A lintel beam is a horizontal structural element, typically made of reinforced concrete or steel, that spans openings such as doors and windows to support the load above. The height and size of a lintel beam depend on factors like the span it needs to cover and the loads it must bear.
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Lintel meaning, a beam is the horizontal member provided on the openings of walls such as windows and doors to bare the load or pressure of superstructure of the wall above them and transfer safely to the sides of the openings.

It can be designed in various forms as Reinforced concrete lintels, steel lintels, reinforced brick lintels, stone lintels, timber lintels, even prestressed also available depending upon the functionality.
Lintel is provided across the opening of brick wall like window and door and it is also used for decorative and ornamental purpose. Near the opening structure is weak, experience more stress caused due to load of superstructure acting on frame of window and door. For bare the load acting on frame of window and door lintel beam is provided, if it is not provided that causes cracking of brick wall due to more stress or pressure.
What is lintel beam | Height and size of lintel beam
Uses of lintel:- like the RCC beam which transfer the load from slab and wall, lintel beam are used to transfer the load of Super structure acting on it, safely to the side wall.
What is lintel beam? The lintel beam is a horizontal flexural member of structure that has span over the opening in the walls for window, ventilators and door. It can be designed in various forms as Reinforced concrete lintels, steel lintels, reinforced brick lintels, stone lintels, timber lintels, even prestressed also available depending upon the functionality.
Standard height of lintel beam:- The height between the floor level and lintel level is known as lintel height. As per the building regulations and guidelines, For residential building the standard height of lintel beam could be 7 feet (2.1m) from floor and for the commercial buildings it is 7.5 feet (2.3 m) is adopted.
Lintel beam height in feet:- As per the building regulations and guidelines, for residential building the height of the lintel beam should be 7 feet and for the commercial buildings it is 7.5 feet is adopted.
Lintel beam height in meters:- As per the building regulations and guidelines, for residential building the height of lintel beam could be 2.1m and for the commercial buildings it is 2.3m is adopted.
Lintel beam height in mm:- As per the building regulations and guidelines, For residential building the height of the lintel beam could be 2100mm and for the commercial buildings it is 2300mm is adopted.
Lintel beam height in cm:– As per the building regulations and guidelines, for residential building the height of the lintel beam could be 210cm and for the commercial buildings it is 230cm is adopted.
Lintel level in house construction:– As per the building regulations and guidelines, For residential building, lintel level in house construction should be kept 7feet (2.1m) above floor level and for the commercial buildings it is kept 7.5 feet (2.3 m) above.

What is the standard height of a lintel? The height between the floor level and lintel level is known as lintel height. As per the building regulations and guidelines, For residential building the standard height of lintel should be 7feet (2.1m) and for the commercial buildings it is 7.5 feet (2.3 m) is adopted.
What is purpose of using lintel beam? The purpose of using lintel beam above opening in wall like door and window to bare the load acting on it by super structure of building. The load of brickwork above the opening of window and door is safely transferred to the wall by flexural action of the lintel so that frame of door and window are not heavy loaded and it prevent from cracking of wall. The load of Super structure is safely transfer to side wall by lintel beam. That’s why it is provided in opening of wall.
Why lintel beam is provided in opening of wall? A lintel is one type of horizontal beam which used to support the above wall when openings like doors, windows etc. are necessary to provide a building structure. The main function of the lintel is to take loads coming from above wall of superstructure of building and safely transfer its load to the side walls.
What is size of end bearing for lintel? The size of end bearing for the lintel beam should be at least 200mm and width of lintel is the same as that of thickness of wall, it is always provided adequate bearing at the end of lintel the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed but for residential building it is 150mm (6 inch) is provided each end. if you don’t give enough in bearing the lintel will fail under load or pressure of Super structure of building.
Lintel height from floor level:– the height between floor level and lintel level is known as lintel height, as per building bye laws and guidelines, lintel height from floor is 7 feet should be adopted for residential building and 7.5 feet for commercial building.
Lintel height for standard door:- the height between floor level and lintel level is known as lintel height, as per building bye laws and guidelines, lintel height for standard door is 7 feet (2.1m) should be adopted for residential building and 7.5 feet (2.3m) for commercial building.
Lintel height above window:- the height between floor level and base of window is known as sill height,that is around 3 feet and lintel height from floor level is around 7 feet, lintel height from sill level is 7-3= 4 feet, so lintel height above base of window is 4 feet. 150mm thick lintel is placed over window.
Lintel beam size
Lintel beam size specification comprise of width and depth,the width of lintel beam should be equal to width of opening, if brick wall width is 5″ then lintel width should be 5″ (125mm), 9″ thick brick wall have lintel width is 9″(225mm) and for blockwork lintel width should be 4″ to 8″. Depth of lintel is ranging between L/12 to L/8 of clear span, L/10 for stone lintel and around 20cm thick for brick lintel.
Lintel beam size: the typical standard size of Lintel beam used for 4″ brick wall in a residential building is 4″×6″ (100 ×150 mm) and for 9″ wall is about 9″×6″ (230 × 150 mm) in which 4 inches and 9 inches is width of lintel beam and 6 inches is the minimum depth of the lintel beam.
The typical standard lintel beam size for a 4 inch residential wall is 100 x 150 mm (4 x 6 inches) and for a 9 inch wall is approximately 230 x 150 mm (9 x 6 inches). 4 inches and 9 inches are the width of the lintel beam and the 6 inches is the minimum depth of the lintel beam.
The minimum width of the lintel beam could be 100mm (or 4″) and maximum is about 230mm (9″) or which is equal to thickness of the opening.
The minimum depth of the lintel beam could be 150mm (or 6″) and the maximum is about 200mm (or 8″) or equal to L/10 of the span length.
Lintel thickness: For a residential building, lintel beam thickness for house construction is between 100mm and 200mm (4″ and 8″), or an average 150 mm thick lintel beam should be adopted for residential and commercial building.
Lintel Thickness: For a residential building the lintel beam thickness for house construction is 100mm to 200mm (4″ to 8″), for residential and commercial buildings an average lintel beam thickness of 150mm should be considered.
Calculation of size depth and width of lintel:- suppose we have given opening is equal to 1 metre and end bearing 200mm at both end with 9 inch thick brick wall, width of lintel is equal to thickness of wall, so width of lintel is equal to 9 inch and lintel depth should be L/12, effective span L=1+0.2+0.2=1.4m, so lintel depth = 1.4/12= 116mm, it should be 120mm.
As per the building regulations and guidelines, for residential building the standard height of lintel beam could be 7 feet (2.1m) above the floor and approximately 7.5 feet (2.3 m) for the commercial buildings.