List of all full form like DPC PCC RCC used in civil engineering, in this article we know about all the full form (abbreviation) like DPC PCC RCC which are used in construction of civil engineering, we collect all the abbreviation here which are might be helpful to student and those people who are interested in construction civil engineering.

DPC full form:- The DPC full form in civil engineering is “Damp proof course” in which D stands for “Damp”, P stands for “proof” and C stands for “Course”. A damp-proof course (DPC) is a barrier through the structure designed to prevent moisture rising by capillary action such as through a phenomenon known as rising damp, a common example is polyethylene sheeting laid under a concrete slab to prevent the concrete from gaining moisture through capillary action.
PCC full form:– The PCC full form in civil engineering is “Plain cement concrete” in which P is stand for “plain”, C is stand for “cement” and C is stand for “concrete”. In construction civil engineering, PCC / Plain Cement Concrete is a construction material generally used as binding materials and is composed of cement, (commonly Portland Cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravels or crushed rocks such as limestone or granite or sand.
OPC full form:– The OPC full form in civil engineering is “Ordinary portland cement” in which O is stand for “ordinary”, P is stand for “portland” and C is stand for “cement”.
PSC full form:– The PSC full form in civil engineering is “Portland slug cement” in which P is stand for “Portland”, S is stand for “Slug” and C is stand for “cement”.
PPC full form:– The PPC full form in civil engineering is “Pozzolana Portland cement” in which P is stand for “Pozzolana”, P is stand for “portland” and C is stand for “cement”.
RMC full form:– The RMC full form in civil engineering is “Ready mix concrete” in which R is stand for “Ready”, M is stand for “Mix” and C is stand for “concrete”.
RCC full form :- The RCC full form in civil engineering is “Reinforced cement concrete”, in which R is stand for “Reinforced”, C is stand for “cement” and C is stand for “concrete”. In building construction civil engineering, Reinforced concrete (RC), also called reinforced cement concrete (RCC), is a composite material in which concrete’s relatively low tensile strength and ductility made of mixture of cement sand and aggregate with water are counteracted by the inclusion of reinforcement (steel) having higher tensile strength or ductility, so RCC is concrete including reinforcement (steel).
AAC block full form:- The AAC full form in civil engineering is “Autoclaved aerated concrete” in which A stands for “Autoclaved”, A stands for “aerated” and C stands for “concrete” in civil engineering, it is a lightweight, precast, foam concrete building material suitable for producing concrete masonry unit (CMU) like blocks. Composed of quartz sand, calcined gypsum, lime, cement, water and aluminum powder, AAC products are cured under heat and pressure in an autoclave.
Common Abbreviation Used in Civil Engineering
The common abbreviation used in civil engineering are as follows:
AASHTO full form – The Full form of AASHTO is American Association of State Highway Transport, AASHTO – The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials – is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It represents all transportation modes, including air, highways, public transportation, active transportation, rail, and water. Its primary goal is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.
AB full form – full form of AB in construction civil engineering is Anchor Bolt Or Asbestos Board, Anchor bolts are used to connect structural and non-structural elements to concrete. The connection can be made by a variety of different components: anchor bolts, steel plates, or stiffeners. Anchor bolts transfer different types of load: tension forces and shear forces.
ACI full form – full form of ACI in construction civil engineering is American concrete institute, The American Concrete Institute (ACI, formerly National Association of Cement Users or NACU) is a non-profit technical society and standards developing organization. ACI was founded in January 1905 during a convention in Indianapolis. The Institute’s headquarters are currently located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. ACI’s mission is “ACI develops and disseminates consensus-based knowledge on concrete and its uses.
AREMA full form– Full form of AREMA in construction civil engineering is American Railway and Maintenance-of-Way Engineering Association. The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) is a North American railway industry group. It publishes recommended practices for the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure, which are requirements in the United States and Canada.
ASC full form – Full form of ASC in construction civil engineering is Allowable or permissible stress of concrete, allowable stress design, masonry elements are sized and proportioned such that the anticipated service level loads can be safely and economically resisted using the specified material strengths. The specified strength of masonry and reinforcement are in turn reduced by appropriate safety factors.
SCC full form – full form of SCC in construction is Self Compacting Concrete,Self-consolidating concrete or self-compacting concrete is a concrete mix which has a low yield stress, high deformability, good segregation resistance, and moderate viscosity.

SRC full form – full form of SRC in construction is Sulphate Resisting Cement, Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement is a type of Portland cement in which the amount of Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) is restricted to lower than 5 % and (2 C3A + C4AF) is lower than 25%. SRC can be used for structural concrete wherever OPC or PPC or Slag Cement is usable under normal conditions.
● STP full form – full form of STP in construction civil engineering is Sewage Treatment Plant, Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater, containing mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are used to remove contaminants and produce treated wastewater that is safe enough for release into the environment.
● ASTM full form – Full form of ASTM in construction civil engineering is American Society for Testing Materials, ASTM International, formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.
● AC full form – Full form of AC in construction is Asphalt Concrete, Asphalt concrete is a composite material commonly used to surface roads, parking lots, airports, and the core of embankment dams. Asphalt mixtures have been used in pavement construction since the beginning of the twentieth century
Others Abbreviation and full form used in civil engineering are following:-
AE – Assistant Engineer
APM – Assistant Project Manager
B.M – Benchmark
B.M – Bending moment.9
B.O.F – Bottom Of Foundation
BHK – Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen
BLK – Block Work
BOQ – Bill Of Quantities
BWK – Brick Work
CC – Cement concrete.
CC – Centre To Centre
CE – Chief Engineer
CIP – Cast In Place
CJ – Construction Joint
CL – Centre Line
CMU – Concrete Masonry Unit
CP – Cement plaster.
CPM – Critical path method.
CRW – Concrete Retaining Wall
CS – Comparative statement.
D – Diameter
D.L – Dead load.
Dia – Diameter
DIM – Dimension
DL – Development Length
DPC – Damp proof course.
DPR – Daily Progress Report
DRG – Drawings
DWLS – Dowels
E.L – Environmental load.
EGL – Existing ground level.
EJ – Expansion Joint
EL – Existing Load
ELCB – Earth Leak Circuit Breaker
F.M – Fineness Modulus.
FGL – Formation ground level.
FL – Floor Level
FOC – Factor Of Safety
Ft – Foot Or Feet
GL – Ground Level
GP – Ground plane.
HAC – High Alumina Cement
HFL – Highest flood level.
HP – Horizontal plane.
IOM – Inter Office Memo
ISI – Indian Standard Institute.
JE – Junior Engineer
JST – Joist
Kg – Kilogram.
L.L – Live load.
LC – Lime concrete.
LW – Light Weight
LWC – Light Weight Concrete
M – Meter
MB – Measurement book.
MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker
MEP – Mechanical Electrical Plumbing
MFL – Maximum Flood Level
MM – Millimeter.
MRC – Material Receipt Challan
MT – Metric Tonnes
N – Newton
NCF – Neat cement finishing.
OGL – Original ground level .
OPC – Ordinary Portland Cement
OSR – Open Soace Reservation Area
List of all full form like DPC PCC RCC used in civil engineering
PC – Pile Cap
PC – Precast Concrete
PCC – Plain Cement Concrete
PERT – Programme Evaluation and Review Technique.
PL – Plinth level.
PM – Project Manager
PO – Purchase Order
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PPR – Poly Propylene Random.
PSF – Pound Per Square Foot
PSI – Pound Per Square Inch
PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
PWD – Permanent Works Engineer
List of all full form like DPC PCC RCC used in civil engineering
QC – Quality control
QS – Quantity Surveyor
R.B.W – Reinforced brick work.
RBC – Reinforced Brick concrete.
RC – Reinforced Concrete
RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete
RL – Reduced level.
List of all full form like DPC PCC RCC used in civil engineering
TB – Tie Beam
TDS – Total Dissolved Solids
TOB – Top Of Beam
TOC – Top Of Concrete
TOW – Top Of Wall
USC – Ultimate stress of concrete.
UPVC – Unplasticized Polyvinyl chloride.
USD – Ultimate strength design.
List of all full form like DPC PCC RCC used in civil engineering
VP – Vertical plane.
WC – Water closet.
WSD – Working stress design.
WL – Working Level
WO – Work Order
● BRW full form – Full form of BRW in construction is Brick Retaining Wall, A retaining wall made entirely out of brick is known as brick retaining wall or “cavity wall”. This design is composed of two standard brick walls just inches apart that share the same foundation. Between them is a gap for steel that runs up from the foundation to the top of the wall.
● CI Pipe full form – full form of CI pipe in construction is Cast iron pipe, Cast iron pipe is pipe made predominantly from gray cast iron It was historically used as a pressure pipe for transmission of water, gas and sewage, and as a water drainage pipe during the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
● CI Sheet full form– full form of CI sheet in construction is Corrugated Iron sheet, CI Sheets are galvanized sheet iron or steel which are primarily as roofing, side and peripheral fencing materials. The sheets are usually corrugated to give it added strength in construction.
● CBW full form – full form of CBW in construction is Concrete Block Wall,
● TMT full form – Full form of TMT in construction civil engineering is Thermo Mechanical Treatment, TMT steel bars are steel bars that are manufactured with unique metallurgical process known as “Thermo Mechanical Treatment”. These TMT bars are approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards for building and construction projects. The Fe 500 and Fe 500D are some of the best TMT Bars in India.
● TBM full form – Full form of TBM in construction civil engineering is Tunnel Boring Machine, A tunnel boring machine, also known as a “mole”, is a machine used to excavate tunnels with a circular cross section through a variety of soil and rock strata. They may also be used for microtunneling. They can be designed to bore through anything from hard rock to sand.
● RMC full form – The full form of RMC in construction is Ready Mixed Concrete, Ready-mix concrete, or RMC as it’s also known, refers to concrete that is specifically batched or manufactured for customers’ construction projects, and supplied to the customer on site as a single product. It is a mixture of Portland or other cements, water and aggregates: sand, gravel, or crushed stone.