Width of National highway in India as per IRC | width of 2 lane national highway | width of 3 lane national highway | width of 4 lane national highway | width of 6 lane national highway | width of 8 lane national highway.
The National highways in India are a network of 2 lane, 4 lane, 6 lane, 8 lane roads owned by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and managed by Central and state government together. It is constructed and managed by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL), and the public works departments (PWD) of state governments.
NHAI and NHIDCL are the nodal agencies of Government of India which are responsible for building, upgrading and maintaining most of the National Highway network. NHAI often uses a public private partnership model for development and maintenance of Highway and toll collection. National Highway constituted about 2.7 % of India total Road network but carried about 40% of road traffic.
The majority of existing highway are now 2 lane to 4 Lane Road (2 lane in east direction), although much of this is being expanded to 4 lane, 6 lane, 8 lane road. Bypasses have been constructed around a larger towns and cities to provide uninterrupted passes for highway traffic.
In this article we know about width of 2 lane, 3 lane, 4 lane, 6 lane and 8 lane National highway in India as per IRC rules and guidelines. And also know about width of its carriageway, shoulder, roadway, median, kerb and right of way.

In india Road construction department have set up Indian Road Congress (IRC). The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is the Apex Body of Highway Engineers in the country give the guidelines, rule and regulation of several kinds of roads contraction. It is updated several times with new guidelines. In India, all matters related to Geometric design and structure are handle according to IRC (Indian Road Congress).
Width of National highway in India as per IRC
in india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), width or right of way (RoW) of national highway in India is varies between 30m to 75m wide. It is about 30m wide for 2 lane NH, 45m wide for 4 lane NH, 60m wide for 6 lane NH and 75m wide for 8 lane NH which includes width of roadway + other necessities + future extension. This is ideal, desirable standard width of National Highway. However their actual width is varies according to geometric design of Highway Engineering and depending on land availability and economic condition.
The standard lane width of the project national highway shall be 3.5 meters (11 feet 6 inches). The typical width of a 2-lane national highway (NH) is about 30 meters (100 feet), 4-lanes 45 meters (150 feet), 6-lanes 60 meters (200 feet) and 8-lane 75 meters (250 feet).
The area of land that are acquired for the road along its alignment is termed as the right of way (RoW). This includes width of roadway + other necessities + future extension. Width of formation or roadway comprise of width of carriageway + width of paved shoulder + width of unpaved shoulder. Other necessities are Road margin uses for parking cycling Footpath, drainage and bus stopage. Future extension of national highway will be required due to increased road traffic day by day.
One lane width is 3.5m wide for carriageway, maximum shoulder width is about 4.6m and minimum of 2.5m, width of median will be varies 5m to 7m wide, other space uses for parking, footpath, bus stoppage, accommodation of stop vehicle, drainage and service lane along with its alignment and future extension.
Width of 2 lane National Highway as per IRC
In India, as per IRC, the typical width of a 2-lane national highway (NH) is about 30 meters (100 feet). This includes 12m for roadways (7m for 2 lane carriageway + 2× 2.5m for shoulders both sides) and 18m used for future extension.
In india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), total right of way of national highway in India is about 30m (100 feet) wide for two Lane Road. This includes width of 12m for roadways or built up area those comprise of 2 lane carriage width of about 7m wide and paved shoulder width of 2.5m wide and rest about 18m will be used for future extension and development of Highway facilities. This figure might be little very according to geometric design of highway Engineering and land acquisition.
Width of 3 lane National Highway as per IRC
In India, as per IRC, the typical width of a 3-lane national highway (NH) is about 30 meters (100 feet). This includes 16m for roadways (10.5m for 3 lane carriageway + 2× 2.75m for shoulders both sides) and 14m used for future extension.
In india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), total right of way of national highway in India is about 30m (100 feet) wide for 3 Lane Road. This includes width of 16m for roadways or built up area those comprise of 3 lane carriage width of about 10.5m wide and paved shoulder width of 2.75m wide and rest about 14m will be used for future extension and development of Highway facilities.
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Width of 4 lane National Highway as per IRC
In India, as per IRC, the typical width of a 4-lane national highway (NH) is about 45 meters (150 feet). This includes 27m for roadways (14 m for 4 lane carriageway +5 m for median with kerbs + 2×4 m for shoulders both sides) and 18m used for future extension.
In india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), total right of way of national highway in India is about 45m (150 feet) wide for 4 Lane Road. This includes width of 27m for roadways or built up area those comprise of 4 lane carriage width of about 14m wide, median of 5m wide along with kerb shyness, paved shoulder width of 4m wide and rest about 18m will be used for future extension and development of Highway facilities.
Width of 6 lane National Highway as per IRC
In India, as per IRC, the typical width of a 6-lane national highway (NH) is about 60 meters (200 feet). This includes 33m for roadways (21 m for 6 lane carriageway +5 m for median with kerbs + 2×3.5 m for shoulders both sides) and 27m used for future extension.
In india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), total right of way of national highway in India is about 60m (200 feet) wide for 6 Lane Road. This includes width of 33m for roadways or built up area those comprise of 6 lane carriage width of about 21m wide, median of 5m wide along with kerb shyness, paved shoulder width of 3.5m wide and rest about 27m will be used for future extension and development of Highway facilities.
◆ Width of National highway in India as per IRC
◆ Maximum and minimum superelevation in road as per IRC
◆ 3 lane road width in India as per IRC
◆ Width of Right of Way (RoW) in India as per IRC
◆ Roadway width in india as per IRC
Width of 8 lane National Highway as per IRC
In India, as per IRC, the typical width of a 8-lane national highway (NH) is about 75 meters (250 feet). This includes 44m for roadways (28 m for 4 lane carriageway +7 m for median with kerbs + 2×4.5 m for shoulders both sides) and 31m used for future extension.
In india, as per the rules & guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC), total right of way of national highway in India is about 75m (250 feet) wide for 8 Lane Road. This includes width of 44m for roadways or built up area those comprise of 8 lane carriage width of about 28m wide, median of 7m wide along with kerb shyness, paved shoulder width of 4.5m wide and rest about 31m will be used for future extension and development of Highway facilities.
In India, as per IRC, the standard lane width of the project national highway shall be 3.5 meters (11 feet 6 inches). The typical width of a 2-lane national highway (NH) is about 30 meters (100 feet), 4-lanes 45 meters (150 feet), 6-lanes 60 meters (200 feet) and 8-lane 75 meters (250 feet).