The M25 grade concrete mix typically consists of a ratio of 1:1:2, where 1 is cement, 1 is sand, and 2 is coarse aggregates. This means that for every part of cement, you would use an equal part of sand and twice the amount of coarse aggregates in terms of volume.
In M25 grade concrete, M is stand for mix and numerical figure 25 is stand for characteristics of compressive strength of concrete (25 N/mm2) gain after curing period of 28 days from initial construction of structure or placing of concrete.
Typically 1m3 of m25 concrete is made up of about 544kg (11bags of 50kg) cement, 605 kg sand, 1210kg aggregate and about 277 litres of water and 100kg of steel embedded in it as per design structure in case reinforced cement concrete (RCC concrete).
M25 Concrete Ratio: – The mix ratio of M25 grade concrete is 1:1:2, consisting of 1 part cement, 1 parts sand (fine aggregate) and 2 parts aggregate (gravel). Apart from that water is used to make the concrete.
What does M25 mean?
Regarding this, “what does M25 mean?”, M25 means grade of concrete in which M stands for mix of concrete and numerical figure 25 stands for compressive strength of concrete cube such as 25 MPa (N/mm2) after 28 days of curing. M25 concrete comes under nominal concrete which can be easily designed by the help of IS 10, 262:2009.
Concrete mainly composed of cement, sand & aggregate in which aggregate mainly responsible for strength whereas cement & sand responsible for binding of total volume and sand acts as filler materials which fill voids present between mix.

Concrete is a composite mixture consisting of cement, sand ( fine aggregates) and coarse aggregate. design of the concrete grade mix is a procedure to find the correct quantities of cement sand and aggregate materials to achieve the desired compressive strength. Precise design of the concrete grade mix makes concrete construction more economical.
Large commercial and industrial building Super structure and other structure such as bridges and dams, require an enormous amount of concrete for casting and the right amount of constituents like cement sand and aggregate (concrete) makes the structure economical.

To calculate or find the right m25 grade concrete ratio you need to know various types of load acting on a structure member like column, beam and slab and their shearing and bending moment
What is concrete mix design?
Concrete is a composite mixture which consists of Cement, Sand (fine aggregate) and coarse aggregate. Concrete mix design is the procedure for finding the right quantities of these materials to achieve the desired compressive strength.
Accurate concrete mix design makes concrete construction more economical. Large constructions of structure such as Bridges, dams and multi storage building factories requires huge amount of concrete, using the right quantity of constituents make the structure economical.
In order to calculate or find the right amount of cement, sand and aggregate required in m25 grade concrete; you need to know about concrete mix design.
As per IS code 456:2000, Different grades of concrete are classified into M5, M7.5, M10, M15 etc., whereas M stands for Mix and the numerical figure behind M stands for Characteristic Compressive strength(fck) of the concrete in N/mm2 in curing of 28 days when checked with 15cm×15cm×15cm cube compressive test.
There is two types of concrete grade mix nominal mix and design mix, nominal mix is used for lower grade of concrete like M5, M 10, M15, M20 and M 25 grade concrete but higher grade concrete have M25, M30 and so more, M 25 grade concrete is prepared by both type of mix design, nominal mix and design mix.
But in this topic we discuss about nominal and design mix of M25 grade concrete in which M25 grade concrete ratio is 1:1:2 (one part cement one part sand and two part is aggregate) used.
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M25 grade concrete mix design is based on various types of load acting on compressive and tensile structure of building sharing and bending moment, and M25 grade concrete ratio is decided by calculating and considering all factors.
What is m25 grade concrete?
The concrete grades are defined by the compressive strength and composition of cement, sand and aggregate in the concrete and the minimum strength that the concrete must have gain after 28 days of the curing period of initial construction.
The degree of concrete is understood in the measurements of compressive strength in MPa, where M is stand for mix, and MPa indicates the characteristics of compressive strength. Compressive strength of m25 grade of concrete is 25 N/mm2 gain after 28 days of curing.
According to compressive strength concrete grades are lower strength concrete and higher strength concrete, lower strength concrete is M5, M7.5,M10,M15 and higher strength concrete is M20, M25, M30 and so many more. But in this topic we have to discuss about m25 grade concrete ratio.
Meaning of m25 grade concrete
M25 grade concrete is type of grade of concrete that would achieve a compressive strength of 25 N / mm2 after 28 days of curing period of initial construction. M is stand for mix and numerical figure 25 is characteristics of compressive strength
What is M25 grade concrete ratio ?
The nominal mix ratio for M25 grade of concrete is 1: 1: 2, in which one part of cement mix with 1 parts of sand, and 2 parts of aggregate mix with water to gain compressive strength of 25N/mm2 after pouring in desire shape after 28days curing. This means about 544kg (11bags of 50kg) cement, 605 kg sand, 1210kg aggregate and about 277 liters of water used to mix to prepare one cubic meter of M25 concrete by taking 1: 1: 2: 0.45 (cement : sand : aggregate : water) nominal mix ratio of concrete.
M25 grade concrete is made by mixing cement, sand and coarse aggregates in a 1: 1: 2 ratio (1 part of cement mixed with 1 parts of sand and 2 parts of aggregate) in which keeping the water-cement ratio between 0.4 and 0.6.
M25 grade concrete ratio is nominally about 1:1:2, mixture of cement, fine aggregates and course aggregate in which one part of cement mixed with one parts of sand and two parts of aggregate.
The degree of preparation of the concrete is selected based on the m25 grade concrete mix design. There are two types of m25 concrete ratio concrete mixes, nominal mix and design mix.
M25 concrete grade nominal mix ratio
Nominal mix of m25 concrete grade is that generally used for small-scale construction and small residential buildings where the consumption of concrete ( cement sand and aggregate) is not high.
Nominal mix ratio of m25 grade of concrete is about 1:1:2, mixture of cement, sand, aggregate and water in which one part is cement mixed with one parts of sand and two parts of aggregate and water cement ratio is kept between 0.4 to 0.6.
The nominal mix takes care of the safety factor against several quality control problems that usually occur during the preparation of the concrete.
m25 grade concrete design mix ratio
Design mixing of m25 grade concrete is one for which mixing rates of cement sand and aggregate are obtained in various laboratory tests considering various types of load acting on structure member of building, other types of a structure like Bridge, dams and multi- storage building, use of shotcrete requires good quality control during the selection, mixing, transportation, and placement of the concrete.
The mix ratio of M25 grade concrete is 1:1:2, consisting of 1 part cement, 1 parts sand (fine aggregate) and 2 parts aggregate (gravel). Apart from that water is used to make the concrete.