what is fy and fu of steel-yield strength and tensile strength,What is fy (yield strength) and fu (ultimate tensile strength) of steel, in this topic we know about what is fy and fu of Steel. It is characteristics of compressive strength of Steel used in construction of building and reinforcement designing.
the term fy stand for yield strength of steel and term fu stand for ultimate tensile strength of Steel. Ductility property of Steel that is ductility it has property of Steel to get stretch up to certain elongation point When it is applied with stress force.
Tensile strength of steel
The term tensile strength refers to the amount of tensile (stretching) stress on material can withstand before breaking or failing. tensile strength of steel test is done most commonly measured by placing a test place in the jaw of tensile machine.
Tensile machine applies stretching stress by gradually separating the jaws. So tensile strength of steel test is done by jaw machine. Which choose steel for many application all rcc work based on number of properties, one of these property is also a tensile strength.
tensile strength of steel is about 841 mpa and tensile strength of mild steel is 400 mpa. tensile strength of mild steel in low because it has low carbon content and hence more ductility
Types of tensile strength
Tensile strength types are broadly classified into three categories according to their stretching property of Steel
1) yield strength :- stress of a material can withstand without permanent deformation is known as yield tensile strength.
2) ultimate tensile strength :- the maximum pressure a material can withstand is known as ultimate tensile strength
3) fracture tensile strength:– the stress at which the material breaks for cracks is known as fracture tensil

what is yield strength of Steel
Yield strength define and refers to an indication of maximum stress that can be developed in Steel material without out changing plastic deformation.
And maximum stress that can be applied in steel before it begins to change shape permanently this is elastic limit of Steel and known as yield strength of Steel.
If stress force is added to the steel metal but does not reach the yield point It will return to its original shape after the when stress force is released and removed.and yield strength of steel is denoted by fy.
what is ultimate tensile strength of Steel
Ultimate tensile strength of Steel is the resistance of Steel to breaking under tensile tension applied by heavy stress force.
Tensile definition means capable of being get streched. Tensile is used to specify the elastic that is temporary to the plastic that it permanent deformation.
so ultimate tensile strength is higher than and yield strength of Steel and ultimate tensile strength of steel is denoted by fu
what is elongation in steel
elongation is the percentage of stretch of the Steel from the original length of Steel to the point of failure of ductility. Ductility is the property of Steel to capable of stretch out without becoming more brittle
What are types of steel grade
● according to their yield strength and ultimate tensile strength and elongation of Steel steel have various grade like Fe415,Fe415D, Fe500,Fe500D , Fe550, Fe550D and Fe600 and Fe415SD
used reinforcement of Steel and building construction work and also note that mild steel having yield strength of Steel is Fe250 and D is stand for ductility and SD is stand for super ductility and tensile strength of steel chart is following

● according to yield strength steel is divided into two category
1) low/mild strength that is mild steel having yield strength is Fe250 which can rasist the force of stress of 250N/mm2 when applied on it. tensile strength of mild steel is 410 mpa.
2) high yield strength that is reinforcement Steel used in building construction for example Fe415 and Fe500 that can rasist the force of stress of 415N/mm2 and 500N/mm 2 when applied on it
what is fy and fu of steel-yield strength and tensile strength
What is Fe415 grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe415 their yield strength is 415 N/mm2 that is fy = 415N/mm2
3) and in Fe415 their ultimate tensile strength is 485 N/mm2 that is fu = 485 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe415 is 14.5%
What is Fe415D grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe415 their yield strength is 415 N/mm2 that is fy = 415N/mm2
3) and in Fe415 their ultimate tensile strength is 500 N/mm2 that is fu = 500 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe415 is 18%
5) And the term D stand for its ductility capacity
What is Fe500 grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe500 their yield strength is 500 N/mm2 that is fy = 500N/mm2
3) and in Fe500 their ultimate tensile strength is 545N/mm2 that is fu = 545 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe500 is 18%
D) What is Fe500D grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe500 their yield strength is 500 N/mm2 that is fy = 500N/mm2
3) and in Fe500 their ultimate tensile strength is 565 N/mm2 that is fu = 565 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe500D is 16%
5) And the term D stand for its ductility capacity
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What is Fe550 grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe550 their yield strength is 550 N/mm2 that is fy = 550N/mm2
3) and in Fe550 their ultimate tensile strength is 585 N/mm2 that is fu = 585 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe550 is 10%
What is Fe550D grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe550 their yield strength is 550 N/mm2 that is fy = 550/mm2
3) and in Fe550 their ultimate tensile strength is 600 N/mm2 that is fu = 600 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe550D is 14%
5) And the term D stand for its ductility capacity
G) What is Fe600 grade of Steel
1) Fe stand for iron in steel
2) and in Fe600 their yield strength is 600 N/mm2 that is fy = 600N/mm2
3) and in Fe600 their ultimate tensile strength is 600 N/mm2 that is fu = 600 N/mm2
4) elongation capacity in Fe600 is 10%
Dear Sir., I am not engineer neither civil engineer, our factory is the Fire fighting trucks with aerial ladder equip.
We been in this business for a long time, but our ladder trucks still had their construction of the ladder had the weights never less than 1 : 1 of the Safety Factor. ( We used the ASTM A500 for the set of ladder, ( The rails, the rungs, the K-bracing, ) the basket is normal steel.
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Best regards
Chin Nakasit