The amount of sand needed for a roof slab depends on the thickness of the slab. On average, for a 4-inch thickness, you might need approximately 650 kilograms (0.65 metric tons) of sand for every 100 square feet.
Hi guys in this article we know about sand required for 100 square feet slab. RCC roof slab casting process is generally based on civil engineering desipline & building construction. Quantity of sand required in RCC roof casting process different grade of concrete like M20,m25 and so more—. 100 square feet Chhat dhalai me kitna cft sand ( river sand, balu, stone chips) lagega, in hindi 1000 स्क्वायर फीट छत ढ़लाई मे कितना बालू (river sand) लगेगा.
M20 grade of concrete is mixture of cement sand and aggregate with water have compressive strength 20 N/mm2 and M20 grade M stands for mix and numerical figure 20 is stand for compressive strength of concrete curing time of 28 days. in this topic topic know about how much sand required for m20 concrete.
Sand required for 100 sq ft roof slab of m20 concrete depends on many factors like:-
1) Thickness of RCC slab:- thickness of RCC roof slab is ranging between 4 inch to 6 inch. Thickness of RCC slab require more quantity of sand, obviously 6 inch thick RCC slab require more quantity of send than 4 inch thick.
2) Cement sand and aggregate ratio for different grade of concrete which are used in roof casting process.
Ratio of cement sand and aggregate in M20 grade of concrete is 1:1.5:3 in which 1 part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate.
Sand required for 100 sq ft roof slab
There are various steps of procedure to calculate sand quantity required for 100 square feet RCC roof slab
Sand required for 100 sq ft roof slab 4 inch thick
● step 1 :- suppose we have given 100 sq ft area of rcc roof slab and there thickness is 4 inch which is equal to 0.334 feet.
● step 2 :- calculate wet volume of concrete by multiplying area and thickness of slab = 100 sq ft × 0.334 ft = 33.4 cu ft, hance wet volume of concrete is equal to 33.4 cu ft.
● step 3 :- we know that dry volume of concrete is actual ingredients which are required so we have to convert wet volume of concrete in dry volume.
For the conversion of wet volume to dry volume we will multiply 1.54 into wet volume.
Why we multiply 1.54 in wet volume? Because when dry ingredient of concrete cement, sand and aggregate is mix with water then there volume is decrease by 54% due to evaporation of voids present in mixture, hance dry volume of concrete increased by 50%
Dry volume of concrete is equal to = 33.4 cu ft ×1.54 = 51.5 cu ft, and we know that dry volume of concrete are used to find out sand quantity required for 100 square feet RCC roof slab.
● step 4:- mix ratio in M20 grade of concrete is 1:1.5:3 in which total proportion of sand quantity is equal to 1.5/5.5.
● step 5:- now quantity of sand required for roof slab is calculated as follows = 1.5/5.5 × 51.5 cu ft = 14.1 cu ft, and we know that one CFT sand weight is 46 kg and converting into kg we will multiply 46 into 14.1 CFT = 14.1×46= 648.6 kgs = 0.6486 MT
● Ans. :- 14.1 cuft (648.6 kgs) sand quantity required for 100 square feet roof slab of 4 inch thick.
100 square feet chhat dhalai 4 inch thick me kitna sand (balu, river sand) lagega iska answer— 100 square feet Chhat dhalai me 14.1 cuft (648.6 kgs) sand quantity lagega.
Sand required for 100 sq ft roof slab 5 inch thick
● step 1 :- suppose we have given 100 sq ft area of rcc roof slab and there thickness is 5 inch which is equal to 0.417 feet.
● step 2 :- calculate wet volume of concrete by multiplying area and thickness of slab = 100 sq ft × 0.417 ft = 41.7 cu ft, hance wet volume of concrete is equal to 41.7 cu ft.
● step 3 :- we know that dry volume of concrete is actual ingredients which are required so we have to convert wet volume of concrete in dry volume.
For the conversion of wet volume to dry volume we will multiply 1.54 into wet volume.
Dry volume of concrete is equal to = 41.7 cu ft ×1.54 = 64.2 cu ft, and we know that dry volume of concrete are used to find out sand quantity required for 100 square feet RCC roof slab.
● step 4:- mix ratio in M20 grade of concrete is 1:1.5:3 in which total proportion of sand quantity is equal to 1.5/5.5.
● step 5:- now quantity of sand required for roof slab is calculated as follows = 1.5/5.5 ×64.2 cu ft = 17.5 cu ft, and we know that one CFT sand weight is 46 kg and converting into kg we will multiply 46 into 17.5 CFT = 17.5×46= 805.4 kgs = 0.8054 MT
● Ans. :- 17.5 cuft (805.4 kgs) sand quantity required for 100 square feet roof slab of 5 inch thick.
100 square feet chhat dhalai 5 inch thick me kitna sand (balu, river sand) lagega iska answer— 100 square feet Chhat dhalai me 17.5 cuft (805.4 kgs) sand quantity lagega.
Sand required for 100 sq ft roof slab 6 inch thick
● step 1 :- suppose we have given 100 sq ft area of rcc roof slab and there thickness is 6 inch which is equal to 0.50 feet.
● step 2 :- calculate wet volume of concrete by multiplying area and thickness of slab = 100 sq ft × 0.50 ft = 50.0 cu ft, hance wet volume of concrete is equal to 50.0 cu ft.
● step 3 :- we know that dry volume of concrete is actual ingredients which are required so we have to convert wet volume of concrete in dry volume.
For the conversion of wet volume to dry volume we will multiply 1.54 into wet volume.
Dry volume of concrete is equal to = 50 cu ft ×1.54 = 77 cu ft, and we know that dry volume of concrete are used to find out sand quantity required for 100 square feet RCC roof slab.
● step 4:- mix ratio in M20 grade of concrete is 1:1.5:3 in which total proportion of sand quantity is equal to 1.5/5.5.
● step 5:- now quantity of sand required for roof slab is calculated as follows = 1.5/5.5 ×77 cu ft = 21 cu ft, and we know that one CFT sand weight is 46 kg and converting into kg we will multiply 46 into 21 CFT = 21×46= 966 kgs = 0.9660 MT
● Ans. :- 21 cuft (966 kgs) sand quantity required for 100 square feet roof slab of 6 inch thick.
100 square feet chhat dhalai 6 inch thick me kitna sand (balu, river sand) lagega iska answer— 100 square feet Chhat dhalai me 21 cuft (966 kgs) sand quantity lagega.

Now question is how much sand is required for 100 sq ft roof slab? Their answer is as follow
● Ans. :- 14.1 cu ft (648.6 kgs), 17.5 cu ft (805.4 kgs) & 21 cuft (966 kgs) sand quantity required for 100 square feet roof slab of 4 inch,5 inch & 6 inch thick respectively.
● Ans. :- 14.1 cu ft (648.6 kgs), 17.5 cu ft (805.4 kgs) & 21 cuft (966 kgs) sand quantity 4 inch, 5 inch & 6 inch thick 100 square feet chhat dhalai Mein lagega.
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The amount of sand needed for a roof slab depends on the thickness of the slab. On average, for a 4-inch thickness, you might need approximately 650 kilograms (0.65 metric tons) of sand for every 100 square feet.