What is RCC full form and meaning in civil engineering?

RCC in civil engineering stands for Reinforced Cement Concrete. It refers to a composite material where concrete, which is strong in compression, is combined with reinforcement bars, typically steel, to enhance its tensile strength and durability in structural applications.

What is RCC full form and meaning in civil engineering? RCC is very important topic in civil engineering. You wonder what is RCC full form and meaning in civil engineering? RCC full form in civil engineering is reinforced cement concrete.

RCC meaning:- RCC means, it is stand for Reinforced Cement Concrete, which is when plain cement concrete (mixture of cement, sand & aggregate) is reinforced with steel bars. An RCC building means the main structural members of the building, viz, slabs, beams, columns and foundations are made up of reinforced cement concrete.

What is full form of RCC? R C C full form is reinforcement cement concrete and we know concrete is two types plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete(rcc). Plain cement concrete is mixture of sand, cement and aggregate and reinforced cement concrete (rcc) is mixture of sand cement and aggregate including Steel. And in this topic we try to understand why Steel is used in concrete? and what is properties and uses of RCC in civil engineering.


RCC stands for Reinforced Cement Concrete, the most integral structural element of Civil Engineering in 21th Century. RCC has taken the world to new heights of development in commercial and residential construction. What is Reinforced ?According to the Oxford Dictionary Reinforced meaning is “MAKE IT STRONGER.” So we make the concrete with steel bars to become strong

What is RCC full form and meaning in civil engineering?
What is RCC full form and meaning in civil engineering?

What is RCC full form in civil engineering?

People wonder what is RCC full form?RCC full form in civil engineering is reinforced cement concrete. RCC full form is reinforcement cement concrete. When concrete combine with steel known as RCC. Hence RCC is composite material  of mixture of sand, cement and aggregate including Steel to enhance compressive and tensile strength of concrete.

What is RCC meaning in civil engineering?

RCC meaning in civil engineering is composite material of steel and concrete ( mixture of cement sand and aggregate) now called RCC acts as a structural member of column, beam, slab and footing and can resist tensile as well as compressive stresses very well.

Structural member in building construction is two types: compressive member and tensile member, beam and slab is compressive structural member and column is tensile structural member in RCC construction work.

RCC in civil engineering steel is used in concrete and first cage of reinforcements is prepared as per the design requirements of beam, footing, column and slab, kept in a form work with shuttering and then concrete is poured. After the concrete hardens, the shuttering is removed.

The composite material of steel(rebar) and concrete now called RCC acts as a structural member and can resist tensile as well as compressive stresses very well.

Why steel is used in concrete in civil engineering?

In reinforced cement concrete, the steel (rebar) carries all of the tensile stresses and, in some cases some of the compressive stressesalso. In prestressed concrete, the tendons are used primarily to keep the concrete in compression

Concrete is good in resisting compression but is very weak in resisting tension. Hence steel is provided in the concrete wherever tensile stress is expected.

The best reinforcement is steel, since tensile strength of steel is quite high and the bond between steel and concrete is enough strong. As the elastic modulus of steel is high, for the same extension the force resisted by steel is high compared to concrete.

However in tensile zone, cracks in concrete are unavoidable. Reinforcements are usually in the form of mild steel or ribbed steel bars of 6 mm to 32 mm and more diameter.

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What is properties of good RCC?

1. It should be capable of resisting expected tensile, compressive, bending and shear forces.

2. It should not show excessive deflection and spoil serviceability requirement.

3. There should be proper cover to the reinforcement, so that the corrossion is prevented.

4. The hair cracks developed should be within the permissible limit.

5. It is a good fire resistant material.

6. When it is fresh, it can be moulded to any desired shape and size.

7. Durability is very good.

8. RCC structure can be designed to take any load.

Uses of RCC ( reinforced cement concrete)

RCC is a widely used as building material in construction of all structural member of Industrial and residential building part like footing, column, beam and slab and also some of others structure like building of bridge, dams, water tanks, stairs, bunkers etc.

Some of its important uses of rcc are listed below:

1) rcc is used as a structural element, the common structural elements in a building where rcc is used are:
(a) Footings (b) Columns
(c) Beams and lintels (d) Chejjas, roofs and slabs.
(e) Stairs.

2) RCC is used for the construction of storage structures like
(a) Water tanks (b) Dams
(c) Bins (d) Silos and bunkers.

3) RCC is used for the construction of big structures like
(a) Bridges (b) Retaining walls
(c) Docks and harbours (d) Under water structures.

4) rcc is used for pre-casting
(a) Railway sleepers (b) Electric poles

5) RCC is used for constructing tall structures like
(a) Multistorey buildings (b) Chimneys
(c) Towers.

6) rcc is used for paving
(a) Roads (b) Airports.

7) rcc is used in building atomic plants to prevent danger of radiation. For this purpose rcc wall built are 1.5 m to 2.0 m thick.

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