Why clear cover is provided in RCC? How much clear cover is provided

A clear cover is provided in Reinforced Concrete (RCC) structures to protect the embedded reinforcement from environmental factors such as moisture, corrosion, and other corrosive agents. This cover serves as a protective layer that helps prevent the steel reinforcement from rusting or deteriorating, ensuring the structural integrity and durability of the concrete elements over time

Hi guys in this article we know about clear covers, its definition, importance of clear covers and why clear cover is provided in RCC and how much clear cover is provided for beam, slab, staircase, column, footing, foundation and retaining wall.


As we know concrete RCC structure like column beam RCC roof slab raft Foundation footing retaining wall and staircase provided with the reinforcement to increase the strength of concrete and to resist the applied load. Steel reinforcement embedded in concrete fibre. Column is compressive member of concrete fibre embedded with reinforcement to resist the the applied load and it transfer load safely to bed of soil. Slab and RCC beam is flexural member of concrete fibre which processing both compression and tension and it safely transfer all horizontal load acting on it vertically to column.

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In this article we try to discuss about what is clear cover? why it is provided in RCC structure? and how much clear cover is provided? As we know Steel reinforcement embedded in RCC concrete structure like column beam and slab. Outer surface of concrete fibre is sensitive for attack of hard chemical and moisture that leads to corrosion.

What is clear cover? Clear cover is least distance between outer surface of embedded Steel to outer face of concrete fibre. Significantly it is distance between main bar to outer face of concrete fibre.

Why clear cover is provided in RCC? Clear cover is provided in all RCC structure like column, beam, footing, Foundation, slab, staircase and retaining wall for the prevention of reinforcement from moisture, chemical attack, entry of moisture, corrosion that leads to deterioration of reinforcement, make insulation against fire and sufficiently embedding to enable to be stressed without slipping.

How much clear cover is provided? Clear cover is list distance between outer face of embedded Steel with stirrup to outer face of concrete fibre, in India clear cover is 15 to 75mm is provided for RCC structure, according to ACI American code it is provided with 40 to 50 mm and in UK code clear cover is provided 25 to 50 mm in size.

Why clear cover is provided in RCC? and how much clear cover is provided?

Why clear cover is provided in RCC? Clear cover is provided in all RCC structure like column, beam, footing, Foundation, slab, staircase and retaining wall for the prevention of reinforcement from moisture, chemical attack, entry of moisture, corrosion that leads to deterioration of reinforcement, make insulation against fire and sufficiently embedding to enable to be stressed without slipping.

Clear cover is provided in RCC structure due to following reason:-

● Clear cover is provided in RCC structure to protect the reinforcement from corrosion, it is moisture Control Programme.

● It provide fire resistance and insulation to steel which is embedded in concrete.

● Reinforcement is sufficiently embedding to enable to be stressed without slipping.

● It protect the reinforcement from chemical attack and moisture, that’s leads to deterioration of reinforcement.

Is it correct “more clear cover is safer“, it is not true more clear cover is safer, because more clear cover leads to cracking of concrete fibre which causes entry of moisture and harmful chemical which deteriorated the the reinforcement which is provided in the concrete and leads to corrosion and damage to reinforcement causes strength of concrete of RCC structure is reduced. So balanced and calculated clear cover is provided to RCC structure according to design.

How much clear cover is provided? Clear cover is list distance between outer face of embedded Steel with stirrup to outer face of concrete fibre, in India clear cover is 15 to 75mm is provided for RCC structure, according to ACI American code it is provided with 40 to 50 mm and in UK code clear cover is provided 25 to 50 mm in size.

In India, clear cover of size 75mm is provided for Raft Foundation bottom & side, 50mm is provided for Raft Foundation top, 50mm is provided for footing, 25mm is provided for beam, 40mm is provided for column, 15 to 20 mm is provided for rcc slab, 15mm is provided for staircase and 20 to 25 mm is provided for retaining walls.