Bigha | acre | hectare – land measurement unit,What is Bigha ,Acre and Hectare and how we convert these land measurement unit in square feet and square yard Bigha | acre | hectare – land measurement unit
Many of Asian country rules by British Empire like India, Nepal Pakistan ,Bhutan and Bangladesh in local language land measurement unit is Bigha, value of Bigha may be varies from area to area like in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab ,Haryana ,Himachal Pradesh ,Bihar Jharkhand States etc .
But we try to explain Bigha, acre and hectare that is land measurement unit used in several Nation. And this article we try to solve various questions regarding Bigha acre and hectare like that 1 bigha to acre,1bigha to hectare,1 bigha in acre,1bigha to square feet and so more–
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We know 1 bigha to square yard and we know that the value of bigha is not constant throughout the India it can be varies in several state and that 1bigha into sq ft in up is 27000 sq ft,and in Bihar that is 27225 sqft

1 bigha to square feet
Q1) 1bigha into sq yard in up
1 bigha in sq yard in up = 3000 sq yard
And we have 1 sq yard = 9 sq ft
So 1bigha to square feet = 3000 × 9 sq ft
1bigha to square feet = 27000 sq ft
1 bigha to acre
Q2) now convert 1 bigha to acre and 1 bigha how many acre
We know that acre is International land measurement unit and so it has fixed value and their value is not varies like Bigha according to region
And 1 acre = 43560 sq feet
And 1 bigha have 27000 sq ft so
So 1 bigha in acre = 43560/27000
1 bigha in acre = 1.613 bigha in up
That is bigha to acre value in Uttar Pradesh
1 bigha to hectare
●Hectare:- it is SI and international unit for land measurement that is equal to 100×100 square metre land
1Hectare =100×100 m2
Now we have to find out value of 1 bigha to hectare in Uttar Pradesh and discused about Bigha to hectare conversion unit
Q3) bigha to hectare
We have 1 bigha = 27000 sq ft
And 1 hectare = 10000 m2
First you should convert square metre into square feet by multiplying with 10.764 we get
1 hectare = 10000 ×10.764 = 107640 sq ft
Now bigha to hectare = 107640/27000
Hence bigha to hectare = 3.986 bigha
(Q4) convert 1 Bigha into square yard and 1 bigha into square feet that is kaccha bigha used in Rajasthan.
We know that one bigha is equal to 44 ×44 square yard
Now 1 bigha to square yard
1Bigha =44× 44 yard2
1Bigha =1936 yard2
We know that 1yard2 =9 ft2
So we should convert square yard into square feet and 1 bigha in square feet
1 Bigha =9×1936 square feet
1 Bigha = 17424 square feet
1 acre into square feet
●Example 2
●(Q5) How to Convert 1 acre into square yard and 1 acre into square feet
Now 1 acre into sq yard
1 Acre= 44×110 square yard
Hence we have 1 acre into square yard is
1 Acre = 4840 square yard
And we know that
1 square yard = 9 ft2
So we convert square yard into square feet and 1 acre into square feet is
1 Acre = 4840× 9 square feet
Hence 1 acre into square feet is
1 Acre = 43560 ft2 ans.
Acre to hectare
Q6) now acre to hectare conversion
We have 1 hectare = 107640 sq ft
And 1 acre = 43560 sq ft
So we have 1 hectare = 107640/43560=2.471 acre
Hence acre to hectare we have
1 hectare = 2.471 acre
Now important conversion unit
1) 1 acre = 1.613 bigha
2) 1 hectare = 3.986 bigha
3) 1 hectare = 2.471 acre
Now your turns:-
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