The minimum depth of a reinforced cement concrete (RCC) beam depends on factors such as the span and the loads it needs to support. According to IS 456:2000 the minimum depth (thickness) of an RCC beam shall not be less than 9 inches (230 mm). As a general guideline, the depth of an RCC beam is typically about 1/12th of the span.
The minimum reinforced concrete (RCC) beam size should not be less than 9″x 9″ (230 mm X 230 mm), with an additional slab thickness of 125 mm (5″). We generally use a minimum of 4 bars, with 2 bars of 12 mm thickness in the bottom of the beam, and 2 bars of 10 mm at the top of the beam.
Beam is horizontal load bearing structure provided in building for structural support. When load is applied on beam it will experiences bending moment, all the dead load, live load and self load of RCC slab safely transfer to beam. Beam is flexural member of RCC concrete fibre provided with the reinforcement bar embedded in concrete fibre.
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Actual beam depth is calculated on the basis of structural design of beam, total load applied on beam and span between two support, and whether it is primary beam, secondary beam, tie beam, plinth Beam, floor beam etc.
What is the minimum depth of a RCC beam?
In general, beam depth should not be less than slab thickness and Depth of beam shall be based on its span and support end condition. Effective depth is distance between the top compression fibre to centroid of tension rebar. Total beam depth shall be sum of the following Effective depth, half of the tension rebar and beam cover.
According to IS 456:2000 the minimum depth (thickness) of an RCC beam shall not be less than 9 inches (230 mm) provided the minimum dimension is 9 inches × 9 inches using grade M20 concrete with 2 pieces of T12 at bottom as tension bar and 2 pieces of T10 at top as compression bar.
Minimum depth/thickness of a RCC beam:– each element of RCC have certain rules for minimum requirements. There is a certain rules and guidelines, As per IS 456:2000, minimum depth/thickness of a RCC beam should not be less than 9″ (230mm), hence minimum depth/thickness of RCC beam is 9″ (230mm) thick, provided minimum size 9″×9, use of M20 grade of concrete with 2nos of T12 at bottom as tension bar and T10 at top as compression bar of Fe500 HYSD with stirrup T8@6″C/C with 40mm cover.
Standard depth/thickness of a RCC beam:– each element of RCC have certain rules for standard requirements. There is a certain rules and guidelines, no mention any standard depth/thickness size in IS 456:2000, standard depth/thickness of a RCC beam should not be less than 12″ (30mm), hence standard depth/thickness of RCC beam is 12″ (300mm) thick, provided minimum size 9″×12″, use of M20 grade of concrete with 2nos of T12 at bottom as tension bar, T10 at top as compression bar and 2nos of T12 as crank bar of Fe500 HYSD with stirrup T8@6″C/C with 40mm cover.
Nominal depth/thickness of a RCC beam:- each element of RCC have certain rules for nominal requirements. There is a certain rules and guidelines, no mention any nominal depth/thickness size in IS 456:2000, For normal sized ( 3 to 10 storey) regular RCC building, Nominal depth/thickness of a RCC beam can very from 10″ to 24″ (250mm to 600mm), provided Fe500 HYSD with stirrup T8@6″C/C with 40mm cover and M0 grade of concrete.

Minimum width of a rcc beam:- each element of RCC have certain rules for nominal requirements. There is a certain rules and guidelines, now as per earthquake guideline and IS Code 456:2000, it recommends minimum width of beam to be 200mm. In some cases for shorter span we can use minimum 150mm.
According to IS 456:2000 the minimum depth (thickness) of an RCC beam shall not be less than 9 inches (230 mm) provided the minimum dimension is 9 inches × 9 inches using grade M20 concrete with 2 pieces of T12 at bottom as tension bar and 2 pieces of T10 at top as compression bar.