What is the RCC beam construction cost per sq ft in India

The cost of RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) beam construction in India can vary based on several factors, including the location, quality of materials, labor costs, and project specifications. On average, the cost could range from Rs 1500 to Rs 2500 per square foot.

What is the RCC beam construction cost per sq ft in India, hi guys in this article we know about RCC beam cost per square feet in India, for cost calculation of RCC beam we require material cost,labour cost and shuttering cost.

What is the RCC beam construction cost per sq ft in India
What is the RCC beam construction cost per sq ft in India

RCC beam construction the general grade of concrete is M20 are used in which nominal mix of cement, sand and aggregate are in ratio 1:1.5:3 in which cement is one part, sand is 1.5 part and aggregate is 3 part. Steel that are used in RCC column considering 12mm and ring that are used is 8mm.

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Reinforced concrete beams includes steel are structural elements that designed to carry transverse external loads. The loads cause bending moment, shear forces and in some cases torsion across their length.

Beams are the vertical or sloping bearing elements of the structural system that connect columns and support slabs.

When beams support slabs, they work together thus forming a “T” section beam. The level of the slabs compared to the level of the beams results in the formation of rectangular beams, inverted beams or “Z” beams.

RCC beam is important vertical structure member of building that directly transfer its load safely to column, the horizontal structure Slab and beam their load running horizontally and transfer vertically to support.

Beam is important load bearing structure, good quality of cement sand aggregate and steel and man power should be provided to raise it is strength to overcome the acting load.

RCC beam construction cost per sq ft in India

In india, RCC beam construction cost per sq ft comprise of material cost,labour cost & shuttering cost, material should be cement sand aggregate and steel and shuttering is maybe plywood,wood or steel.

RCC beam construction cost in India
= material cost + labour cost + shuttering cost

Suppose rcc beam size = 1′ × 1′ and their span from two support is 15 feet, so RCC Beam width=1 foot, height or depth= 1 foot and their span=15 foot.

Wet volume of concrete in rcc beam = 1’× 1′ × 15′ = 15 cft, converting wet volume in dry volume we multiply 1.54 in wet volume so dry volume of concrete in rcc column = 15 ×1.54 = 23.1 cft. We know 1m3 = 35.3147cft, converting it in cubic meter = 23.1/35.3147 = 0.6541 m3.

Considering M20 mix ratio is 1 (Cement) : 1.5 (sand) : 3 (20 mm Gravel),calculating as per the mix ratio we get

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Cement quantity & their cost calculation for rcc beam: density of cement is 1440 kg/m3, part of cement in mix is 1/5.5 and dry volume of concrete is 0.6541m3, then cement weight in kg = (1/5.5)×0.6541m3 × 1440 kg/m3 = 172 kg, no of bags of cement = 172/50 = 3.44 bags. Price of cement bag 50kg varies between rs 300 to 400, we take maximum price is rs 400 per bag, then cost of cement = 3.44 × 400 = rs 1376.

Sand quantity & their cost calculation for rcc beam: part of sand in mix is 1.5/5.5 and dry volume of concrete mortar is 23.1 cft, then sand quantity in cft = (1.5/5.5)×23.1 = 6.3cft, price of sand varies between rs 20 to rs 60 according to location and availability of sand,here we take price of sand rs 45 per cft, then cost of sand = rs 45 × 6.3 = rs 284.

Aggregate quantity & their cost calculation for rcc beam: part of aggregate in mix is 3/5.5 and dry volume of concrete mortar is 23.1 cft, then aggregate quantity in cft = (3/5.5)×23.1 = 12.6cft, price of aggregate varies between rs 40 to rs 80 according to location and availability of aggregate,here we take price of aggregate rs 60 per cft, then cost of aggregate = rs 60 × 12.6 = rs 756.

Stirrups quantity & their cost calculation for rcc beam:- stirrups provided is of 8 mm ring at 6 to 7″ spacing, then number of stirrup in 15 feet height = (15×12/6)+1 = 31 nos stirrups, taking price of 1 stirrup is rs 10, then cost of stirrup = 31×10 = rs 310.

Steel quantity & their cost calculation for rcc beam: steel provided is 6 nos of 12mm Steel, approximate Thumb Rule for steel quantity requirement in RCC slab is 1.5% percent of total volume of RCC beam. For accurate estimation of Steel, you can refer to bar bending schedule.

Thumb rule to estimate Steel quantity of above rcc beam = Volume of Concrete x Density of Steel x % of Steel of Member

Steel weight = 15 ft3 × 222 kg/ft3 × 0.015 = 50kgs, steel rate is around rs 60 per kg, then cost of 50kgs steel = 50×60 = rs 3000.

Material cost for rcc beam construction = cost of cement + cost of sand + cost of aggregate + cost of stirrups + cost of steel = 1376 + 284 + 756 + 310 + 3000 = rs 5726.

Shuttering cost for beam: shuttering cost for rcc beam varies between rs15 to 20 per sq ft, then area of all 3 side of beam = 15 ×3 = 45 sq ft, here consider shuttering charges is rs 18 per sq ft, then shuttering cost = 18× 45 = rs 810.

Labour cost for rcc beam: labour cost for RCC beam should be 15% of material cost, then 15% of 5726 = rs 859, so labour cost of rcc beam = rs 859.

In india, for calculating rcc beam construction cost per sq ft, total cost of rcc beam =material cost +shuttering cost + labour cost = 5726 + 810 + 859 = rs 7395, so total construction cost is around rs 7395 for construction of 15 feet span RCC beam in india.

To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc beam per sq ft, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC beam the approx cost is around Rs 490 to 500 per square foot, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.

To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc beam per sq m, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC beam the approx cost is around Rs 5000 to 5500 per square meter, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.

To get a rough idea for the construction cost of rcc beam per m3, you can get a hint from this formula, however, in general, it is assumed that to construct an RCC roof slab the approx cost is around Rs 3100 to 3300 per cubic meter, where the cost for steel, labour, shuttering and material is included.