How many bags of concrete do i need per m3 | how many m3 are in a bag of concrete | how many bags of concrete do i need for a 10×10 slab | how many bags of concrete do i need for a 4×4 slab | how many bags of concrete do i need for 0.1m3, 0.2m3, 0.4m3, 0.5m3 and 0.8m3.
The number of bags of concrete you need per cubic meter (m³) depends on the mix ratio and the size of the bags. Typically, a bag of concrete mix contains 20, 25, or 30 kilograms of concrete. To determine the number of bags you need, you’ll need to calculate the volume of concrete you want to pour and then divide that by the volume of one bag. Here’s the formula: Number of bags = (Volume of concrete in cubic meters) / (Volume per bag in cubic meters).
Concrete is a blended mix of Portland cement, sand, aggregate, water with approve ingredient. Cement is acts as binder or adhesive materials to bind the components of concrete all together to create workable paste. Sand acts as filler material that fills the voids and gap between components of concrete and remove the air. Aggregate, stone, or gravel used to strengthen the concrete strength.
If you have planning a new project, and thinking about construction of your slab, ramp, sidewalk, patio, floor, or concrete pathways, the question is how many bags of concrete do i need and how to figure or estimate the required number of bags of for any projects. In this article we give details about the how many bags of concrete do i need per m3 and how to figure the number of premix concrete bags.

Ready mix concrete can be used for building or repairing foundation walls, fence post, sidewalks, curbs, steps and ramps and for setting posts and others concrete structure like, footing, slab, beam and columns. The weight of 1m3 of premix concrete is determined by its density, which can vary based on the amount of aggregate, water, and air in the mix.
As per metric sizes a premix bag of concrete usually comes in 40kg, 20kg, 30kg, and 25kg bags. 55 × 40kg, or 74 × 30kg, or 88 × 25kg, or 110 × 20kg bags of premix concrete equates one cubic meter of concrete. Australian Builder’s a premix bag of concrete of 20kg, you need 110×20kg bags per m3. As per UK practices, you would need 88×25kg bags per m3.
One 20kg bag of concrete yields volume about 0.01m3 which will cover an area of 1 m2 to a depth of approximately 10mm. or 110 x 20kg bags equates to one cubic meter of mixed concrete. Add 10% for any error or waste.
One 25kg bag of concrete yields volume about 0.0125m3 which will cover an area of 1.25 m2 to a depth of approximately 10mm. or 88 x 25kg bags equates to one cubic meter of mixed concrete. Add 10% for any error or waste.
One 30kg bag of concrete yields volume about 0.015m3 which will cover an area of 1.5 m2 to a depth of approximately 10mm. or 74 x 30kg bags equates to one cubic meter of mixed concrete. Add 10% for any error or waste.
One 40kg bag of concrete yields volume about 0.02m3 which will cover an area of 2 m2 to a depth of approximately 10mm. or 55 x 40kg bags equates to one cubic meter of mixed concrete. Add 10% for any error or waste.
How many bags of concrete do i need per m3
To calculate the number of bags of concrete you would need, divide the total volume of project by yields of one concrete premix bag in similar units. Volume measures length times width times thickness. Yields of one concrete bag measure ratio of weight of a bag by weight of 1m3 concrete.
For example, if you require a 2m × 2m slab with a depth of 50mm, your volume of slab would be 2m × 2m × 0.05m = 0.2m3. As 110× 20kg bag equates 1 cubic meter of concrete. So, you would need approximately 22 bags of 20kg premix concrete. No. of premix concrete will be 0.2 × 110 = 22 bags.
You would need approximately either 110 × 20kg, 88 × 25kg, 74 × 30kg, 63 × 35kg, or 55 × 40kg bags of premix concrete per m3 (cubic metre). The guidance slightly depending on brands and their coverage. You should use 2.3 to 2.4 liters of water per 20kg bag.
How many m3 are in a bag of concrete
To measure the yields of concrete bag in cubic metre, divide the weight of one bag of concrete by weight of 1m3 of concrete. For example, a bag of concrete weighs about 20kg and roughly 1m3 concrete weighs about 2,000kg. So, yields of one 20kg bag will be 20/ 2,000 = 0.01m3.
● Yields of a 20kg bag = 20/2,000 = 0.01m3
● Yields of a 25kg bag = 25/2,000 = 0.0125m3
● Yields of a 30kg bag = 30/2,000 = 0.015m3
● Yields of a 40kg bag = 40/2,000 = 0.02m3
● Yields of a 35kg bag = 35/2,000 = 0.0175m3.
There are approximately 0.01 m3 in a 20kg, 0.0125 m3 in a 25kg, 0.015 m3 in a 30kg, or 0.02 m3 in a 40kg, or 0.0175 m3 in a 35kg bag of concrete. 1 cubic meter of premix concrete weighs 2000kg, so, number of m3 in a 20kg bag of concrete = 20 ÷ 2000 = 0.01m3.
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How many bags of concrete do i need for a 10×10 slab
A 10×10 slab measures 10 meters in length, 10 meters in width and 10cm in thickness. Convert thickness in meter i.e 10/100 = 0.1m. Multiply length, width and thickness of slab i.e 10×10×0.1 = 10m3. One cubic meter of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 10m3 concrete, you will need 1,100 bags of premix concrete (10×110 = 1,100).
At 10cm thick, for a 10 meters by 10 meters or 10×10 concrete slab, you would need approximately either 1,100 × 20kg, 880 × 25kg, 740 × 30kg, or 550 × 40kg bags or 10 cubic meters of premix concrete.
How many bags of concrete do i need for a 4×4 slab
A 4×4 slab measures 4 meters in length, 4 meters in width and 10cm in thickness. Convert thickness in meter i.e 10/100 = 0.1m. Multiply length, width and thickness of slab i.e 4×4×0.1 = 1.6m3. One cubic meter of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 1.6m3 concrete, you will need 176 bags of premix concrete (1.6×110 = 176).
At 10cm thick, for a 4 meters by 4 meters or 4×4 concrete slab, you would need approximately either 176 × 20kg, 140 × 25kg, 120 × 30kg, or 88 × 40kg bags or 1.6 cubic meters of premix concrete.
How many bags of concrete do i need for a 5×5 slab
A 5×5 slab measures 5 metres in length, 5 metres in width and 10cm in thickness. Convert thickness in metre i.e 10/100 = 0.1m. Multiply length, width and thickness of slab i.e 5×5×0.1 = 2.5m3. One cubic meter of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 2.5m3 concrete, you will need 275 bags of premix concrete (2.5×110 = 275).
At 10cm thick, for a 5 meters by 5 meters or 5×5 concrete slab, you would need approximately either 275 × 20kg, 220 × 25kg, 185 × 30kg, or 138 × 40kg bags or 2.5 cubic meters of premix concrete.
How many bags of concrete do i need for a 3×3 slab
A 3×3 slab measures 3 metres in length, 3 metres in width and 10cm in thickness. Convert thickness in metre i.e 10/100 = 0.1m. Multiply length, width and thickness of slab i.e 3×3×0.1 = 0.9m3. One cubic meter of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 0.9m3 concrete, you will need 99 bags of premix concrete (0.9×110 = 99).
At 10cm thick, for a 3 meters by 3 meters or 3×3 concrete slab, you would need approximately either 99 × 20kg, 80 × 25kg, 67 × 30kg, or 50 × 40kg bags or 0.9 cubic metres of premix concrete.
How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.1 m3
One cubic metre of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 0.1m3 (cubic metres) of concrete slab, you will need 11 bags of premix concrete (0.1×110 = 11). For example, a 2.5m × 4m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.1m3 or 11 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 2.5 ×4×0.1 = 0.1m3, no. of bags = 0.1×110 = 11 bags.
How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.2 m3
One cubic metre of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 0.2m3 (cubic metres) of concrete slab, you will need 22 bags of premix concrete (0.2×110 = 22). For example, a 4m × 5m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.2m3 or 22 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 5 ×4×0.1 = 0.2m3, no. of bags = 0.2×110 = 22 bags.
How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.3 m3
One cubic metre of slab requires approximately 110 x 20kg Concrete Mix bags. Therefore in order to fill 0.3m3 (cubic metres) of concrete slab, you will need 33 bags of premix concrete (0.3×110 = 33). For example, a 5m × 6m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.3m3 or 33 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 6 ×5×0.1 = 0.3m3, no. of bags = 0.3×110 = 33 bags.
How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.4 m3
In order to fill 0.4m3 (cubic metres) of concrete slab, you will need 44 bags of premix concrete (0.4×110 = 44). For example, a 8m × 5m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.4m3 or 44 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 8 ×5×0.1 = 0.4m3, no. of bags = 0.4×110 = 44 bags.
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How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.5 m3
In order to fill 0.5m3 (cubic meters) of concrete slab, you will need 55 bags of premix concrete (0.5×110 = 55). For example, a 10m × 5m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.5m3 or 55 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 10 ×5×0.1 = 0.5m3, no. of bags = 0.5×110 = 55 bags.
How many bags of concrete do i need for 0.8 m3
In order to fill 0.8m3 (cubic meters) of concrete slab, you will need 88 bags of premix concrete (0.8×110 = 88). For example, a 10m × 8m concrete slab at 10cm thick, will require 0.8m3 or 88 × 20kg bags of premixed concrete. Volume of slab = 10 ×8×0.1 = 0.8m3, no. of bags = 0.8×110 = 88 bags.
You would need approximately either 110 × 20kg, 88 × 25kg, 74 × 30kg, 63 × 35kg, or 55 × 40kg bags of premix concrete per m3 (cubic metre).