A hip roof is a type of roof design where all sides of the roof slope downward to the walls, forming a pyramid shape or trapezoidal shape. Each of the four sides has a gentle slope, and they meet at a common point at the top. Hip roofs are known for their stability and resistance to strong winds, making them a popular choice for many architectural styles. They also provide extra living space or attic space compared to gable roofs.
In this article, I shall briefly discussed about the hip roof, what is hip roof, design of hip roof, it’s framing connection and also it’s advantages and disadvantages.
In modern architecture acquired the classical appearance and good looking roof covering design in world such as United States, northern australia and snow regions where got heavy rainfall etc.that is also feeling a classical appearance and beauty look.
Hip roofs provide the effective design of roof covering in world and snow regions that is acquired good looking, classical appearance and widely used in modern architecture, that is also commonly saw in construction of hip roof in many styles of architecture.
Hip roofs are essentially a structural roof covering design of steeply pitched slopes rising to a peak where all sides slope downwards to the walls with a fairly gentle slope which is commonly seen in bungalows and cottages and mostly consist the more resistant behaviour to wind damage.
Hip roof is consist the different shapes structure such as square hip roof form as likely shaped pyramid, that shaped of houses could have associated with the two triangular sides and two trapezoidal ones, and design of hip roof on a rectangular plan has associated with four faces.
Construction of hip roof are almost consist the same pitch or slope that is makes them symmetrical about the centre lines and steeply pitched slopes rising to a peak .
Hip roofs are design on a wide variety of structures such as pyramid shaped, square shape, rectangular shaped in modern domestic architecture, this design is consist the main framing parts in terms of ridge that is central over the rectangle of the building below it, and hip ends which have triangular faces of the roof are called the hip ends and they are bounded by the hips themselves.
The hips and hip rafters sit on an external corner of the building and rise to the ridge board where the building has an internal corner, a valley makes the joint between the sloping surfaces, due to properly installation of hip roof parts have mostly effective and widely used and provide the greatly advantage of giving a compact, solid appearance to a structure.
A hip roof, or hip roof, or hipped roof is a type of roof where all side slope downward towards the wall with a fairly gentle slope from the peak. It has no vertical side to the roof and has no gable or flat ends.
What is hip roof?
Regarding this, “what is hip roof?”, a hip roof, or hip roof, or hipped roof is a type of roof design of steeply pitched slopes rising to a peak where all sides slope downwards to the walls which design is consist the more resistant to protect from high wind and snow fall that is widely used in modern construction of roof in building of many styles of architecture, that is commonly seen in bungalows and cottages.

Hip roofs have no consist the large span, flat or slab sided ends to resistant wind due to this design are more effective than gable roofs ,this roof is also has to be steep sloped at least 35 degrees from horizontal or steeper in slope is preferred, when wind flows over a shallow sloped hip roof ,the roof can behave like an airplane wing, lift is then created on the leeward side ,a steeper pitched hip roof tends to cause the wind to stall as it goes over the roof.
Design of hip roof
Design of hip roof is important to proper evaluation of it’s construct design and must to protect minor issues from turning into major problems, also it’s interior space have most sufficient space, increased ventilation for home, and construct the proper the vertical space for premium design features like valuated ceiling, crow’s nest which could give your home yet another design feature.
Construct a hip roofs drain water well and it is susceptible to leaves don’t build up them.
Design of hip roof is consist the wide variety of plan shapes like as pyramid shaped, rectangular shaped, square plan shaped which is consist the more complexity of construction of its structures design , also it’s necessary component such as rafters or trusses used in construction of design of hip roof is more complex systems, so design of construction of hip roof are more difficult to construct than a other type of pitched roof like as gabled roof.
Construction of pyramidal shape of hip roof required the slopes on all sides, usually four means it has consist two triangular sides and two trapezoidal ones,results in a give pyramidal shape, that is also called pavilion roof and other construction of square shaped hip roof has required no vertical ends, it is consist sloped on all sides with the slopes meeting in a ridge peak and also the rectangular structure hip roof consist with the ends sloped inward toward a ridge formed by the adjacent sides which is more common form of hip roof structure where a roof ridge meets two hips at either end.
In the design of hip roof, the hip term is the external angle at which adjacent sloping sides of a roof meet and the degree of such an angle is called as the hip bevel, the triangular sloping surfaces formed by hips that meet at a roof’s ridge is called a hip end.
It is begin by effluently and proper measuring and cutting the wood, then move on to installing the rafters and sheathing.
Hip roof framing
Hip roof framing described about the proper installation of frame and it’s part which is used in construction of hip roof such as common rafters, ridge board, hip rafters and Jack rafters.
Hip roof framing starts by measuring the length and cutting a common rafters, in engineering point of view hip roof framing has installed in proper way quick and easy approach by used of respectively calculation
● Measure the building to calculate the length of your rafters – firstly measure the width and height of all four sides walls using a measuring device or a ordinary tape measure, if measurement of the building is known,you can skip this process.
● Calculate the length of each of your common rafters – each rafter consist the only half the roof so measured the width of your building divide that number by 2, then subtract the width off the ridge board, then calculate the roof pitch, use these measurements to calculate the length of each rafters.
● Mark the location where you will cut each of the common rafters – you will effluently mark the ridge cut point by using a framing scale, mark the angled plumb line with a pencil at the end of a wood plank, then mark at the framing square’s 1 feet notch.
● Mark the birdsmouth location on the rafters – birdsmouth is a term of a gap you carve out of rafters, so it is fit on the top of the building’ s wall, then find the birdsmouth cut point using triangular square and mark the birdsmouth cut location on all common rafters, jack rafters and hip rafters.
● Cut the common rafters to length using a round saw – firstly cut the first rafter as a pattern by using a saw then cut the same pattern from the rest of the rafters.
Hip roof framing installation is starts by Calculate the length and cutting a common rafters as a show above process in which common rafter calculate the height and length of the ridge board that will identify the where hip rafters are located.
Framing of hip roofs more difficult to construct than a gable roof and also more expensive than a gable roof.
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Standard pitch of roof in degrees, ratio & fraction for house
Pitch of roof calculator | how to figure out pitch on a roof
Pitched roof: parts, types, angle & how to figure pitch for roof
Trussed roof: definition, types & advantage
Components of a hip roof framing
Hip roof construction acquired following some parts-
● Common rafters- this is used to centre the ridge board in the construction of hip roof for building, locate the ends of the ridge and set the height of construction.
● Ridge board – ridge board provide the uppermost part of the construction of hip roof which is used to set the common and hip rafters in place of roofing.
● Hip rafters – hip rafters are nailed at a 45 degree angle to the ridge board which is acquired setup by down to the four outside corners of the building.
● Jack rafters – this is nailed to the hip and slope down to the exterior walls of building, it is the same seat and tail cut as a common.
Location of hip roof framing components
Framing of hip roof process and description of his installation techniques is complicated structure of construction, using this help of framing components such as common rafters, ridge board, jack rafters and hip rafters have properly installed accordance to calculation of dimensions with required length and angle as a result formed the hip roof in building.
Advantages of hip roof
Hip roofs are more effluently used in modern domestic architecture in world such as United States, Northern australia etc , these construction are commonly seen in bungalows, cottages and mostly in have been integral styles like as American foursquare, these are used widely as a classical appearance and good looking, so construction of hip roof have been used in many styles of architecture.
● Hip roof is acquired self bracing, so necessary of less diagonal bracing in design of hip roofs in building.
● Hip roofs are consist the more sustained capacity to wind damage than gable roofs
● Hip roofs design have consist the steeper pitched in all sides of wall in building, due to cause it could tends to the wind to stall as it goes over the roof and breaking up the effect of wind.
● Hip roofs are acquired the slopes upward from all sides of a structure, having no vertical ends.
● Hips roof are more stable than gable roofs.
● These roofs are more resistant for both high wind and snow areas, design of roofs allows snow to quickly slide off with no leakage of water or no standing of water.
● Hip roofs are very sturdy and used in many styles of architecture.
● These construction have no consist large, flat or slab sided ends to catch the wind.
● these are improves curb apeal on many buildings.
● combination of hip roof formed the effective roof design in building.
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Disadvantages of hip roofs
● Hip roofs are more complexity of design and construction requirements.
● these design are more costly to build than a gable roof.
● Hip roofs are consist less room inside the roof space than gable roofs
● Hips roof design are acess more difficult for maintenance of construction in building.
● these are acquired harder to ventilate.
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Roof pitch to angle | pitch roof angle | Angle to roof pitch conversion
How to calculate the roof pitch | pitch formula for roof
Standard pitch of roof in degrees, ratio & fraction for house
Pitch of roof calculator | how to figure out pitch on a roof
Pitched roof: parts, types, angle & how to figure pitch for roof
Trussed roof: definition, types & advantage
Hip roof vs gable roof
Hip roofs vs gable roof are following as-
1. A hip roofs design are consist the all roof sides slope downward towards the wall in construction of buildings whereas a gable roofs design are consist the two sides slope downward towards the walls in construction of buildings.
2. Hip roofs are commonly more suitable to resistant high wind and snow regions whereas a gable roofs are commonly less suitable to resistant high wind and snow regions.
3. Hip roofs are very sturdy and used in a many styles of architecture in world in modern construction of buildings whereas gable roofs are commonly simple design than hip roofs and these are less stable than hip roofs, so construction of design of gable roof styles in architecture commonly less used than hip roof.
4. A hip roofs has no vertical ends whereas a gabled roos has vertical ends.
5. Design of hip roofs are more costly build and also it’s maintenance requirements are high whereas design of gable roofs are less costly build and also it’s maintenance requirements are less than hip roofs.
6. Hip roofs are complexity design whereas gable roofs are less complexity design than hip roofs.