In construction, steel bars, also known as reinforcement or rebars, are used to provide tensile strength to concrete. Common types include:
1. Mild Steel Bars (MS or Fe 250): Used for small-scale construction and residential projects.
2. Medium Tensile Steel Bars (Fe 415 and Fe 500): Suitable for medium to large-scale construction like bridges and commercial buildings.
3. High Strength Deformed Bars (HYSD): Examples are Fe 500D and Fe 600. They offer higher strength and are commonly used in high-rise buildings and infrastructure projects.
4. European Rebars: These are designated with numbers like 500 or 600, indicating the minimum yield strength in MPa.
Sizes of steel bars vary, commonly ranging from 6mm to 40mm in diameter. The choice depends on the structural requirements specified in the construction design.
In construction, different sizes and types of steel bars are used for various structural elements:
1. Slab: Main bars (also known as tension or bottom bars): Typically, 8 mm to 12 mm diameter bars are used. Distribution bars (also known as shear or top bars): Usually, 8 mm diameter bars are employed.
2. Beam: Main bars: Commonly range from 12 mm to 20 mm in diameter, depending on the design requirements. Stirrups (also known as lateral ties): Typically, 8 mm to 12 mm diameter bars are used.
3. Column: Main bars: Usually, 12 mm to 25 mm diameter bars are utilized, depending on the size and load-carrying capacity of the column. Tie bars (also known as lateral ties): Typically, 8 mm to 16 mm diameter bars are employed.
These sizes can vary based on the structural design specifications, load-bearing requirements, and building codes.

Steel is important construction material in various construction of building, dams, Bridge, reservoir, aqueduct, low rise building and high rise building and for other commercial and industrial use. It will provide enough strength to structure. It is embedded in concrete fibre to resist the structure load.
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Steel bar provided in slab beam and column for house construction. Slab and beam is flexural member of concrete structure and column is compressive member. Reinforcing steel bars are used to help concrete withstand tension forces.
In India, there are different size/diameter of Steel bar used in construction are 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm and so, higher dai/size of steel bar like 60mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm are customise according to requirement by various Steel Company and are available for sale. 5mm Steel bar are also available but it is not used for structural work, it is so thin that’s why it is known as “pencil rod” and look like pencil.
Different size/diameter of Steel bar used in building structure like column, beam and slab according to design structure, span between the column and load acting on it. However, in general, 8 mm, 10mm and 12 mm size/diameter of Steel Bar used in slab, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm size/diameter of steel bar used for column and beam, and higher dia/size of steel bar like 32mm, 40mm, 45mm and 50mm are used for Hydraulic structure like Dam, Bridge, reservoir, aqueduct.
There are various types of Steel bar in construction are mild steel bar Fe250 and HYSD (High yield strength deformed bar) like Fe 415, Fe500, Fe550 and Fe600, which provide greater ductility and flexibility and higher strength to concrete and load bearing structure.
In this article we explain size and types of Steel bars used in construction | Size of steel bar | Types of steel bar | diameter of Steel bars in slab | Steel bar size for column | Steel bar size for beam.
Size and types of Steel bars/tmt bars used in construction
There are various types of Steel bar used in construction are hot rolled deformed bars, cold rolled deformed bars, mild steel bar (Fe250), twisted steel bars and welded steel bars. HYSD (High yield strength deformed bar) like Fe 415, Fe500, Fe550 and Fe600 steel bars are used in construction, which provide greater ductility and flexibility and higher strength to concrete and load bearing structure.
In India, there are different size/diameter of Steel bars/tmt bars used in construction are 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm and so, higher dai/size of steel bar like 60mm, 75mm, 90mm, 100mm are customise according to requirement by various Steel Company and are available for sale.
Size of steel bars used in construction
Size of Steel bars used in construction are 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 60mm and so, and higher dia/size of steel bar like 75mm, 90mm, 100mm are also customise according to requirement by various steel company.
Size/ diameter of Steel bars used in building construction
Size of Steel bars used in building construction are 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm. 6mm & 8mm size/diameter of steel bars are used for stirrup formation, 8mm to 12mm size/diameter of steel bars/tmt bars are used in slab and 12mm to 25mm size/diameter of steel bars/tmt bars are used for beam and column.
Diameter/size of Steel bars used in slab
Diameter/size of Steel bars used in slab are required according to design structure, one way slab, two way slab and Flat slab. However, in general, steel bars size/diameter of 8mm, 10mm and 12mm are used in slab.
Steel bar size for column and beam
Diameter/ size of Steel bar required for column and beam are based on according to design structure, load acting on it, span between two support. However, in general, steel bars size/diameter of 12mm to 25mm are required for beam and column. Sometimes for raft foundation 32mm size/ diameter of Steel bar can be also provided.
Size/diameter of steel bars used in stirrup formation
6mm, 8mm and 10mm steel bars used in formation of stirrup, which are provided in beam and column to hold the primary reinforcement in right place and encounter the tension and compression forces and preventing from buckling and cracking of structure.
Size/diameter of Steel bar used in Hydraulic structure
Diameter of Steel bar used in Hydraulic structure like Bridge, Dam, Reservoir, adequate and other high rise building Industrial and commercial building, their actual size is decided according to design structure. However, in general, steel bars size/diameter of 32mm to 50mm are used in formation of Hydraulic structure like Bridge, Dam, Reservoir, adequate, etc, and also their higher dia/size are customised according to requirement.
Types of Steel bar used in construction
There are 5 types of Steel bar used in construction are hot rolled deformed bars, cold rolled deformed bars, mild steel bar, twisted steel bars and welded steel bars. Ribs present on steel bars provide superior bonding, it is known as thermo-mechanically treated or TMT bar which provide superior tensile strength in concrete.
It is important to know that Thermo mechanically Treated bars (TMT Bars) are widely accepted worldwide for its high tensile strength. TMT Bars not only provide strength it is flexible enough as well. That is why it gives maximum protection during any natural disaster such as earthquake, flood etc. TMT Bars consists of less amount of carbon that is why it is less fatigue and highly corrosion resistant as well.
1) Hot rolled deformed bars:- it is deformed at high temperature have high yield strength that’s why it is known as HYSD ( high yield strength deformed bar), it made by process called thermo mechanically treated or tmt bar. It’s provide superior tensile strength in concrete and ribs present on steel bar/ TMT bar provide superior bending in concrete. Fe415, Fe500, Fe550, Fe600 are HYSD bar. It has higher compressive strength of 64000 psi.
2) Cold Rolled Steel Bars:- cold rolled Steel bar made at room temperature and it is looking similar to hot rolled Steel bar have poor strength due to this today it is absolty from market and do not use for heavy loaded load bearing structure. Although these are used for some construction that does not need much tolerance and their tensile strength is about 60,000 psi.
3) Mild Steel Bars:- this is mild steel bar, have no ribs, it has plain surface and in round shape. It is used in RCC for beam and slab. It does not Bond well with concrete, it is used in a small project with budget constraint. It has also poor tensile strength only about 40000 psi.
4) Twisted Steel Bars:- Twisted Steel Bars are also known as Prestressing tendons. These are comprised of different wires almost 7 wires spun together into a strand. Twisted Steel Bar carries high tensile strength upto 270000 psi. These are mainly used on braces of scaffolds for prestressing Reinforced Cement Concrete. Its high tensile strength makes it conceivable.
5) Welded Steel Wire:- Welded Steel Wires consist of weld mesh. It produces medium tensile strength. These are used for partitions, fencing etc. It’s available in different diameters and the strength is higher than mild steel bar, which is why it is widely accepted for particular segments in construction for better efficiency.
Types of Steel bar used in building construction
As per IS Standards Fe 500d grade of TMT Bar/steel bar has the perfect combination of strength & flexibility. That is why it is most recommended for construction purpose.
There are 5 types of Steel bars/tmt bars used in building construction are hot rolled deformed bars, cold rolled deformed bars, mild steel bar, twisted steel bars and welded steel bars. Ribs present on steel bars provide superior bonding, it is known as thermo-mechanically treated or TMT bar which provide superior tensile strength in concrete.