4 lane road width in India as per IRC | 4 lane carriageway width | width of shoulder for four lane road | width of Roadway for four lane.
Road construction department in India have set up Indian Road Congress (IRC). The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is the Apex Body of Highway Engineers in the country give the guidelines, rule and regulation of several kinds of roads contraction. It is updated several times with new guidelines. In India, all matters related to Geometric design and structure are handle according to to IRC (Indian Road Congress).
There is several kinds of 4 Lane Road in india constructed by central and state government in urban and rural areas, such as National Highway (NH), state highway (SH) and MDR. It will be constructed in plain or mountainous steep & hilly area.
Highway having two lanes for traffic in each direction is called 4 single lane road. 4 single lane road or four-lane road is a road that permits two-way travel & traffics, two lane in each direction, 2 lane used for going traffic and others 2 lane used for coming traffic and usually presence of median barrier and kerb at centre and enough shoulder width in side. It is wide enough to allow all types of vehicles to pass one another.
A 4 lane road consists of three main component carriageway (four lane) for travelling & traffic, median barrier and kerb at centre and shoulder for vehicles to stop and accommodation.
Width of a four lane road consist of carriageway width, median & kerb width & margin width. Width of margin comprises width of pavement shoulder and unpaved shoulder. A carriageway generally consists of a number of traffic lanes together with any associated shoulder. Road margin is the portion of road beyond the carriageway.
Median barriers physically separate two opposing traffic and help stop vehicles travelling into opposing traffic lanes. They are often built on the centre of wide urban multi-lane roads where they can be used to stop pedestrians crossing the road at unsafe places. Width of median is about 4 meter.
Kerbs are the component of a highway road. A kerb also termed as a curb is a vertical or sloping member provided along the edge of a pavement or Shoulder to give strength and protect the edge of the pavement. Width of kerb shyness is about 0.5 meter both side.
Shoulder are provided along the road edge and on intended for accommodation of stop vehicles, serve as an emergency lane for vehicles and provide lateral support. Shoulder should be strong enough to bear the weight of fully loaded truck even in wet condition.
Shoulder width should be required for giving working space, ideal width of shoulder should be 4.6 m and minimum is about 2.5 m. Width of shoulder also depending on available space and elevation of surface such as plain, mountainous, steep or hilly area. In Mountain area it is quite difficult to construct a road so width of shoulder is minimised and their width is less than in plain area.
Carriageway width or width of pavement on which vehicles are going on depending on the width of traffic Lane and number of lane. Width of the traffic Lane depending on the width of the vehicles and the side clearance. Side clearance improve the operating speed and safety for vehicles.
As per IRC the maximum permissible width of a vehicle is 2.44m is allowed and desirable side clearance between two Lane is about 0.53m on both sides and Centre clearance is about 1.06 meter. This require minimum of lane width 3.5m.
Adopted Lane width for National highway in India is 3.5 meter. Accordingly total width of four 4 lane highway becomes 14 meter. In addition to this as per Indian Road Congress median is about 4 meter wide, kerb shyness of 0.5 meter and shoulder of 4 meter wide should be provided on each side for 4 lane road, so total width of 4 lane road becomes 27 meter.
Mathematical calculation such as 4 lane carriageway width 3.5×4 = 14m, two shoulder width 4×2 = 8m, two kerb width 0.5 × 2 = 1m, one median width = 4m, so total width of 4 lane road is 14 + 8 + 1 + 4 m = 27 meter.
4 lane road width in India as per IRC

In India, according to IRC rules and guidelines, the width of a 4 or Four lane road or highway is about 26 to 27 meters (85 feet to 99 feet). This includes 14 meters for carriageway, 2.5 meters paved shoulder and 1.5 meters earthen shoulder provided on each side, 4 meter of median width at centre and kerb of 0.5 m on both sides. So while visible width is 27 meter, and their actual width may be upto 45 meter.
Some more width his taken up by the embankment on top of which the road is constructed.
IRC specification for 4 Lane Road for National highway (NH) and state highway (SH)
● width of carriageway – 14 m for 4 lane
● median barrier width – 4m
● kerb shyness – 0.5 m (on both side)
◆ shoulder width – 4 m (on both sides)
● width of roadway upto 45 m
● width of 4 Lane Road for National highway (NH) and state highway (SH) – 27 m
Width of a carriageway for 4 Lane Road
According to the Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines for a 4 or Four lane road, the carriageway width for NH and SH roads is 14 meter (46 feet). Adopted lane width for national highway is 3.5 meter. So, total width of 4 (four) lane highway or road becomes 14 meter. This is width of carriageway for 4 lane road. In addition to this 4 meter of median width at centre and kerb of 0.5 m on both sides is provided
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Width of the shoulder for four Lane Road
According to the Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines for a 4 or Four lane road, the Shoulder width on both sides for NH and SH roads is range from 3.5 meter to 4 meter depending on certain condition such as elevation of soil surface, plain, mountainous, steep or hilly areas.
In plain area for National and state highway, shoulder width should be adequate for giving working space, it should be 4 m wide on both side.
4 lane road width in India as per IRC
2 (two) lane road width in India as per IRC
3 lane road width in India as per IRC
Width of National highway in India as per IRC
Maximum and minimum superelevation in road as per IRC
Width of the median for four Lane Road
According to the Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines for a 4 or Four lane road, the Median width provided at centre for NH and SH roads is 4 meter according to the stated conditions. It is barrier physically separate two opposing traffic and help stop vehicles travelling into opposing traffic lanes.
Width of the kerb for four Lane Road
According to the Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines for a 4 or Four lane road, the Kerb or Curb width on both sides for NH and SH roads is 0.5 meter according to the stated conditions. It is sloping member provided along the edge of a pavement or Shoulder to give strength and protect the edge of the pavement.
In India, according to IRC rules and guidelines, the width of a 4 or Four lane road or highway is about 26 to 27 meters (85 feet to 99 feet).