1000 sq ft concrete rcc slab cost in india and calculate quantity of sariya, sand ,cement and aggregate in roof slab & 1000 square feet Chhat (छत) dhalai me Kitna Sariya, cement, sand (रेत,balu) and stone chips ( gitti, coarse sand) lagega
1000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india and rcc, construction cost of RCC slab for 1000 square feet and 1000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india and for the roof cast of 1000 square feet building roof slab, you have require Steel bar, sand, cement and aggregate.
How we calculate quantity of cement, sand, Steel bar and aggregate required, you know that for the casting of roof slab we used M20 mix concrete. 1000 square feet Chhat (छत) dhalai me Kitna Sariya, cement, sand (रेत,balu) and stone chips ( gitti, coarse sand) lagega
Roof slab |
What is M20 mix grade of Concrete:- in M20 mix concrete M is stand for mix and numerical figure 20 is stand for characteristic of compressive strength 20N/mm2 after mixing and casting of roof slab, quantity of material in slab formation it calculated by M20 mix in which ratio of sand cement and aggregate is 1: 1.5 :3
M20 mix Ratio :-1 : 1.5 : 3 in which one part is cement 1. 5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate. Total proportion 1+ 1.5 + 3 = 5.5, so parts of cement = 1/5.5, parts of sand = 1.5/5.5, and parts of aggregate = 3/5.5.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft slab
● Steel bar calculation:- In roof slab reinforcement we provide there is a two types of Steel bar used main bar and cross bar. And know about roof slab Steel calculation
1) Main bar:- main bar is also called as shorts span bar usually used at bottom of slab having spacing 4 inch between the two bar. Main bar is also called tension Steel because it is provided in tension zone of roof slab in bottom having tensile strength of steel is enough yield strength and ultimate tensile strength.
We should use hi tensile steel in main bar Fe550D. sufficient amount of main bar used in shorter direction having 10 mm or 12 mm dia of Steel bar according to roof slab reinforcement.
2) Cross bar:- cross bar is also called as longer span bar or distribution bar or cross bar mainly used at top of the main bar in compression zone of slab, cross bar usually dia of 8mm or 10 mm bar Steel bar used in longer direction according to roof slab reinforcement.
As per thumb rule, the typical amount of steel required per cubic meter of concrete slab is about 80-90 kg. Since volume of 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 4″ thick = (1000 × 0.33) ÷ 35.32 = 9.34 m3. So quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab = 9.34 × 80 = approx 750 kg or 9.34 × 90 = approx 840 kg.
Volume of 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thick = (1000 × 0.416) ÷ 35.32 = 11.78 m3. So quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thick = 11.78 × 80 = approx 940 kg or 11.78 × 90 = approx 1060 kg.
Volume of 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 6″ thick = (1000 × 0.5) ÷ 35.32 = 14.156 m3. So quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 6″ thick = 14.156 × 80 = approx 1130 kg or 14.156 × 90 = approx 1275 kg.
How much steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab 6″ thickness? The typical amount of steel required for 1,000 square feet RCC slab at 6″ thickness is between 1130 and 1275 kg (or 1.13 and 1.275 tons). So at 6″ thickness, RCC slab requires 1130-1275 kg of steel per 1000 square feet.
How much steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab 5″ thickness? The typical amount of steel required for 1,000 square feet RCC slab at 5″ thickness is between 940 and 1060 kg (or 0.94 and 1.06 tons). So at 5″ thickness, RCC slab requires 940-1060 kg of steel per 1000 square feet.
How much steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab 4″ thickness? The typical amount of steel required for 1,000 square feet RCC slab at 4″ thickness is between 750 and 840 kg (or 0.75 and 0.84 tons). So at 4″ thickness, RCC slab requires 750-840 kg (or 0.75-0.84 tons) of steel per 1000 square feet.
How much steel required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab? The typical amount of steel required for 1,000 square feet RCC slab is between 850 and 950 kg (or 0.85 and 0.95 tons). So RCC slab requires 850-950 kg (or 0.85-0.95 tons) of steel per 1000 square feet.
In india, an average price of steel is about 80 rupees per kg, assume on average 900 kg of steel required for 1000 sq ft slab. So cost of 900 kg steel = 900 × 80 = Rs. 72,000. So steel costs for 1000 sq ft RCC slab is about 72,000 rupees.
●How to calculate material required for roof cast of 1800 square feet building
●How to calculate material required for roof cast of 1000 square feet building
●How to calculate weight of Steel bar of different size
What is Roof slab casting process
Roof slab casting is process of laying And putting concrete mix in horizontal direction and structure over brickwork. Cast of roof slab reinforcement main bar and cross bar in distributed over shuttering areas of roof slab and then we put concrete mix of M20 or m25 grade of concrete that is known as roof slab casting.
How many cement bags required for 1000 sqft roof slab?
How many cement bags required for 1000 sq ft house
1000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india and rcc
How many cement bags required for 2000 sq ft house
How many cement bags required for 1500 square feet house?
1000 sq ft concrete slab cost in India
● Given dimensions:- Roof slab thickness ranging between 4 inch to 6 inch but in this calculation we take roof slab thickness is 5 inch.
Assume roof slab thickness =5″, Length of slab = 40′, and width of slab = 25′, so area of slab = 25’×40’= 1000 sq ft.
Roof slab |
Volume Calculation ( wet & dry volume)
Wet volume = Area × thickness of slab = 1000 sq ft × 5″ = 1000 sq ft × 5/12′ = 416.66 CFT, if you want to convert it into cubic metre you should divide by 35.32 because 1 m3 = 35.32 CFT. So wet volume = 416.66/ 35.32 =11.80 m3
Dry volume calculation
We know that wet volume have voids and pore which filled with water and bubbles it can be remove by vibrator or compressor machine so more quantity of material is required.
Dry volume means mixture of cement sand and aggregates concrete in dry condition have more voids and pores that are evaporated in wet condition and volume is decrease by 54 percent in wet condition and volume of dry concrete in increased by 54% , so we can multiply 1.54 in wet volume to calculate dry volume
Dry volume of concrete =1.54 ×11.80 m3 = 18.17 m3 (cubic meters).
READ MORE:- If you want to know how much Steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab
Sand required for 1000 sq ft slab
In M20 ratio of sand cement and aggregate is 1:1.5:3, in this ratio 1.5 parts is sand
Total proportion =1+1.5+3=5.5
Volume of sand in CFT = 1.5/ 5.5 × 18.17 × 35.32 CFT = Approx. 175 CFT.
If market rate of sand price is 60 rupees per CFT then total cost of sand = rs 60 × 175
= Rs 10, 500.
900 sq ft house construction cost in India & material quantity
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2000 sq ft house construction cost & building material
Note:- in India 2023 sand price depends on availability, location and demand it will vary from Rs 20 Rs 80 per cft, so you should adjust this rate according to your location.
In india, the typical amount of sand required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thickness is 175 CFT (about 8 tons) which costs about 10,500 rupees.
READ MORE:- 1) how much sand required for 1000 square feet roof slab
Cement required for 1000 sq ft slab
●Cement calculation:- in M20 mix 1 part is cement quantity
Weight of cement = 1/5.5 × dry volume in m3 × density of cement
Density of cement =1450 kg/m3
Weight of cement in kg = 1/5.5 × 18.17 m3 × 1450 kg/m3 = 4750 Kg, as 1 bag cement = 50kg, so No.of bags of cement = 4,750/ 50 = 95 Bags cement
If market rate of cement is 400 rupees per bags then total cost = 95 × rs 400 = Rs. 38,000
Note:- In India 2023, price of cement has slightly increased, it is about Rs 400 per bag so you should adjust cost of cement according to your market rate.
In india, the typical amount of cement required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thickness is 95 bags (about 4750 kg) which costs about 38,000 rupees.
प्रश्न (1) 1000 स्क्वायर फीट में कितना सीमेंट लगेगा?
उत्तर- 1000 स्क्वायर फीट में 76 से 114 सीमेंट बैग लगेगा, सीमेंट की यह मात्रा छत की मोटाई के अनुसार घटती – बढ़ती जाएगी जैसे की छत की मोटाई निर्माण डिजाइन के अनुसार 4 इंच से 6 इंच होता है| चार इंच छत के लिए 76 बैग सीमेंट, 5 इंच के लिए 95 बैग और 6 इंच मोटाई के लिए 114 सीमेंट बैग लगेगा|
READ MORE:- how many cement bags required for 1000 sq ft roof slab
Aggregate required for 1000 sq ft slab
●Aggregate Calculation:-
in M20 mix there is 3 parts of aggregate quantity
Volume of aggregate in CFT = 3/5.5 × dry volume, so volume =3/5.5 × 18.17 ×35.34 = 350 CFT
If market rate of aggregate is is 60 rupees per CFT then total cost of aggregate = rs 60 × 350 = 21,000 rupees
Note:- in India 2023 aggregate price depends on availability, location and demand it will vary from Rs 30 Rs 70 per CFT, so you should adjust this rate according to your location
In india, the typical amount of aggregate required for 1000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thickness is 350 CFT (about 15 tons) which costs about 21,000 rupees.
READ MORE:- 1 CFT 10mm, 20mm and 40mm aggregate weight in kg
Construction cost of 1000 sq ft rcc slab
● Total cost of material:-
Cost of steel = rs 72,000
Cost of cement = rs 38,000
Cost of sand = rs 10,500
Cost of stone = rs 21,000
Labour charge and machine cost =rs 50,000 (approx)
So total cost = Rs 1,91,500
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1,000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thickness is range between 1,90,000 rupees and 2,00,000 rupees. These includes- cost of 900 kg steel- rs 72,000 + cost of 175 CFT Sand- rs 10,500 + cost of 95 bags cement-rs 38,000 + cost of 350 CFT aggregate- rs 21,000 + Labour charges- rs 50,000 = rs 1,91,500.
RCC work rate per sqft
The typical rate of RCC work is about 40-60 rupees per sq ft. Typical construction cost of RCC slab is about 180-200 rupees per sq ft. To get a rough idea for the RCC work rate per sq ft, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that RCC work rate is 40 to 60 rupees per sq ft, the approx cost for rcc slab is around Rs180 to 200 per square foot, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.
Cost of 1000 sq ft rcc roof slab
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1,000 sq ft RCC slab at 5″ thickness is range between 1,90,000 rupees and 2,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
1500 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1500 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 2,85,000 rupees and 3,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
1200 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1200 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 2,30,000 rupees and 2,40,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
1400 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1400 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 2,70,000 rupees and 2,80,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
1600 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1600 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 3,00,000 rupees and 3,20,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
1800 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1800 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 3,40,000 rupees and 3,60,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
2000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 2000 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 3,80,000 rupees and 4,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
2200 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 2200 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 4,20,000 rupees and 4,40,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
2400 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 2400 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 4,60,000 rupees and 4,80,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
2500 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 2500 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 4,75,000 rupees and 5,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
3000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 3000 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 5,70,000 rupees and 6,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
800 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 800 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 1,50,000 rupees and 1,60,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
600 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 600 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 1,14,000 rupees and 1,20,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
500 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 500 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 95,000 rupees and 1,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
400 sq ft concrete slab cost in india
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 400 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 75,000 rupees and 80,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
RCC slab cost
The typical construction cost of concrete RCC slab is about 180-200 rupees per square foot, 1,950-2150 rupees per square meter, 540-600 rupees per cubic foot and 19,000-21,000 rupees per cubic meter.
Construction cost of RCC slab per square foot
The typical construction cost of RCC slab is about 180-200 rupees per sq ft. To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc slab per sq ft, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC roof slab the approx cost is around Rs 180 to 200 per square foot, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.
Lenter cost per square foot
In India, the typical construction cost to build a Lenter (RCC roof slab) is about 180-200 rupees per square foot. These costs include the cost of materials, labour and formwork.
RCC roof cost per sq ft in India 2023
The typical construction cost of RCC roof is about 180-200 rupees per sq ft. In India 2023, market rate of building material cement, Steel, sand and aggregate slightly increased, steel is about RS 80 per kg and price of cement per bag is about Rs400, to get a rough idea for RCC roof cost per square feet, you can get a hint from this formula, however in general it is assumed that to construct an RCC roof slab, the approx cost is around Rs 180 to Rs 200 per sq ft, it will include the cost of Steel, labour, shuttering and material.
Construction cost of RCC slab per square metre
The typical construction cost of RCC roof slab is about 1,950-2150 rupees per square meter. To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc slab per sq m, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC roof slab the approx cost is around Rs 1950 to 2150 per square meter, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.
How many cement bags required for 1000 sqft roof slab?
How many cement bags required for 1000 sq ft house
1000 sq ft concrete slab cost in india and rcc
How many cement bags required for 2000 sq ft house
How many cement bags required for 1500 square feet house?
Construction cost of RCC slab for cubic metre
The typical construction cost of concrete RCC roof slab is about 19,000-21,000 rupees per cubic meter. To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc slab per m3, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC roof slab the approx cost is around Rs 19,000 to 21,000 per cubic meter, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.
1000 square feet Chhat (छत) dhalai me Kitna Sariya, cement, sand (रेत,balu) and stone chips ( gitti, coarse sand) lagega ? iska answer hai:- 1000 square feet Chhat dhalai mein 900 kg Sariya, 95 bags cement, 175 CFT sand ( balu, river sand रेत) & 350 cu ft stone chips ( gitti, coarse sand) lagega.
RCC concrete slab cost per square foot
Approximate cost of an RCC concrete slab is between Rs190 and 200 per square foot including steel, workers and supplies. RCC work labor rates between 40 and 60 Rupees per square foot.
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How much steel required for 800 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 800 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 680 and 760 kg (or 0.68 and 0.75 tons), with steel costs ranging from 54,000 to 60,000 rupees.
How much steel required for 600 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 600 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 510 and 570 kg (or 0.51 and 0.57 tons).
How much steel required for 500 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 500 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 425 and 475 kg (or 0.425 and 0.485 tons).
How much steel required for 400 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 400 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 340 and 380 kg (or 0.34 and 0.38 tons).
How much steel required for 1200 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 1200 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1020 and 1140 kg (or 1.02 and 1.14 tons).
How much steel required for 1400 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 1400 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1190 and 1330 kg (or 1.19 and 1.33 tons).
How much steel required for 1500 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 1500 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1425 and 1575 kg (or 1.425 and 1.575 tons).
How much steel required for 1600 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 1600 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1520 and 1680 kg (or 1.52 and 1.68 tons).
How much steel required for 1800 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 1800 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1700 and 1890 kg (or 1.7 and 1.89 tons).
How much steel required for 2000 sq ft RCC slab
The typical amount of steel required for 2000 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC) at 5 inches thick is between 1900 and 2100 kg (or 1.9 and 2.1 tons).
Therefore, in india, the average construction cost of 1000 sq ft concrete (RCC) slab at 5″ thickness is range between 1,90,000 rupees and 2,00,000 rupees. These includes cost of materials and labour.
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Very good sir… thank You
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From greenstone construction
Excellent work. Very practical and pragmatic approach. Very useful for layman.
Good quality of exaplination
Very nice information.
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Very good sir… thank You
Very useful information sir,appreciate your work.
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Very useful information sir, thank you for sharing it.