The amount of steel required for 1000 square feet an RCC (Reinforced Concrete) roof slab depends on various factors such as the thickness of the slab, the type of steel used, and the structural requirements. A rough estimate for residential construction could be around 0.8 to 1.2 kg of steel per square foot for a roof slab. Therefore, you might need 800 to 1200 kilograms of steel for 1,000 square feet an RCC roof slab.
Hi guys in this article we know about steel required for 1000 sq ft slab 4 inch,5inch and 6 inch thickness & know about 1000 square feet Chhat dhalai me kitna Sariya lagega, in hindi 1000 स्क्वायर फीट छत ढ़लाई मे कितना सरिया लगेगा.
In RCC slab casting process quantity of steel required for slab is depend on many factors like thickness of slab, type of building structure, residential building, low rise building and construction of high rise building.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft slab also depends on load bearing structure and we know that slab transfer its dead load and live load to beam and beam transfer its to column, column transfer load to footing and finally footing transfer load into bed of soil. 1000 square feet Chhat dhalai me kitna Sariya lagega, in hindi 1000 स्क्वायर फीट छत ढ़लाई मे कितना सरिया लगेगा

There are two types of Steel used in roof slab casting process 1) main rebar & 2) cross bar.
● Main rebar :- main reinforcement are used in shortest span of slab that’s why it is also known as shortest rebar, generally main reinforcement are used in bottom of slab have higher dia of steel.
● Distribution rebar:- distribution reinforcement are used in longer span of slab that’s why it is also known as longest rebar, generally distribution reinforcement are used in top of slab have lesser dia of steel actually distribution bar put over main bar in opposite direction that’s why it is also known as cross bar.
● Thumb Rule for Steel in RCC slab :– In general, Thumb Rule for Steel quantity required for construction of RCC roof slab is ranging between between 80 Kg to 90 kg per cubic meter per wet volume of concrete of slab.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab
We we have given area of RCC slab is equal to 1000 square feet and thickness of RCC slab is 4 inch, 5 inch and 6 inch thick.
The typical amount of steel required for construction of 1000 sq ft (square feet) reinforced concrete slab (RCC roof) is ranging between 850kg and 950kg. Therefore RCC roof slab requires 850-950 kg of steel per 1000 square feet.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab 4 inch
Area of RCC slab is equal to 1,000 square feet and thickness of RCC slab 4 inch, then volume of concrete is calculated by multiplying area and thickness of slab.
Wet volume of concrete is equal to multiplication of area and thickness of slab 1000 sq ft × 4 inch/12 = 334 cu ft, so wet volume of concrete equal to 334 cu ft.
Now we convert volume of concrete into cubic metre, 1m3 = 35.32 cuft, then wet volume of concrete in cubic meter = 334/35.32 = 9.44 m3, now volume of concrete is equal to 9.44 m3.
Thumb rule for Steel required for RCC slab is 80 kg/m3, then quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft ( 9.44 m3) rcc slab is equal to = 80 × 9.44 = 750 kg.
At 4″ thickness, the total amount of steel required for 1000 sq ft (9.44 cubic meters) of RCC roof slab is equal to = 80 × 9.44 = 750 kg. This means, 750 kg of steel is needed per 1000 sq ft (square feet) of 4-inch thick RCC roof slab.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab 5 inch
Area of RCC slab is equal to 1000 square feet and thickness of RCC slab 5 inch,then volume of concrete it is calculated by multiplying area and thickness of slab.
Wet volume of concrete is equal to multiplication of area and thickness of slab 1000 sq ft × 5 inch/12 = 417 cu ft, so wet volume of concrete equal to 417 cu ft.
Now we convert volume of concrete into cubic metre, 1m3 = 35.32 CFT, then wet volume of concrete in cubic meter = 417/35.32 = 11.8 m3, now volume of concrete is equal to 11.8 m3.
Thumb rule for Steel required for RCC slab is 80 kgs/m3, then quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft ( 11.8 m3) rcc slab is equal to = 80 × 11.8 = 950 kgs.
At 5″ thickness, the total amount of steel required for 1000 sq ft (11.8 cubic meters) of RCC roof slab is equal to = 80 × 11.8 = 950 kg. This means, 950 kg of steel is needed per 1000 sq ft (square feet) of 5-inch thick RCC roof slab.
Steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab 6 inch
Area of RCC slab is equal to 1000 square feet and thickness of RCC slab 6 inch,then volume of concrete it is calculated by multiplying area and thickness of slab.
Wet volume of concrete is equal to multiplication of area and thickness of slab 1000 sq ft × 6 inch/12 = 500 cu ft, so wet volume of concrete equal to 500 cu ft.
Now we convert volume of concrete into cubic metre, 1m3 = 35.3147 cuft, then wet volume of concrete in cubic meter = 500/35.3147 = 14.16 m3, now volume of concrete is equal to 14.16 m3.
Thumb rule for Steel required for RCC slab is 80 kgs/m3, then quantity of steel required for 1000 sq ft ( 14.16 m3) rcc slab is equal to = 80 × 14.16 = 1130 kgs.
At 6″ thickness, the total amount of steel required for 1000 sq ft (14.16 cubic meters) of RCC roof slab is equal to = 80 × 14.16 = 1130 Kg. This means, 1130 kg of steel is needed per 1000 sq ft (square feet) of 6-inch thick RCC roof slab.
How much steel required for 1000 sq ft roof slab ? 750 kgs, 950 kgs & 1130 kg steel quantity are required for 1000 sq ft 4 inch, 5 inch & 6 inch thick rcc roof slab.
1000 square feet Chhat dhalai me kitna Sariya lagega, in hindi 1000 स्क्वायर फीट छत ढ़लाई मे कितना सरिया लगेगा?
● Ans. :- 750 Kilo se 950 kilo sariya 1000 square feet chhat dhalai me lagega ( 750 kgs to 950 kgs सरिया 1000 स्क्वायर फीट छत ढ़लाई मे लगेगा).
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That’s 750 kg of steel quantity are required for 1000 sq ft and 4 inch thick RCC roof slab. For the same area, 950 kg of steel with a thickness 5 inches and 1130 kg of steel with a thickness of 6 inches are required.
945 kg steel reuired aapne btaya hai steel needed in 1000sqft slab area , kya isme beam ka steel bhi included hai?? yua beam ka steel alg se add hoga isme 945+ ?
Beam ka steel alag se Dd hoga.