To calculate the quantity of cement and sand in a 1:3 mortar mix ratio, you need to determine the proportions by volume or weight. In a 1:3 mix ratio, for every part of cement, you use three parts of sand.
How do i calculate cement and sand quantity in 1:3 mortar? in this topic we will learn about how to calculate cement sand quantity in 1:3 mortar. We know that cement mortar is mixture of cement and sand.
Ratio of mix is 1: 3 in which one part is cement and 3 part is sand. We know that cement mortar is used for many civil work like brick masonry, plastering work of internal and external, sometime it is also used for dpc work.

How do i calculate cement and sand quantity in 1:3 mortar?
Meaning of mix 1:3 mortar – in this mix ratio of cement and sand in which one part is cement and 3 part is sand and by adding water. Water is added in mix mortar in about 20% of its dry volume.
■ steps for how do i calculate cement and sand quantity in 1:3 mortar
1) assume volume of mortar is 1m3
2) first calculate wet volume of mortar
3) calculate dry volume of mortar
4) calculation of cement quantity
5) calculation of sand quantity
How to calculate dry volume of mortar in 1:3
■ given data:-
Assume volume of mortar = 1m3
Density of cement = 1440 kg/m3
Cement in 1 bag = 50 kg
1m3 = 35.3147 cubic feet
Mix ratio is = 1:3 ( one part is cement and 3 part is sand)
Total proportion = 1+3= 4
Part of cement = 1/4
Part of sand = 3/4
■ calculation :- we know that while we calculate dry volume of cement mortar cofactor 1.33 is multiply in wet volume of mortar considering wastage of mortar and thus volume increase
Wet volume = 1m3
Dry volume of mortar = wet volume × 1.33
= 1m3× 1.33 = 1.33 m3
Dry volume of mortar = 1.33 m3
How do i calculate cement quantity in 1:3 mortar?
Weight of cement = part of cement × volume × density of cement
Weight = (1/4) × 1.33 m3 × 1440 kg/m3
Weight of cement = 478.8 kg
No of bags cement = 478.8/50 = 9.5 bags
For 1 cubic meter of mortar in 1:3, you need 478.8 Kg ( 9.5 bags) of cement quantity
How do i calculate sand quantity in 1:3 mortar?
Volume of sand in m3 = (3/4)× 1.33 m3 = 0.9975 m3
Volume of sand in m3 = 0.9975m3
And we know
1m3 = 35.3147 cft
Volume of sand in cubic foot = 0.9975 ×35.3147 = 35.22 Cuft
1 cuft of sand = 46 Kg ( approx )
35.22 Cuft of sand = 46 Kg × 35.22 = 1620 Kg
Quantity of sand = 1620 Kg = 1.62 tons
For 1 cubic meter of mortar in 1:3 you need 0.9975 cubic meter ( 35.22 cft ) or 1620 kg ( 1.62 tons ) of sand quantity
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For 1 cubic meter of mortar in 1:3, you need 478.8 Kg ( 9.5 bags) of cement and 0.9975 cubic meter ( 35.22 cft ) or 1620 kg ( 1.620 tons) of sand quantity.
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