1 Bigha in acre | land measurement unit in India, hi guys in this article we know about 1 Bigha to acre and various land measurement unit used in Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Assam, West Bangal, Bihar, South India and Jharkhand.
Now first understanding land measurement unit in India in various States are sq ft, square yard,katha, Biswa, Gunta, Biswansi, killa, Ghumaon, Kanal, Sarsahi, Ankanam, Cent, Ground, Guntha, Kuncham, Chatak, Dhur, decimal, Lessa, Marla, Bigha, Acre & Hectare.

This land unit converter can be used to convert between numerous units of measurement like sq. feet, sq. metre, sq. yards, hectares, acres, etc.
Conversion Units for the Area Converter
Some of the units that a land area calculator supports are mentioned below-
1. Square Feet:-
Square feet, sq. ft., or ft2 can be defined as the area of a square with sides measuring 1 foot. It is part of the US customary unit and imperial unit.
This unit of measurement is used in the following different countries –India,United States,United Kingdom,Canada,Bangladesh,
Pakistan,Nepal,Hong Kong,Ghana,Singapore,
2. Square Metre:-
Square metre, sq. m, or m2 is similar to square feet; however, the sides of the square in this case are 1 metre (3.28084 foot). It is the SI derived unit used to measure area.
3. Square Yards:
Square yards, sq. yd. or yd2 can be defined as the area of a square with sides measuring 1 yard (3 foot). This unit has been replaced by square metre.
However, it is still in use in the following countries – India (as guz),United Kingdom,United States,Canada.
4. Hectare:
Hectare or ha can be defined as the area of a square with sides measuring 100 metres. It is the only unit in use within SI even though it is a non-SI unit.
Hectare is primarily used for the measurement of large areas of land like forests, agricultural plots, etc. The European Union primarily uses this unit.
With an area unit converter, you can convert hectare into acre, bigha, sq. m, sq. ft. and more.
5. Bigha:-
Bigha is traditionally used in India when measuring plots. The unit has no standard size. Size on one bigha can equal 1,500 to 6,771 sq. m. the unit can equal 12,400 sq. m in some places. Biswa and katha are the subunits of bigha. These units also don’t have a standard size.
The size of one bigha in few Indian states equals –
West Bengal – 1,600 sq. yd. (standardised during British Raj).
Uttarakhand – 756.222 sq. yd.
Assam – 14,400 sq. ft.
An online area converter can be used to convert bigha to sq. ft., sq. m, hectare or acre and vice versa.
6. Acre:-
Acre is part of the imperial US customary units. One acre equals 4,840 sq. yd. or 0.405 hectare. 640 acres make 1 mile.
Acre is primarily used in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is also used in countries under former British Colonial rule. In India, acre is primarily used to measure agricultural land.
A land area converter can convert measurements of acre into sq. ft., sq. m. and other units.
7. Guntha:-
Guntha or gunta is primarily used to measure plots in Northern India. In India, 40 gunthas make 1 acre. Also, 1 guntha equals 1,089 sq. ft.
8. Ground:-
Ground is unit of measurement in India. 1 ground equals 203 sq. m. Then the unit is more commonly used in the realty sector.
9. Biswa:-
Biswa is a unit with no standard size throughout the country. Commonly, 1 biswa equals 1,350 sq. ft. In Uttar Pradesh, 1 bigha equals 10 kaccha biswa and 10 pucca biswa.
10. Kanal:-
Kanal is most commonly used in Northern India. 1 kanal equals 1/8th of an acre or 4,500 sq. ft. or 605 sq. yd.
11. Ares:-
Ares is a unit of the metric system. 1 Ares equals 0.0247 acre or 100 sq. m. 100 ares equal 1 hectare. Are was replaced by hectare during the rationalisation of the metric system back in 1960.
1 Bigha in acre
First try to understand what is Bigha?
How much is 1 bigha in Indian states
Difference between pucca and kuchha bigha
Commonly asked questions on bigha conversion into other units
Why does bigha vary in different states?
Zone-wise understanding of bigha
Other common area conversion factors
How much is Bigha in acre terms? 1 bigha is around 27000 sq ft, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre = 27000/43560 = 0.6198, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.6198 Acre.
Bigha to Acre in UP:- 1 bigha is around 27000 sq ft in Uttar Pradesh, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in UP = 27000/43560 = 0.6198, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.6198 Acre in Uttar Pradesh.
Bigha to Acre in Assam:- 1 bigha is around 14400 sq ft in Assam, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Assam = 144000/43560 = 0.33, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.33 Acre in Assam.
Bigha to Acre in Bihar:– 1 bigha is around 27220 sq ft in Bihar, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Bihar = 27220/43560 = 0.6248, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.6248 Acre in Bihar.
Bigha to Acre in Gujrat:- 1 bigha is around 17424 sq ft in Gujrat, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Gujrat = 27000/43560 = 0.40, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.40 Acre in Gujrat.
Bigha to Acre in Haryana:- 1 bigha is around 27225 sq ft in Haryana, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Haryana = 27225/43560 = 0.625, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.625 Acre in Haryana.
Bigha to Acre in HP:- 1 bigha is around 8712 sq ft in Himachal Pradesh, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in HP = 8712/43560 = 0.20, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.20 Acre in Himachal Pradesh.
Bigha to Acre in Jharkhand:- 1 bigha is around 27211 sq ft in Jharkhand, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Jharkhand = 27211/43560 = 0.6246, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.6246 Acre in Jharkhand.
Bigha to Acre in MP:- 1 bigha is around 12000 sq ft in Madhya Pradesh, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in MP = 12000/43560 = 0.275, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.275 Acre in Madhya Pradesh.
Bigha to Acre in Punjab:- 1 bigha is around 9070 sq ft in Punjab, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Punjab = 9070/43560 = 0.2085, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.2085 Acre in Punjab.
Bigha to Acre in Rajasthan:- 1 bigha is around 27225 sq ft in Rajasthan, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Rajasthan = 27225/43560 = 0.625, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.625 Acre in Rajasthan.
Bigha to Acre in Uttarakhand:- 1 bigha is around 6804 sq ft in Uttarakhand, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in Uttarakhand = 6804/43560 = 0.156, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.156 Acre in Uttarakhand.
Bigha to Acre in West Bangal:- 1 bigha is around 14400 sq ft in West Bangal, 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, so Bigha to Acre in West Bangal = 14400/43560 = 0.3304, so 1 Bigha is equal to 0.3304 Acre in West Bangal.
What is bigha?
Bigha is a traditional unit of measurement of land. It is commonly used across northern parts of India, Bangladesh and Nepal or in areas where there has been a migration from India, such as Fiji. In India, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal use bigha as a measure. However, it is interesting to note that in all these places, there is no one standard understanding of the term.
What is Acre?
Acre is part of the imperial US customary units. One acre equals 4,840 sq. yd. or 0.405 hectare. 640 acres make 1 mile and 1 acre is equal to 43560 sq ft.
Acre is primarily used in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is also used in countries under former British Colonial rule. In India, acre is primarily used to measure agricultural land.
1 Bigha in acre and their conversion in different state of India.
Now discuss one bigha in acre in different state of India one by one.
1 Bigha in acre in Punjab & Haryana
in Indian state Punjab and Haryana there is two types of Bigha land measuring Unit is used 1) pucca Bigha is equal to 3025 sq yard or 27225 sq ft, 2) Kachha bigha is equal to 1008.33 sq yard or 9075 sq ft.
1 acre is equal to 43560 sq ft ,1 Bigha kaccha is equal to 9075 sq ft and pucca Bigha = 27225 sq ft in Punjab and Haryana,converting acre into bigha,43560/9075 = 4.8 Bigha kaccha and 43560/27225 =1.6 Bigha pucca, so in Punjab and Haryana 4.8 Bigha kaccha or 1.6 pucca Bigha is equal to 1 acre.
● Ans. 1 acre = 4.8 Bigha kaccha,1 acre = 4.8 Bigha pucca, 1 kaccha Bigha = 0.2083 acre and 1 pucca Bigha = 0.625 acre land measurement unit used in Punjab and Haryana.
In Punjab and Haryana 0.2083 acre is equal to 1 Kacha Bigha and 0.625 acre is equal to 1 pucca Bigha.
1 Bigha in Acre in Himachal Pradesh.
in Himachal Pradesh 1 Bigha is equal to 968 sq yard or 8712 sq ft, as we know 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, then 1 bigha in acre = 8712/43560 = 0.2, so in Himachal Pradesh 1 Bigha is equal to 0.2 Acre, acre to Bigha = 43560/8712 = 5 Bigha
● Ans. 5 Bigha equal to 1 acre (1Bigha = 0.2 Acre) in Himachal Pradesh.
1 Bigha in Acre in Uttarakhand.
in Uttarakhand 1 Bigha is equal to 968 sq yard or 8712 sq ft, as we know 1 Acre is equal to 43560 sq ft, then 1 bigha in acre = 8712/43560 = 0.2, so in Uttarakhand 1 Bigha is equal to 0.2 Acre, acre to Bigha = 43560/8712 = 5 Bigha
● Ans. 5 Bigha equal to 1 acre (1Bigha = 0.2 Acre) in Uttarakhand.
1 Bigha in acre in UP
In upper part of Uttar Pradesh 1 Bigha is equal to 3025 sq yard or 27225 sq ft, so acre to Bigha = 43560/27225 = 1.6, so in upper part of Uttar Pradesh 1.6 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.625 acre = 1 Bigha).
In Lower part of Uttar Pradesh 1 Bigha is equal to 1008.33 sq yard or 9075 sq ft, so acre to Bigha = 43560/9075 = 4.8, so in lower part of Uttar Pradesh 4.8 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.2083 acre = 1 Bigha).
1 Bigha in acre in Assam
In Assam 1 Kattha is equal to 2880 sq ft, 1 Bigha is equal to 5 Kattha or 14400 sq ft or 1600 sq yard, acre to Bigha = 43560/14400 = 3, so in Assam 1 Acre is equal to 3 Bigha.
● Ans. 3 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.33 Acre = 1 bigha) in Assam.
1 Bigha in acre in Madhya Pradesh
In Madhya Pradesh 1 Kattha ( katha) is equal to 600 sq ft, 1 Bigha is equal to 20 Katha or 1333.33 sq yard or 12000 sq ft, Acre to Bigha = 43560/12000=3.63, so 3.63 Bigha is equal to 1 acre in Madhya Pradesh (MP).
● Ans. 3.63 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.275 Bigha = 1 Acre) in Madhya Pradesh.
1 Bigha in acre in Gujarat
In Gujarat 1 Bigha is equal to 1936 sq yard or 17424 sq ft, acre to Bigha = 43560/17424 = 2.5, so 2.5 Bigha is equal to 1 acre in Gujarat.
● Ans. 2.5 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.4 Acre = 1 Bigha) in Gujarat.
1 Bigha in acre in Rajasthan
In Rajasthan 1 pucca Bigha is equal to 3025 sq yard or 27225 sq ft, acre to bigha = 43560/27225 = 1.6, so 1.6 pucca Bigha is equal to 1 acre in upper part of Rajasthan.
In lower part of Rajasthan 1 kaccha Bigha is equal to 1936 sq yard or 17424 sq ft, acre to Bigha = 43560/17424 = 2.5, so 2.5 kaccha Bigha is equal to 1 acre in lower part of Rajasthan.
● Ans. 1.6 pucca Bigha or 2.5 kaccha Bigha equal to 1 acre in Rajasthan.
1 Bigha in acre in West Bengal
In West Bengal 1 Katha is equal to 720 sq ft,1 Bigha is equal to 20 Katha or 1600 sq yard or 14400 sq ft,Acre to Bigha = 43560/14400=3, so 3 Bigha is equal to 1 acre in West Bengal.
● Ans. 3 Bigha is equal to 1 acre (0.33 Bigha=1 Acre) in west Bengal.
Land measurement unit in India
Various local land measurement unit used in India are Chatak, Dhur, katha, Kranta, Biswa, Biswansi, Kuncham,Guntha, Ground, Cent, Kanal, Sarsahi ( sq karam), Ghumaon, Killa, Marla, Lessa, Ankanam and hire land measurement unit Bigha acre hectare.
Land measuring unit in Punjab and Haryana
In Punjab and Haryana 4.8 Bigha is equal to 1 acre, each Bigha is equal to 4 Kanal,each Kanal is 20 Marla, each marla is equal to 9 Sarsahi, each Sarsahi is equal to 1 sq karam, one square Karam is equal to 30.25 sq ft and 1 Karam is equal to 5.5 ft land measuring unit used in Punjab and Haryana.
● Killa:- 1 Killa is equal to 4840 sq yard or 43560 sq ft ( 1 Killa is equal to 1 acre). Killa land measuring unit used in Punjab and Haryana.
● Ghumaon:- 1 Ghumaon is equal to 4840 sq yard or 43560 sq ft ( 1 Ghumaon is equal to 1 acre). Ghumaon land measuring unit are used in Himachal Pradesh Punjab and Haryana.
● Kanal:- 1 kanal is equal to 5445 sq ft,8 kanal equal to 1 acre, this land measuring unit used in Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.
Land measuring unit in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
1 Bigha is equal to 968 sq yard or 8712 sq ft, 1 Bigha equal to 20 biswa,1 Biswa is equal to 435.6 sq ft or
or 48.4 sq yard,1 Biswa is equal 20 biswansi and each Biswansi is equal to 2.42 sq yard or 21.78 sq ft land measurement unit used in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
How much is 1 bigha in Indian states
State Understanding of 1 bigha
● 14,400 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Assam
● 27,220 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Bihar
● 17,427 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Gujrat
● 27,225 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Haryana
● 8,712 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Himachal Pradesh
● 27,211 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Jharkhand
● 9,070 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Punjab
● 1 pucca bigha = 27,225 sq ft & 1 kuchha bigha = 17,424 sq ft in Rajasthan
● 12,000 sq ft= 1 Bigha in Madhya Pradesh
● 6,804 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Uttarakhand
● 27,000 sq ft = 1 Bigha in Uttar Pradesh
● 14348.29 sq ft = 1 Bigha in West Bangal
Difference between pucca and kuchha bigha,In the table provided above, you may have noticed that in Rajasthan, there exists both pucca (ripe) and kuchha (crude) bigha. What is the difference between the two? The two units are used, not just in Rajasthan but in parts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, as well. While pucca or pakka bigha was comparatively, widely used, the kuchha bigha was usually used by landlords while dealing with their tenants. Both the measurements were ‘standardised’ by early landlords and varies from place to place.
Why does bigha vary in different states?
It was only in 1778 that the French devised standard land measurement units. Prior to that, the local land measurements were popular. Natives still prefer using the age-old and familiar concept and understanding of bigha. This is true for all other locally used units of measurement, as well.
Zone-wise understanding of bigha
Zone Measurement States
● in East India Assam & Bengal 1 Bigha = 1,600 sq yd
● in West India Gujarat and some part of Rajasthan 1 Bigha = 1,936 sq yd
● in Central India Madhya Pradesh 1 Bigha = 1,333.33 sq yd
● in North India Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh 1 Bigha = 900 to 3,025 sq yd .
Other common area conversion factors
Unit Conversion factor
1 sq ft = 144 square inches
1 Square Yard (sq yd) = 9 sq ft
1 Acre = 4,840 sq yd
1 Hectare =10,000 sq mtr (or 2.47 acres)
1 Bigha = 968 sq yd
1 Bigha-Pucca = 3,025 sq yd
1 Biswa = 48.4 sq yd
1 Killa = 4,840 sq yd
1 Aankadam = 72 sq ft
1 Cent = 435.6 sq ft
1 Ground = 2,400 sq ft
1 kanal = 5,445 sq ft (8 Kanals = 1 acre)
1 Kuncham = 484 sq yd
1 Chatak = 180 sq ft
1 Guntha = 1,089 sq ft
Land measurement unit in North India
● 1 Bigha = pucca 3025 sq yard (165 ft × 165 ft) used in Uttar Pradesh Punjab and Haryana
● 1 Bigha = 968 sq yard land measuring unit used in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
● 1 Bigha = 900 sq yard land measuring unit used in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
● 1 Bigha = kaccha 1008.33 sq yard (1/3 of pucca) land measuring unit used in Punjab Haryana & Uttar Pradesh.
● 1 Biswa = pucca 151.25 sq yard (1/20 of pucca Bigha) land measurement unit used in Uttar Pradesh Punjab and Haryana.
● 1 Biswa = 48.4 sq yard (1/20 of bigha) used in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
● 1 Biswansi = 1/20 of Biswa land measurement unit used in Uttar Pradesh Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
● 1 Killa = 4840 sq yard ( equal to 1 acre) land measurement unit used in Punjab and Haryana
● 1 Ghumaon = 4840 sq yard ( equal to 1 acre) used in Himachal Pradesh Punjab and Haryana
● 1 Sarsahi ( sq karam) = 30.25 sq ft in Punjab Haryana and Himachal Pradesh
● 1 kanal = 5445 sq ft ( 8 kanal = 1 Bigha) in Haryana Punjab Himachal Pradesh in Jammu and Kashmir.
Land measurement in South India
● 1 Ankanam = 72 sq ft (1 acre = 605 Ankanam) land measurement unit used in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
● 1 Cent = 435.6 sq ft ( 1 acre = 100 cent) used in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka
● 1 Ground = 2400 sq ft used in Tamilnadu
● 1 Guntha = 1089 sq ft (1 acre = 40 Guntha) in Andhra Pradesh Kerala and Maharashtra
● 1 Kuncham = 484 sq yard ( 1 kuncham = 10 cent) used in Andhra Pradesh.
Land measurement in East India
● 1 Chatak = 180 sq ft and 1 katha = 16 chatak used in West Bengal
● 1 decimal = 48.4 sq yard and 1 acre = 100 decimal used in West Bengal
● 1 Dhur = 68.0625 sq ft ( 1 katha = 20 dhur) used in Bihar and Jharkhand
● 1 Dhur = 36 sq ft ( 20 dhur = 1 kranta) used in Tripura
● 1 kattha = 2880 sq ft ( 1 bigha= 5 katha) used in Assam
● 1 kattha = 720 sq ft ( 1bigha = 20 katha) used in West Bengal and Jharkhand
● 1 katha = 1361.25 sq ft ( 1 bigha =20 katha) used in Bihar
Land measurement unit in Central India
● 1 Katha = 600 sq ft,1 bigha = 1333.33 sq yard or 12000 sq ft and 1 bigha = 20 katha land measurement unit used in Central India Madhya Pradesh
Land measurement in West India
● 1 Bigha = pucca 3025 sq yard (165 ft×165 ft) in Bihar and Rajasthan
● 1 Bigha = 1936 sq yard (132 ft× 132 ft) Gujarat and Rajasthan
● 1 Biswa = pucca 151.25 sq yard ( 1 bigha = 20 biswa) used in upper part of Rajasthan
● 1 biswa = kaccha 96.8 sq yard ( 1bigha = 20 biswa) used in lower part of Rajasthan
● 1 Biswansi = 1/20 of Biswa land measurement unit used in West India Rajasthan.