The minimum and standard sizes of columns can vary based on factors like building codes, structural requirements, and the loads they need to support. However, I can provide you with general guidelines:
1. Rectangular Columns: Minimum Size: Typically, the minimum size for a rectangular column might be around 12 inches by 12 inches. Standard Size: Standard sizes can range from 16 inches by 16 inches to 24 inches by 36 inches or larger, depending on the specific structural needs.
2. Circular Columns: Minimum Size: A minimum diameter of around 12 inches is common. Standard Size: Standard sizes for circular columns often range from 18 inches to 36 inches in diameter.
3. Square Columns: Minimum Size: A minimum size might be around 12 inches by 12 inches. Standard Size: Standard sizes can range from 16 inches by 16 inches to 24 inches by 24 inches or larger.
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When we are starting our new project of building construction, there is question arises in our mind and alots of confusion between people what is minimum and standard size of supporting structure column should be taken for your house that is being safe structure.

In rular areas of India some people do not take the help of design architectural engineer and planning of new house formation,they think, takes simple size of footing, foundation and layout of column and try to find out minimum and standard size of RCC column according to their requirement of house construction. In urban areas and Municipal area, all the people should have plan of their house and the minimum column size and there reinforcement should be mentioned in design plan.
In this article briefly read about what should be minimum and standard size of rectangular, circular and square column. As we know there is three types of shape of RCC column provided in house construction is rectangular shape, circular shape, square shape and some maybe circular with helical shape.
Basically column is load bearing structure, it transfer all incoming axial load from beam and structural load safely to the foundation and foundation of footing safely transfer all the load vertically to the bed of soil. So column is is provided with concrete reinforcement structure to increase the strength.
Minimum & standard size of rectangular, circular and square column
Actual size of of column depends on mainly three factors:-
1) loads acting on column, if you are constructing tall building/ high rise building carry many floor, then your structural load is increased, increasing the structural load is directly proportional to increase of column size.
2) length of span:- size of column depends on distance between two supports structure or column, if the distance between two column is more, then column size should be increased, increasing span is directly proportional to increasing column size.
3) column size also depending on eccentricity of loading condition, types of column, it is RCC concrete column, Steel column, short column or long column.
4) column size should be also depending on what type of construction material should be used in RCC column, if higher grade of Steel and higher grade of concrete are used in RCC, then column size should be reduced.
5) today in modern house construction, we need basement area for free space for your car parking and other purpose, they needs large space and keep column layout at more distance such as increasing span between two column, increasing span leading to increasing dimension of column.
There is no any standard size of rectangular, circular and square column, no mention standard size in ACI and IS code
Minimum and standard size of rectangular RCC column
Size of RCC columns depending on several factors like axial, structural load and lateral load acting on, how tall of building structure, span between two column and use of construction material like grade of concrete and steel. But we here, gives some minimum and standard size of rectangular RCC column, using by several civil engineer, thumb rules methods and some rules and guidelines mention in ACI & IS code 456:2000
Minimum size of rectangular column:– for upto 1 floor and half, normal residential building, when span between two column is no more than for 4 meter, minimum size of rectangular RCC column should not be less than 9″×12″ (225mm × 300mm), in which width is 9″ and depth is 12″ thick, provided with the minimum 6 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Standard size of rectangular column:- There is no any standard size of rectangular column, no any standard size mentioned in ACI and IS code. But using Thumb Rule, for 1 floor and half, normal residential building, upto 4m span, the standard size of rectangular column should not be less than 9″×12″ (225mm × 300mm), in which width is 9″ and depth is 12″ thick, provided with the minimum 6 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum/standard Size of rectangular column for 1 storey/Ground floor/G+0 building:- there is no any standard size of rectangular column mentioned in is code, upto 3 to 4m span, for 1 storey/ground floor/G+0/1 floor residential building, minimum size of rectangular column should not be less than 9″×12″ (225mm × 300mm), in which width is 9″ and depth is 12″ thick, provided with the minimum 6 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum/standard Size of rectangular column for 2 storey/2 floor/G+1 building:- there is no any standard size of rectangular column mentioned in IS code, upto 3 to 5m span, for 2 storey/ two floor/G+1 residential building, minimum size of rectangular column should be 12″×15″ (300mm × 380mm), in which width is 12″ and depth is 15″ thick, provided with the minimum 8 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum/standard Size of rectangular column for 3 storey/3 floor/G+2 building:- there is no any standard size of rectangular column mentioned in IS code, upto 3 to 5m span, for 3 storey/ three floor/G+2 residential building, minimum size of rectangular column should be 12″×18″ (300mm × 450mm), in which width is 12″ and depth is 18″ thick, provided with the minimum 10 bar, combination of 6 nos of 16mm and 4 nos of 12mm dia and stirrup T10@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum/standard Size of rectangular column for 4 storey/4 floor/G+3 building:- there is no any standard size of rectangular column mentioned in IS code, upto 3 to 5m span, for 4 storey/ four floor/G+3 residential building, minimum size of rectangular column should be 15″×18″ (380mm × 450mm), in which width is 15″ and depth is 18″ thick, provided with the minimum 12 bar, combination of 6 nos of 16mm and 6 nos of 12mm dia and stirrup T10@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum and standard size of square shaped RCC column
Size of RCC columns depending on several factors like axial, structural load and lateral load acting on, how tall of building structure, span between two column and use of construction material like grade of concrete and steel. But we here, gives some minimum and standard size of square shaped RCC column, using by several civil engineer, thumb rules methods and some rules and guidelines mention in ACI & IS code 456:2000
Minimum size of square column:- for upto 1 floor and half, normal residential building, when span between two column is no more than for 4 meter, minimum size of square shaped RCC column should not be less than 9″×9″ (225mm × 225mm), in which width and depth is equal to 9″ thick, provided with the minimum 4 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Standard size of square column:- There is no any standard size of square shaped column, no any standard size mentioned in ACI and IS code. But using Thumb Rule, for 1 floor and half, normal residential building, upto 4m span, the standard size of square column should be 12″×12″ (300mm × 300mm), in which width and depth of column is 12″, provided with the minimum 6 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Minimum and standard size of circular column
Size of RCC columns depending on several factors like axial, structural load and lateral load acting on, how tall of building structure, span between two column and use of construction material like grade of concrete and steel. But we here, gives some minimum and standard size of circular column, using by several civil engineer, thumb rules methods and some rules and guidelines mention in ACI & IS code 456:2000
Minimum size of circular column:– for upto 1 floor and half, normal residential building, when span between two column is no more than for 4 meter, minimum size of circular shaped RCC column should not be less than cross sectional diameter of 225mm section, provided with the minimum 6 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
Standard size of circular column:- There is no any standard size of circular shaped column, no any standard size be mentioned in ACI and IS code. But using Thumb Rule, for 1 floor and half, normal residential building, upto 4m span, standard size of circular shaped RCC column should not cross sectional diameter of 300mm section, provided with the minimum 8 bar of 12mm dia and stirrup T8@6″C/C of Fe500, using minimum M20 grade of concreting material with clear cover 40mm.
What is the minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in column
There is different types of RCC column provided in house construction, rectangular column, square shaped column and circular column. Minimum reinforcement or number of steel bar required for column, depending on their size, axial load and Lateral load acting on it, grade of Steel and grade of concrete and material which are used for constructing a column.
What is the meaning of number of longitudinal bar provided in a rcc column:- According to per IS : 456-2000 clause 26.5. 3.1, the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in a rcc column shall be 4nos of 12mm dia for rectangular/ square shaped column and 6nos of 12mm dia for circular column of Fe500 steel
Minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in rectangular column
What is the minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in rectangular column:- According to per IS : 456-2000 clause 26.5. 3.1, the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in rectangular column shall be 4nos of 12mm dia of Fe500 steel.
Minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in square column
What is the minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in square column:- According to per IS : 456-2000 clause 26.5. 3.1, the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in square column shall be 4nos of 12mm dia of Fe500 steel.
Minimum number of longitudinal bar provided in circular column
What is the minimum number of longitudinal bars are provided in circular column:- According to per IS : 456-2000 clause 26.5. 3.1, the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in rectangular column shall be 4nos of 12mm dia of Fe500 steel.
What is the meaning of number of longitudinal bar provided in a rcc column:- According to per IS : 456-2000 clause 26.5. 3.1, the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in a rcc column shall be 4nos of 12mm dia for rectangular/ square shaped column and 6nos of 12mm dia for circular column of Fe500 steel