To perform a rate analysis for an RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) slab with M20 grade concrete, you need to consider various factors such as materials, labor, and overhead costs.
Rate analysis for RCC slab m20 – calculate quantity & cost, hi guys in this article we know about rate analysis for RCC slab with grade m20 and ratio 1:1.5:3 ( one part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate. Rate analysis comprise of sum of material cost, labour cost, overhead expenses, contractor profit and cost of equipment or tools. And also know about cost and quantity of steel,cement, sand aggregate & water required for 1 cubic metre of M20 rcc slab
Rate analysis for RCC slab ( rainforced cement concrete) is average an estimate for quotation and billing purpose by mason, supervisor and contractor and for tendering use.

Rate analysis of concrete: Rate Analysis of Concrete define as, it is a summary of all the cost involved in doing particular work or unit work like material cost, labour cost, shuttering cost, bar bending cost, overhead expenses, water charges & contractor profit.
Rate Analysis for RCC slab m20 :- It is a summary of all the cost involved in doing particular work or unit work like material cost, labour cost, shuttering cost, bar bending cost, overhead expenses, water charges & contractor profit. For rate analysis, the details about all the operation involved in carrying out the work should be available.
The quantities of materials steel, cement, sand, aggregate and water are required and their cost should be known and the number of different categories of masons & labours required and the capacity of doing work per labour and their wages per day should be known. These can be known only from the experience of particular work.
Rate analysis for RCC slab 1:1.5:3 (M20) work is summary of all the quantity and cost of material, shuttering cost, bar bending cost, labours cost, overhead expenses, contractor profit charges and water charges. Rate analysis for rcc slab is comprise of following:-
● 1) quantity and cost of material ( cement sand, aggregate, steel, binding wire and water quantity and their cost)
● 2) water charges ( 1 tanker)
● 3) shuttering cost
● 4) bar bending cost
● 5) overhead expenses (3%)
● 6) cost of equipment and tools (2%)
● 7) contractor profit (10%)
● 8) labour rate and cost.
Rate analysis for 10m3 of RCC slab 1:1.5:3 (M20)
First we calculate rate analysis for 10 m3 rcc slab work and then find rate analysis for 1m3 RCC slab work. M20 grade of rcc have cement, sand and aggregate ratio 1:1.5:3 in which one part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate. For quantity and cost calculation for m20 grade of 10m3 rcc slab we should follow following steps:-
◆ step 1, Dry volume :- we have wet volume of rcc slab work is 10m3 and we have to convert wet volume into dry volume ,we will multiply 1.54 in wet volume.
Dry volume = 1.54 × 10 = 15.4 m3.
◆ step 2, Cement quantity:- we know that cement density is 1440 kg/m3 and 1 bag cement weight is 50 kg
Quantity of cement = 1/5.5 × 15.4 m3 × 1440 kg/m3 = 4032 kg, no of bag cement for 10m3 rcc slab 1:1.5:3 (m20) = 4032/50 = 80.64.
If rate of cement = INR 350 per bag, then cost of 80.64 bags cement = 80.64×350 = INR 28224.
◆ step 3, Sand quantity :- generally sand measured in CFT and 1m3 = 35.3147
Quantity of sand = 1.5/5.5 ×15.4 × 35.3147 = 148 cft, so 148 cft sand quantity required for 10m3 rcc slab grade m20
If market rate of sand is consider INR 40 per cft, then cost of 148 cft sand = 148 × 40 = INR 5920, so cost of sand for 10m3 of rcc slab m20 grade = INR 5920.
In some areas sand is measured in brass so rate of sand = INR 4000/ brass, and 1 brass sand is equal to 100 cft.
◆ step 4 Aggregate quantity :- generally aggregate measured in CFT and 1m3 = 35.3147
Quantity of aggregate = 3/5.5 ×15.4 × 35.3147 = 296 cft, so 296 cft aggregate quantity required for 10m3 rcc grade m20
If market rate of aggregate is consider INR 50 per cft, then cost of 296 cft aggregate = 296 × 50 = INR 14800, so cost of aggregate for 10m3 of rcc slab m20 = INR 14800.
In some areas aggregate is measured in brass so rate of Aggregate = INR 5000/ brass, and 1 brass Aggregate is equal to 100 cft.
◆ step 5, Steel quantity :- Steel quantity required for RCC slab is about 80 kg per m3,so Steel required for 10m3 RCC slab = 80×10 = 800 kg = 8 quintal.
if market rate of steel = INR 5000 per quintal, then cost of 8 quintal steel = 8 × 5000 = INR 40000.
◆ step 5 material cost :- quantity and cost of material required for 10 cubic metre of rcc slab m20 grade is sum of cost of steel, cost of binding wire, cost of cement sand and aggregate. 1.5 kg of binding wire required in bar bending schedule, their rate is 65 rupees per kg,then cost of 1.5 kg binding wire = 1.5 × 65 = INR 98
Sub total cost of material = cost of steeel + cost of binding wire + cement cost + sand cost + aggregate cost =40000 + 97 + 28224 +5920 + 14800 = INR 89041.
◆ step 6, labour rate and charges :- consider one head mason and 5 mason and 10 helper and 10 coolie completed 10 cubic metre of concrete work in 8 hour, per mason rate INR 600 and per Helper rate 400 and coolie rate 300 but in mass concreting labour rate for rcc slab is INR 1060 per m3 ,In some other location it will be measured in rs 12 per sq ft and rs 30 per cft also.
Labour rate is INR 1060 per m3 for rcc slab
Labour cost for 10m3 of rcc slab work= INR 1060 × 10 = INR 10600
Sub total cost = 89041 + 10600 = INR 99614
Consider shuttering + bar bending cost, if shuttering rate is rs 25 per sq ft and bar bending cost is rs 5 per kg,
We have 10m3 = 10 × 35.3147 = 354 cft, thickness of RCC slab is 5 inch =5/12 = 0.416, then area of rcc slab in square feet = 354/ 0.416 = 850 sq ft, so shuttering cost = 850 × 25 = INR 21250. And bar bending cost = 5 × 800 = INR 4000
Subtotal = 99614 + 21250 + 4000 = INR 124864
◆ step 7 water charges:– quantity of water required in rcc concreting work used for preparing of mix and curing, consider 1.5% cost of water, then 1.5% of 89041 = INR 1335
Sub total cost = 124864 + 1335 = INR 126199
◆ step 8 overhead expenses :- consider 2% overhead expenses,then 2% of 89041 = INR 1780.
Sub total cost = 126199 +1780 = INR 127980
◆ step 9, cost of equipment and tools :- consider cost of equipment or tools is 4 %,then 4% of 89041 = INR 3562
Sub total cost = 127980 + 3562 = INR 131542
◆ step 10, contractor profit :- consider contractor profit is 10%, then 10% of 89041 = INR 8904
Total cost = 131542 + 8904 = INR 140446.
Ans. INR 140446 is cost and rate analysis for 10 m 3 rcc slab m20.
Rate of rcc slab per cum = 140446/10 = INR 14045
◆ step 11 : rate per sq m for rcc slab 1:1.5:3 (m20), consider thickness of concrete structure is 125mm thick so Area of rcc slab
structure in square metre = 10m3/0.125m = 80,
80 m2 rcc slab structure cost = INR 140446, so rate per sq m for rcc slab M20 = 140446/80 = INR 1756.
◆ step 12, rate per sq feet for rcc slab 1:1.5:3 (m20), converting 80 sq m in sq ft = 80 ×10.764 = 850 sq ft
850 sq ft rcc slab cost = INR 140446, so rate per sq ft for rcc slab M20 = 140446/850 = INR 165
◆ step 13, rate per cft for rcc slab = 140446/354 = INR 397
◆ conclusion:- Rate analysis for RCC slab1:1.5:3 (M20)
● 1) Rate per cum for RCC slab m20 = INR 14045 ( including material and labour cost)
● 2) Rate per cft for RCC slab m20 = INR 397 ( including material and labour cost)
● 3) Rate per sq ft for RCC slab m20 = INR 165 (including material and labour cost)
● 4) Rate per sq m for RCC slab m20 = INR 1756 (including material and labour cost).
I want 10×15 =150sq ft slab
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