Hi guys in this article we know about column size for 1 storey, 2 storey, 3 storey and 4 storey building & minimum size of RCC column according to IS code 456.
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What is the column size?
Column has not fixed size, it generally depends on different aspects such as loads acting on column, material used in column, grade of concrete, span between two column etc. According to these aspects the size of rcc column should be assumed or accepted as well as after that verification for safety is required.
There are different types of columns used in construction such as RCC column, long column, short column, timber columns and tied column etc. But todays, RCC column are mostly preferred and use as structures member for support and resist the load that acting on it, because it is economical and also resist more load easily.
Column size:- generally the size of column should not be less than 9” x 9” inches (230mm × 230mm) in respect to their width and depth for one storey/ first floor/ ground floor building with 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with m20 grade of concrete and stirrups of T8@6″C/C.
The typical column size is 9×9 as used in typical residential building. Others column size in inches are: 9×12 (or 230×300 mm), 10×10 (25×250 mm), 12×12 (300×300 mm), 12 × 15 (300×380 mm), 12×18 (300×450 mm), 12×24 (300×600 mm), 15×18 (380×450 mm), 18 × 24 (450 × 600 mm), 20×20 (500×500 mm), 28×28 (700×700 mm) and 24×24 (600×600 mm).
Point to be care during column design
When we go through the column design we should mention following point: 1) the possible distance or span and depth it all depend on load to which the beam is subjected, 2) column size depend on amount of load on the column acting on it by beam and RCC slab, 3) many axial and Lateral load acting on column, 4) large span greatly influence the bending moment not only on beam, but it also affect the column due to stress acting on it, 5) Thumb Rule for column design are appropriate for very small project like G+1,G+2 & G+3 Building and 6) column design for building construction it depend on many factors like topography, whether and size of building.

In this article, we will go through the essential thumb rules to be followed for giving a column layout. Off course columns have to be designed in accordance to the total forces acting on the structure, but apart from that, it is essential for every Civil engineer and Architect to remember a few thumb rules so that they are prevented from making mistakes.
Three thumb rules for design of column to be followed are as follows:1)Size of the Columns, 2)Distance between Columns & 3)Alignment of columns.
The size of the columns depends on the total load on the columns. There are axial loads and lateral loads. Large beam spans induce bending moment not only in the beams, but also in columns which are pulled by the stresses in the beams.
Minimum size of RCC column
Minimum size of RCC column:-The minimum size of an RCC column should not be less than 9”x 9” (230 x 230 mm) with 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M20 grade of concrete and T8 @ 6″C/C stirrups.
Standard size of column
The standard size of an RCC column should not be less than 9”x 9” (225mm x 225mm) with 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M20 grade of concrete and T8 @ 6″C/C stirrups. I will recommended 9″ × 12″ (230mm × 300mm) standard size of RCC column for ground floor residential building.
Column size for ground floor/1st floor building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+0/1-storey/1-floor/ground floor residential building is at least 9 × 9 in inches, or 230 × 230 in mm, or 23 × 23 in cm, or 0.23 × 0.23 in meter, or 0.75 × 0.75 in feet.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of ground/1st floor residential building, using standard 5″ walls, size of an RCC column should be 9”x 9” (230mm x 230mm) with 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M20 grade of concrete and stirrups of T8@6″C/C.
Column size for 2 storey (G+1) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+1/2-storey/2-floor residential building is at least 9 × 12 in inches, or 230 × 300 in mm, or 23 × 30 in cm, or 0.23 × 0.30 in meter, or 0.75 × 1 in feet.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+1 (2 storey) residential building, using standard 5″ walls, size of an RCC column should be 9”x 12” (230mm x 300mm) with 6 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M20 grade of concrete and stirrups of T8@6″C/C.
Column size for 3 storey (G+2) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+2/3-storey/3-floor residential building is at least 12 × 12 in inches, or 300 × 300 in mm, or 30× 30 in cm, or 0.30 × 0.30 in meter, or 1 × 1 in feet.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+2(3 storey) residential building, using standard 5″ walls, size of an RCC column should be 12”x 12” (300mm x 300mm) with 6 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M20 grade of concrete and stirrups of T8@6″C/C.
Column size for 4 storey (G+3) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+3/4-storey/4-floor residential building is at least 12 × 15 in inches, or 300 × 380 in mm, or 30× 38 in cm, or 0.30 × 0.38 in meter, or 1 × 1.25 in feet.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+3/4 storey residential building, using standard 5″ walls, size of an RCC column should be 12”x 15” (300mm x 380mm) with 4 bars of 16mm and 2 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M25 grade of concrete and stirrups of T10@6″C/C.
Column size for 5 storey (G+4) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+4/5-storey/5-floor residential building is at least 12 × 18 in inches, or 300 × 450 in mm, or 30× 45 in cm, or 0.30 × 0.45 in meter, or 1 × 1.5 in feet.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+4/5 storey residential building, using standard 5″ walls, size of an RCC column should be 12”x 18” (300mm x 450mm) with 4 bars of 16mm and 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 Steel with M25 grade of concrete and stirrups of T10@6″C/C.
Column size for 6 storey (G+5) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+5/6-storey/6-floor residential building is at least 15 × 18 in inches, or 380 × 450 in mm, or 38× 45 in cm, or 0.38 × 0.45 in meter, or 1.25 × 1.5 in feet.
Column size for 7 storey (G+6) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+6/7-storey/7-floor residential building is at least 18 × 18 in inches, or 450 × 450 in mm, or 45× 45 in cm, or 0.45 × 0.45 in meter, or 1.5 × 1.5 in feet.
Column size for 8 storey (G+7) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+7/8-storey/8-floor residential building is at least 21 × 21 in inches, or 530 × 530 in mm, or 53× 53 in cm, or 0.53 × 0.53 in meter, or 1.75 × 1.75 in feet.
Column size for 9 storey (G+8) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+8/9-storey/9-floor residential building is at least 24 × 24 in inches, or 600 × 600 in mm, or 60× 60 in cm, or 0.60 × 0.60 in meter, or 2 × 2 in feet.
Column size for 10 storey (G+9) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+9/10-storey/10-floor residential building is at least 28 × 28 in inches, or 700 × 700 in mm, or 70× 70 in cm, or 0.70 × 0.70 in meter, or 2.33 × 2.33 in feet.
These days the minimum I use in my projects is 9″ x 12″ (225 mm x 300mm) with 6 bars of 12 MM Fe500 steel. You can never go wrong with strong columns. I also recommend use of M20 grade concrete for the structure (ratio 1 part Cement : 1.5 parts Sand : 3 parts Aggregate with 0.5 parts water by volume). I recommend use of 8 MM stirrups at a distance of 150 MM center to center throughout the length of column.
This setup of 9″ x 12″ RCC columns is safe for G+1 Floors. There are a lot of other considerations, but this is just a thumb rule.
Glulam column size for 1, 2, 3 & 4 story building
Glulam is glued laminated timber, also abbreviated as glulam, is a type of structural engineered wood timber product constituted by layers of dimensional lumber bonded together with durable, moisture-resistant structural adhesives. In US, Canada, UK and others few countries, the material made of wood providing the laminations is termed laminating stock.
By laminating a number of smaller pieces of glulam lumber, a single large, strong, structural member is manufactured from smaller pieces. These structural members are used as vertical columns, horizontal beams, and arches, header, girder, rafter, purlin and ridge beam in wood frame house.
Glulam column sizes for 1 story building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of Glulam column for a G+0/1-story/1-floor residential building is minimum of 6″×6″ (150 × 150 mm) or 8″×8″ (200 × 200 mm) post. So, for a one story building you will need a 6″x6″ or 8″x8″ glulam post.
As per thumb rule & general guideline, for 1 storey/ story/ G+0 building, you will need 6″×6″ (150mm × 150mm) or 8″×8″ (200mm × 200mm) size of Glulam column or post. A 6×6 Glulam column or post can carry approx 600 sq ft of roof and floor area and 8×8 Glulam column can carry approx 1000 sq ft of roof and floor area.
Glulam column sizes for 2 story building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of Glulam column for a G+1/2-story/2-floor residential building is minimum of 10” × 10″ (250 × 250 mm) post. So, for a two story building you will need a 6″x6″ (250 × 250 mm) glulam post.
As per thumb rule & general guideline, for 2 storey/ story/stories/ G+1 building, you will need 10″×10″ (250mm × 250mm) size of Glulam column or post. A 10×10 Glulam column or post can carry approx 2000 sq ft of roof and floor area.
Glulam column sizes for 3 story building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of Glulam column for a G+2/3-story/3-floor residential building is minimum of 12“×12” (300 × 300 mm) post. So, for a three story building you will need a 12″x 12″ (300 × 300 mm) glulam post.
As per thumb rule & general guideline, for 3 storey/ story/stories/ G+2 building, you will need 12″×12″ (300mm × 300mm) size of Glulam column or post. A 12×12 Glulam column or post can carry approx 3000 sq ft of roof and floor area.
Glulam column sizes for 4 story building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of Glulam column for a G+3/4-story/4-floor residential building is minimum of 14” × 14″ (350 × 350 mm) post. So, for a four story building you will need a 14″x 14″ (350 × 350 mm) glulam post.
As per thumb rule & general guideline, for 3 storey/ story/stories/ G+2 building, you will need 14″×14″ (350mm × 350mm) or 16″ × 16″ (400mm × 400mm) size of Glulam column or post. A 14×14 Glulam column or post can carry approx 4000 sq ft of roof and floor area and 16×16 Glulam column can carry approx 5000 sq ft of roof and floor area.
Steel column size for 1, 2 & 3 story building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of steel column for a G+0/1-story/1-floor residential building is minimum of 6“× 6” (150UC or W6) steel column. So, for a one story building you will need a 6″x6″ (150UC or W6) steel column.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+0/ 1 storey residential building, using standard walls, on light load condition, size of a steel column or universal column or H beam or UC’s or H- iron or rolled steel section should be 150UC or 6″×6″, which can support 750 sq ft or 70 square meter of area and span upto 8m or 25 feet.
Steel Column size for 2 storey (G+1) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of steel column for a G+1/2-story/1-floor residential building is minimum of 8“× 8” (200UC or W8) steel column. So, for a two story building you will need a 8″x8″ (200UC or W8) steel column.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+1/ 2 storey residential building, using standard walls, on light load condition, size of a steel column or universal column or H beam or UC’s or H-iron or rolled steel section should be 200UC or 8″×8″, which can support 3000 sq ft or 280 square meter of area and span upto 16m or 50 feet.
Steel Column size for 3 storey (G+2) building
As a general thumb rule, the standard size of steel column for a G+2/3-story/3-floor residential building is minimum of 8“× 8” (200UC or W8) steel column. So, for a three story building you will need a 8″x8″ (200UC or W8) steel column.
For this general thumb rule, we will assume a structure of G+2/ 3 storey residential building, using standard walls, on light load condition, size of a steel column or universal column or H beam or UC’s or H-iron or rolled steel section should should be 200UC or 8″×8″, which can support 3000 sq ft or 280 square meter of area and span upto 16m or 50 feet. Thus a steel column size 200UC or 8″×8″ is ideal for 1 storey, 2 storey and 3 storey building on light load condition that covering upto 3000 sq ft or 280 m2 area and which can span upto 16m or 50 feet.
As a general thumb rule, the standard column (pillar) size for a G+1/2-storey/2-floor residential building is at least 9 × 12 in inches, or 230 × 300 in mm, or 23 × 30 in cm, or 0.23 × 0.30 in meter, or 0.75 × 1 in feet.