To convert 1 ton of aggregate to cubic feet (cft), you’ll need to know the specific density of the aggregate. The density can vary depending on the type of aggregate (e.g., crushed stone, gravel).
1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to cft, hi guys in this article we know about 1 ton aggregate (stone chips) weight convert into cubic feet (cft) of different size 10mm, 20mm and 40 mm. Aggregate another name is stone chips categorised into two types of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate.

We know that aggregate is consist of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate of different size 10 mm, 20 mm and 40mm. 10 mm size of aggregate is fine aggregate and 20 mm and 40 mm aggregate is coarse aggregate.
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Aggregate or stone chips are used in Building, Bridge, dams Construction aggregate, or simply aggregate, is a broad category of coarse- to medium-grained particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates. Aggregates are the most mined materials in the world.
Generally fine aggregate consist of sand silt clay and coarse aggregate consists fine gravel medium gravel coarse gravel pebbles cobbles and boulders.
Fine aggregate having size less than 4.75 mm and coarse aggregate size ranging between more than 4.75 mm to 256 mm.
All types of aggregates measured in cubic metre and cubic feet and ton at construction site and we have know about how to convert 1 ton aggregate into cubic feet (cft) and 1 cubic feet aggregate into to kilogram and ton. Because it will be sometime sell & purchase in per ton and other in per cubic feet (CFT). sometime when we go through the interview and facing questions it will ask how 1 ton aggregate to cubic feet and also 1 ton aggregate in cft used for billing purpose.
Weight of aggregate in kilogram depends on density of aggregate and size of aggregate. Lesser dimension of aggregate have high density due to less presence of air voids & higher dimension of aggregate have lower density due to higher presence of air voids.
Density of 10mm, 20mm and 40mm aggregate ranging between 1420 kg/m3 to 1620 kg/m3. Consider density of 10mm,20mm & 40mm aggregate is equal to 1620 kg/m3, 1550kg/m3 & 1450 kg/m3 respectively. It means weight of 1 cubic metre of 10mm size aggregate is equal to 1620 kgs, while weight of 1 cubic metre of 20mm size aggregate is equal to 1550 kgs & weight of 1 cubic metre of 40mm size aggregate is equal to 1450 kgs.
1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to cubic feet (cft)
The formula to convert 1 tonne of 10mm, 20mm and 40mm aggregate (stone) to CFT (Cubic Feet), aggregate volume to CFT = Tonnes of Aggregate × 25 CFT.
1 CFT (Cubic Foot) of 10mm, 20mm &; 40 mm aggregate (stone chips) has a weight of 41 kg to 46 kg. 1 CFT of 20mm size of stone weighs about 44kg, 10mm about 46kg and 40mm about 41kg.
The equation to convert 1 ton of 10mm, 20mm, and 40mm aggregate (stone chips) to CFT (cubic feet), volume of aggregate in CFT = Tons of aggregate × 25 CFT.
For example, 2 tons of aggregate is about 50 CFT (since, 2×25 = 50 cft), while, 5 tons of aggregate is about 125 CFT (since, 5×25 = 125 cft).
1 CFT 20mm aggregate weight in kg
The typical weight of 1 CFT (cubic foot) of 20mm aggregate is approximately 44 kilograms. The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 20mm aggregate weighs approximately 1550 kg, so the weight of 1 CFT of 20mm aggregate = 1550/35.32 = 44kg.
1 CFT 10mm aggregate weight in kg
The typical weight of 1 CFT (cubic foot) of 10mm aggregate is approximately 46kg. The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 10mm aggregate weighs approximately 1,620 kg, so the weight of 1 CFT of 10mm aggregate = 1620/35.32 = 46kg.
1 CFT 40mm aggregate weight in kg
The typical weight of 1 CFT (cubic foot) of 40mm aggregate is approximately 41kg. The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 40mm aggregate weighs approximately 1,450 kg, so the weight of 1 CFT of 40mm aggregate = 1450/35.32 = 41kg.
100 cft 20mm aggregate weight in kg & in tons
The typical weight of 100 CFT (1 unit, or 1 brass) of 20mm aggregate is approximately 4,400 kilograms (or 4.4 tons). The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 20mm aggregate weighs about 1,550kg, so, weight of 100 CFT of 20 mm aggregate = (1,550/ 35.32) × 100 = 4,400kg (or 4.4 tons).
100 cft 10mm aggregate weight in kg & in tons
The typical weight of 100 CFT (1 unit, or 1 brass) of 10mm aggregate is approximately 4,600 kilograms (or 4.6 tons). The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 10mm aggregate weighs about 1,620kg, so, weight of 100 CFT of 10 mm aggregate = (1,620/ 35.32) × 100 = 4,600kg (or 4.6 tons).
100 cft 40mm aggregate weight in kg & in tons
The typical weight of 100 CFT (1 unit, or 1 brass) of 40mm aggregate is approximately 4,100 kilograms (or 4.1 tons). The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 40mm aggregate weighs about 1,450kg, so, weight of 100 CFT of 40 mm aggregate = (1,450/ 35.32) × 100 = 4,100kg (or 4.1 tons).
1 ton 10mm aggregate to cubic feet (CFT)
The formula to convert 1 ton of 10mm aggregate to CFT, Cubic feet (CFT) of stone = Tons × 22 CFT, because 1 ton of 10mm aggregate yields volume about 22 cubic feet. 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 10mm stone has a weight of 1620kg and 1 ton stone weighs 1,000kg, so 1 ton 10mm aggregate to CFT = (1000/1620) × 35.32 = 22 CFT.
For example, 2 tons of 10mm aggregate is about 44 CFT (since, 2×22 = 44 cft), while, 5 tons of 10mm aggregate is about 100 CFT (since, 5×22 = 100 cft). Moreover, 10 tons of 10mm aggregate is about 44 CFT (since, 10×22 = 220 cft), while 20 tons of 10mm aggregate is about 440 CFT (since, 20×22 = 440 cft). In addition, 25 tons of 10mm aggregate is about 550 CFT (since, 25×22 = 550 cft).
1 ton 20mm aggregate to cubic feet (CFT)
The formula to convert 1 ton of 20mm aggregate to CFT, Cubic feet (CFT) of stone = Tons × 23 CFT, because 1 ton of 10mm aggregate yields volume about 23 cubic feet. 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 20mm stone has a weight of 1550kg and 1 ton stone weighs 1,000kg, so 1 ton 20mm aggregate to CFT = (1000/1550) × 35.32 = 23 CFT.
For example, 2 tons of 20mm aggregate is about 46 CFT (since, 2×23 = 46 cft), while, 5 tons of 20mm aggregate is about 115 CFT (since, 5×23 = 115 cft).
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1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to cft
1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to m3
1 cubic meter 20 mm aggregate weight in Kg
1 ton 40mm aggregate to cubic feet (CFT)
The formula to convert 1 ton of 40mm aggregate to CFT, Cubic feet (CFT) of stone = Tons × 24 CFT, because 1 ton of 40mm aggregate yields volume about 24 cubic feet. The 1m3 or 35.32 CFT of 40mm stone has a weight of 1450kg and 1 ton stone weighs 1,000kg, so 1 ton 40mm aggregate to CFT = (1000/1450) × 35.32 = 24 CFT.
40mm aggregate or stone chips is categories as coarse aggregate, dry density of 40mm aggregate = 1450 kg/m3, it means 1m3 of 40mm aggregate weight is 1450kg or 1.45ton, 1 ton = 1000kg, 1 ton 40mm aggregate or stone chips to cubic meter = 1000/1450 = 0.6896 m3, and we know that 1m3 = 35.32 cft, 1 ton 40mm aggregate to cft = 0.6896 × 35.32 = 24.36, so 1 ton 40mm aggregate is equal to 24.36 cubic feet (cft).
For example, 2 tons of 40mm aggregate is about 48 CFT (since, 2×24 = 48 cft), while, 5 tons of 40mm aggregate is about 120 CFT (since, 5×24 = 120 cft).
The formula to convert 1 ton of 10mm, 20mm, and 40mm aggregate (stone) to CFT (cubic feet), volume of aggregate in CFT = Tons of aggregate × 25 CFT.