Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio for rendering

The mix ratio for rendering with Portland cement, sand, and lime typically depends on the specific application and the desired properties of the render. However, a common mix ratio is: 1 part Portland cement, 1.5 – 2 parts sand and 0.25 – 0.5 parts lime. This mix provides a good balance of strength, workability, and durability.

Mortar used act as binding material in various construction work like bricklaying, block work, retaining wall formation, plastering and flooring, it is prepared from mixing of lime, sand and cement in required proportion to achieve targeted compressive strength according to design structure.

Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio
Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio

Most important ingredients of mortar are using of Portland cement, lime and fine sand, in which cement and lime act as Binder or adhesive material and sand act as filler. Adding lime to mortar improve the flexibility, plasticity and workability of mortar while providing a high degree of cohesiveness it also spreads easily under the trowel.

Lime cement mortar are slower hardening than cement mortar, but it has high degree of flexibility which enhances the brickwork to accommodate stresses caused by building movement and cyclic changes without excessive cracking.

Hydrated lime improve the strength of mortar by several chemical reaction like carbonation in which hydrated lime react with carbon dioxide of atmosphere to form limestone and pozzolanic cementitious reaction can occur between hydrates lime and silca compound in mortar mix.

Types of mortar

There are four types of mortar is prepared according to their compressive strength and ratio of cement to lime and to sand, these mortar types are 1) type -O, 2) type – N, 3) type -S and 4) type – M.

Type – O mortar:- this type of mortar used for non loading bearing structure above the ground application, generally it is used for internal wall or partition in the houses and for general work. This type of mortar has compressive strength of 350 psi or 2.4 Mpa. Mix ratio for O type mortar is 1 parts cement to 2 parts lime to 9 parts sand which is represented as 1:2:9 (1 cement: 2 lime: 9 sand).

Type – N mortar:- this type of mortar used for light load and support work above the ground application, generally it is used for rendering or plastering of brick wall and brick or block work. This type of mortar has compressive strength of 750 psi or 5 Mpa. Mix ratio for N type mortar is 1 parts cement to 1 parts lime to 6 parts sand which is represented as 1:1:6 (1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand).

Type – S mortar:- this type of mortar used for load bearing structure below the ground application, generally it is used for base for foundation and retaining wall. This type of mortar has compressive strength of 1800 psi or 12.4 Mpa. Mix ratio for S type mortar is 2 parts cement to 1 parts lime to 9 parts sand which is represented as 2:1:9 (2 cement: 1 lime: 9 sand).

Type – M mortar:- this type of mortar used for heavier load bearing structure below the ground application, generally it is used for foundation and retaining wall. This type of mortar has compressive strength of 2500 psi or 17 Mpa. Mix ratio for M type mortar is 3 parts cement to 1 parts lime to 12 parts sand which is represented as 3:1:12 (3 cement: 1 lime: 12 sand).

The typical Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio are 1:1:6 (1 cement:1 lime:6 sand), 3:1:12 (3 cement:1 lime:12 sand), 2:1:9 (2 cement:1 lime:9 sand), and 1:2:9 (1 cement:2 lime:9 sand). Typically, mix ratios of 3:1:12 and 2:1:9 are used for foundations and retaining walls, 1:1:6 used for block work rendering, and brick work, and 1:2:9 used for non load bearing structure.

Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio for rendering

Portland cement sand and lime mix ratio is 6:1:1 indicates 1 part of cement mixed with 6 parts of sand and 1 part of lime. This proportion of Portland cement sand and lime based on volume used for rendering of external and internal walls. It is the most commonly used, best, satisfactory and standard mortar mixture.

For most of work like brickwork, block work and rendering is 1 parts Portland cement to 1 parts hydrated lime to 6 parts sand by volume, which is represented as 1:1:6 (1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand), for improving plasticity, flexibility and workability of lime cement mortar, a suitable mix like 1 parts Portland cement, 2 parts lime and 9 parts sand as 1:2:9 also can be used.

What is the mix for lime render

Typically, most of renders are made of Portland cement, sand, water, lime and some approved admixture ingredients, standard mix for lime render is 1 parts cement to 1 parts hydrated lime to 6 parts sand by volume, which is represented as 1:1:6 (1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand), for this mix any general purpose cement can be used and sand should be fine and clean of impurities, coarser sand is usually used for base layer and finer sand for the top layer.

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What is the best mix for cement render

Typically, most of renders are made of Portland cement, sand, water, lime and some approved admixture ingredients, commonly used, suitable, best and standard mix for cement render is 1 parts cement to 1 parts hydrated lime to 6 parts sand by volume, which is represented as 1:1:6 (1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand), for this mix any general purpose cement can be used and sand should be fine and clean of impurities, coarser sand is usually used for base layer and finer sand for the top layer.


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Lime cement render mix ratio

Commonly used, suitable, best and standard mix for lime cement render mix ratio is 1 parts cement to 1 parts hydrated lime to 6 parts sand by volume, which is represented as 1:1:6 (1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand).Typically, most of renders are made of Portland cement, sand, water, lime and some approved admixture ingredients. For this mix any general purpose cement can be used and sand should be fine and clean of impurities, coarser sand is usually used for base layer and finer sand for the top layer.


The mix ratio of Portland cement sand and lime is 6:1:1 indicates 1 part of cement mixed with 6 parts of sand and 1 part of lime based on volume and used for rendering of external and internal walls