How many concrete blocks per m2

How many concrete blocks per m2 | how many blocks are in a m2 | how many blocks are required for every m2 of wall | how many square metre in a pack of block.

How many concrete blocks per m2
How many concrete blocks per m2

Cinder or concrete block serve as economic building material and there is a wide range of construction application for many types of Residential, Public and industrial building. Due to sturdy and long lasting building material, architect and Engineer will recommended for house construction, retaining wall, security barriers etc and this is best choice.

Concrete blocks also known as Concrete masonry units or CMU or Cinder blocks in USA or breeze blocks in UK. For a concrete block wall, the number of blocks you will need will depend on the size of wall and wether it is single or double skin wall.

A standard size of cinder block is 16 inch long by 8 inch high by 8 inch depth, which is represented in inch as 8″×8″×16″ or in mm as 200 × 200 × 400 (depth × height× length).

UK Blocks are produced in a broad range of sizes, but for general building work the most commonly used is referred to as a standard block and measures 440mm x 100mm x 215mm (length × width × height). Usefully, this is the same length as two bricks and the height of three bricks with 10mm mortar joints.


One of the toughest aspects of building a blocks structure is determining how many blocks you will need. Ordering too few can potentially delay your project, while over ordering is a quick way to throw money down the drain.

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Concrete blocks are expensive, and the cost of your masonry structure can quickly add up, especially if you need to organise the disposal of excess blocks. It’s much easier to get it right first time around.

How to calculate concrete blocks per m2

To calculate concrete blocks, or breeze blocks per m2, multiply the length (in meter) and thickness (in meter) of a block to figure surface area of block in square meter, divide the area of 1 square meter of wall by area of block in m2, resulting figure will be number of concrete blocks per m2. Add 5% – 10% additional blocks for accurate estimate.

Formula to calculate number of concrete blocks per m2, you will need: Number of concrete blocks = Square meter of block wall ÷ Surface area of one concrete block. Given block wall area = 1m2, one standard block area = 0.440m × 0.215m = 0.0946m2, number of blocks = 1/0.0946 = 10.57

Procedure to calculate number of blocks per square meter of block wall are following:

● Step 1) Determine the surface area of standard block in square meter size in the UK, which is W440mm x H215mm, area = 0.440m × 0.215m = 0.0946m2.

● Step 2) To determining the number of blocks per m2, you will need, divide the surface area of block wall (1m2) by surface area of one concrete block in m2, such as number of blocks = wall sq meter/ block square meter, 1/ 0.0946 = 10.57 nos blocks.

● Step 3) Add 5% – 10% additional blocks (5% of 10.57 = 0.53 nos, 10.57 + 0.53 = 11.10, nearly 11 nos blocks, thus you will need 11 blocks per m2..

The number of concrete blocks you need will vary depending on the project, whether you need them for walls, retaining walls, a new garage, foundations or other building work.

For the purpose of this guide, we are basing our calculator formula on the standard concrete block size in the UK, which is L440mm x H215mm.

How many 100mm blocks per m2? As per UK practices, there are about 11 100mm concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a block wall. Therefore, a block wall requires about 11 blocks per square meter (m2).

How many blocks per m2

As per UK practices, there are about 11 concrete blocks (or breeze blocks or CMU) measuring 100mm × 440mm × 215mm per m2 (square meter) for a block wall. Therefore, a block wall requires about 11 blocks per square meter (m2).

To calculate number of blocks per square meter, divide the one square meter area by surface area of one block. Multiply face dimensions of block that is 0.44m × 0.215m = 0.0946 m2, so number of blocks per m2 = 1/0.0946 = 11 blocks.

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How many concrete blocks per m2

To calculate the number of concrete blocks you need, a rough guide is approximately 11 concrete blocks per m2 (including a 10mm mortar joint). As with any building materials, it’s sensible to calculate how many concrete blocks you think you’ll need and then add a contingency of 5-10% on top of that – to avoid running out.

For a single skin wall, you’ll need approximately 11 concrete blocks per m2. And for a double skin wall, you’ll need roughly 22 concrete blocks per m2. Thus, For standard UK blocks (440 x 215 x 100mm), you will require eleven blocks per square metre.


As per UK practices, there are 11 100mm of standard size (440 x 215 x 100mm) of concrete blocks per m2 for a block wall and 22 blocks per m2 used for double block wall.