How many cinder blocks do i need to build a garage

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a garage | how many cinder blocks do i need to build a 20×20, 30×40 garage | how many cinder blocks do i need to build a single, two, three and four car garage.

To determine how many cinder blocks you’ll need to build a garage, you’ll first need to calculate the total square footage of the walls you plan to build and then estimate the number of cinder blocks required based on the size and thickness of the blocks.

Block manufacturers those that use cinders material of fly ash or bottom ash, coal dust, recycle aggregator, fine particles of ash after burning of coal as an aggregate material are known as cinder blocks in the United States. Its other name concrete block is also popular.

In United States, cinder or concrete block serve as economic building material and there is a wide range of construction application for many types of Residential, Public and industrial building. Due to sturdy and long lasting building material, architect and Engineer will recommended for house construction, for garage retaining wall, security barriers etc and this is best choice.

Concrete blocks also known as Concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks or breeze blocks. For a concrete block wall, the number of blocks you will need will depend on the size of wall and wether it is single or double skin wall.

If you are planning to build a single, double, three or 4 car garage out of concrete block, you should know how many blocks you will need before you shop around at local block suppliers. As US practices, a concrete block or concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks is standardized, with a face 8 inches high by 16 inches long by 8 inches wide, so you can use simple math to estimate the number of blocks your garage project will require.

Standard a single car garage dimensions are 20 feet in length by 12 feet wide by 8 feet in height with 8 feet of single door width. A double car garage dimensions are 24 feet in length by 20 feet wide by 8 feet in height with 16 feet of double door width. A three car garage dimensions are 24 feet in length by 28 feet wide by 8 feet in height with 16 feet of double door width. A four car garage dimensions are 24 feet in length by 36 feet wide by 8 feet in height with 16 feet of double door width.

How to calculate how many cinder blocks do i need to build a garage

1) Find the perimeter of your planned garage:- add all the planned length of all four walls together in feet and subtract the door width or opening. For instance, if your garage will be 30 feet by 40 feet or 30×40, with two 8-foot-wide doors, you add 30 + 30 + 40 + 40 to get 140 feet, then subtract 16 feet for the doors to get a 124 foot net perimeter.

2) Calculate square footage of garage wall:- multiply perimeter to the height to get the total wall area in square feet. If your garage walls are to be 8 feet tall, multiply 8 by the 124-foot net perimeter to get 992 square feet of total wall area.

3) Calculate the surface area of one standard cinder block in sq ft by multiplying its length and height such as 8″×16″ = 128 sq inches, converted into sq ft 128 ÷ 144 = 0.888 sq ft

4) Find the number of cinder blocks needed per sq ft by divided the 1 square footage area of garage wall by 0.888, such as number of cinder blocks per sq ft = 1÷0.888 = 1.125

5) Multiply the total wall area by 1.125 to get the approximate number of blocks you’ll need to build the garage walls. Multiplying 992 square feet of wall area by 1.125 is 1116, meaning you will need around 1116 concrete blocks or cinder to build your garage walls. Add 5 percent to the total to account for spoiled blocks, which in this example is 56 blocks. Adding 56 to 1116 results in 1172 blocks needed to build your garage walls.

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How many cinder blocks do i need to build a garage

To build a garage wall, you will need approximately 1.125 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks per sq ft. So, for 992 sq ft wall of a 30×40 garage = (992×1.125) + @5% for waste = 1116 nos blocks. So, to build a 30×40 size garage wall, you will need approximately 1116 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units.

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a 30×40 garage

To build a 30×40 size garage wall, you will need approximately 1172 nos of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units. Maths, 1) net perimeter = (30+30+40+40) – 16 = 124 feet, 2) sq ft of wall = 124×8 = 992, 3) number of cinder blocks = 992×1.125 = 1116, 4) add@5% extra, 1116×0.05 = 56, 56+1116 = 1172 nos cinder blocks.

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a single car garage

To build a single car 12×20 size garage wall, you will need approximately 530 blocks of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units. Maths, 1) net perimeter = (12+12+20+20) – 8 = 56 feet, 2) sq ft of wall = 56×8 = 448, 3) number of cinder blocks = 448×1.125 = 504, 4) add@5% extra, 504×0.05 = 26, 504+26 = 530 nos cinder blocks.

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a double car garage

To build a double car 20×24 size garage wall, you will need approximately 680 blocks of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units. Maths, 1) net perimeter = (20+20+24+24) – 16 = 72 feet, 2) sq ft of wall = 72×8 = 576, 3) number of cinder blocks = 576×1.125 = 648, 4) add@5% extra, 648×0.05 = 32, 648+32 = 680 nos cinder blocks.

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a three car garage

To build a double car 28×24 size garage wall, you will need approximately 830 blocks of most commonly used standard size of 8″×8″×16″ concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units. Maths, 1) net perimeter = (28+28+24+24) – 16 = 88 feet, 2) sq ft of wall = 88×8 = 704, 3) number of cinder blocks = 704×1.125 = 792, 4) add@5% extra, 792×0.05 = 40, 792+40 = 832, around 830 nos cinder blocks.

How many cinder blocks do i need to build a four car garage

To build a 36×24 two car garage wall, you will need about 980 blocks of the most commonly used standard size of 8″ × 8″ × 16″. Concrete blocks or cinder blocks or CMU or concrete masonry units. Maths, 1) net perimeter = (36+36+24+24) – 16 = 104 feet, 2) sq ft of wall = 104×8 = 832, 3) number of cinder blocks = 832×1.125 = 936, 4) add@5% extra, 936×0.05 = 47, 936+47 = 983, around 980 nos cinder blocks.


To build a wall for a one-car garage you will need about 530 concrete blocks, for a two-car garage you will need 680 blocks, for a three-car garage you will need 830 blocks, and for a 4-car garage you will need 980 blocks the most commonly used standard sizes of 8″ × 8″ × 16″ concrete or concrete blocks or concrete masonry units or CMU.