100 m2 (square meter) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 490 CFT ( or 21,070 kg, or 21 MT).

The typical aggregate consumption in the PCC 1:3:6 (M10) mix for the production of 1 m3 (cubic meter) and 150 mm thick concrete is approx. 33 CFT ( or 1400 kg, or 1.4 MT).

That’s 66.5 bags (3326.4 kg) cement, 244.8 cuft (3 tractor trolly) sand and 489.5 cuft (6 tractor trolly) aggregate consumption in pcc 1:3:6 for 100m2 & 150 mm thick pcc slab.

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Water cement ratio for m10 grade of concrete

Ratio of water and cement is known as water cement ratio which is about 34 litre per bag cement for m10 grade of concrete

1 bag cement required = 34 litre of water

66.5 bags = 66.5×34= 2261 litre of water

So we have required water consumption in pcc 1:3:6 is approx 2261 litre of water for 100m2 having 150 mm thick slab.


This means it consumes 224 kg (or 4.5 bags of 50kg) cement, 16 cubic feet sand, and 33 CFT aggregate to produce of 1 m3 (cubic meter) PCC concrete at a 1:3:6 mix & M10 grade.

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