Road camber values in india as per IRC

Road camber values in india as per IRC | IRC values for camber | camber in the road is provided for | camber value for cement concrete pavement is | what is the shape of camber for cement concrete pavement | which camber you will adopt for cement concrete Road | which camber you will adopt for bituminous road.

There is several kinds of Road in world constructed by central and state government in urban and rural areas, such as National Highway (NH), state highway (SH), MDR (major district road), ODR (other District road) and village road (VR). It will be constructed in plain or mountainous steep & hilly area. Generally National Highway constructed by Central Government of consists of 2 Lane, 3 Lane, 4 lane and 6 Lane Road. State highway, MDR, ODR and village road constructed by State Government consist of single lane, 2 Lane, 3 Lane and 4 lane road.

Road camber values in india as per IRC
Road camber values in india as per IRC

In india Road construction department have set up Indian Road Congress (IRC). The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is the Apex Body of Highway Engineers in the country give the guidelines, rule and regulation of several kinds of roads contraction. It is updated several times with new guidelines. In India, all matters related to Geometric design and structure are handle according to to IRC (Indian Road Congress).

The main component of the highway or Expressway are right of way, roadway width, camber or slope of road, shoulder, road margin, traffic separator and kerbs. The area of the land that required for the road along its alignment is termed as right of way (RoW).

In this article we know about IRC value for camber, which type of camber is adapted for cement concrete or Bituminous Road and shape of camber provided in highway.

Camber is defined as the slope of road provided to the road surface in the transverse direction to drain off the surface drain and rainwater from the road surface and also ensure vehicles should be safely regulated to the proper lane. It is also known as the cross slope of the road. It is generally expressed in fraction and in percentage such as 1 in n or X%.

Main objectives and purpose of providing camber in road so that vehicles should be regulated to the proper lanes, drain off the surface drain and rainwater from the road surface and hence making it more durable. It also helps in subgrade protection by proper drainage and hence to make the surface of road or pavement more impervious and quick drying of payment which in turn increases safety.

Generally there are three types of camber is provided in all type of road those who are made of cement concrete Road, Bituminous road, gravel road and earthen road. Three types of camber are straight camber, parabolic camber and mixed camber. It is categorised according to shape.

Usually, camber or slope of road is provided in the straight road by raising the centre of carriageway with respect to edge, and forming highest point at the centre. The straight slope of camber is easier to be cast, maintained and adopted in case of cement concrete pavement Road. So the shape of camber for cement concrete pavement is slope of straight camber.

Parabolic shape camber is difficult to construct, cast and maintain. It has steeper edges which create difficulty in driving. However, bituminous pavement is provided with parabolic camber or mixed camber for better drainage of water. So the shape of camber for bituminous pavement or gravel pavement, Earthen pavement is slope of parabolic camber. So most suitable and adopted camber for bituminous road is parabolic camber.

Road camber values in india as per IRC

Slope of road or camber values depending on Types of road such as NH/ SH bituminous/ cement concrete pavement, thin bituminous surface road, W B N, gravel road, Earthen road and also eat depends on heavy rainfall and light rainfall areas.

In India, as per the rules and guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC) recommended, ideal and standard values of camber or slope of road for national and state highway Bituminous/ cement concrete Road or pavement is varies between 1.7% to 2% (1 in 60 to 1 in 50) according to heavy and light rainfall areas. 2% to 2.5% (1 in 50 to 1 in 40) slope of camber is adopted for thin bituminous road. 2.5% to 3% (1 in 40 to 1 in 33) slope of camber is adopted for WBM, Gravel road. 3% to 4% (1 in 33 to 1 in 25) slope of camber is adopted for Earthen road.

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Recommended ideal and standard values of camber for slope of road for different types of road as per IRC according to heavy and light rainfall areas are following:-

● Camber value for cement concrete road/ highway in heavy rainfall areas – 2% ( 1 in 50)

● Camber value for cement concrete road/ highway in light rainfall areas – 1.7% ( 1 in 60)

● Camber value for bituminous road/ highway in heavy rainfall areas – 2% ( 1 in 50)

● Camber value for bituminous road/ highway in light rainfall areas – 1.7% ( 1 in 60)

● Camber value for thin bituminous road/ pavement in heavy rainfall areas – 2.5% ( 1 in 40)

● Camber value for thin bituminous road/ pavement in light rainfall areas – 2% ( 1 in 50)

● Camber value for WBN, Gravel road/ pavement in heavy rainfall areas – 3% ( 1 in 33)

● Camber value for WBN, Gravel road/ pavement in light rainfall areas – 2.5% ( 1 in 40)

● Camber value for Earthen road/ pavement in heavy rainfall areas – 4% ( 1 in 25)

● Camber value for Earthen road/ pavement in light rainfall areas – 3% ( 1 in 33).