Calculator for yards of gravel | Calculate yards of gravel | Yards of gravel calculator | Yardage calculator for gravel | Calculator yards of gravel | how do i calculate how many yards of gravel i need.
Gravel is one of the most important building material collected from river basin, mountains, rocks, small rocks, pebbles, loose and dry sand, aggregate and pea gravel. Pea gravel is chosen best for walkway because it is round in shape of small size which make it most comfortable to work on. Gravel is made of rock is to build roads, path, driveway, Patio, pedestrian, pavement, pathways, roadways, landscaping, and etc.

When estimating the amount of gravel you need to cover your driveway, your required gravel quantity will depend on the type of gravel you choose, like pea or crushed gravel. Different grades are found in particles from fine to course, ranging from 2 to 64mm.
The volume of gravel must also be calculated according to the size of the rocks. Choose the gravel you’d like to use before digging the depth of your driveway, and then figure out how much you will need by using simple calculations.
Depth of driveway is taken as 2 to 4 inches thick, at 2″ deep by using 1/4″ to 1/2″ size of gravel, it will cover around 100 square feet per ton, 1/2″ to 1 inch gravel will cover 90 square feet per ton, and 1 1/2″ to 2″ gravel will cover 80 square feet per ton.
Crushed stone is a common material to use for a driveway because it offers a nice clean look, is resistant to weeds, is affordable, is easy to maintain, and is easy to install. Gravel is commonly sold by the cubic yard, so to find the material needed for a driveway, you need to find the volume in yards.
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In this article we know about “Calculator for yards of gravel” and “Yardage calculator for gravel”, which will help you making rough estimate how many yards of gravel i need. Here, we discussed about to calculate yards of gravel needed.
Calculator for yards of gravel
What is a yard of gravel?, A cubic yard of gravel look likes 3 feet long by 3 feet wide and by 3 feet height, which is equal as 27 cubic feet when multiply length by width by height= 3’×3’×3′ = 27 cubic feet.
● How much gravel for 1000 foot driveway
● How much is a yard of gravel
● How much is a scoop of gravel
Calculator for yards of gravel: Cubic Yards of gravel = Cubic footage × 0.037. Measure your space in feet, multiply length by width and by thickness to determine cubic footage and convert cubic footage to cubic yards by multiplying by 0.037. Volume of your space is equal to volume of gravel in yards.
Yards of gravel calculation formula:- multiply the length by the width to determine square footage. Convert the thickness from inches to feet. Multiply the thickness in feet by the square footage to determine cubic feet. Convert cubic feet to cubic yards by multiplying by 0.037. This is gravel calculation formula.
Yardage calculator for gravel: formula for yardage of gravel – 1) Yardage of gravel = Cubic footage × 0.037, or 2) Yardage of gravel = Cubic footage ÷ 27, or 3) Yardage of gravel = (Length in feet × Width in feet × Thickness in feet ) ÷ 27.
How to calculate yards of gravel
To calculate amount of yards of gravel you need, measure the all dimensions of driveway in feet, then multiply length by width to get square footage, and then square footage multiply by thickness in feet, and divide the resulting number by 27 to find cubic yards of gravel needed.
For example:- To calculate the yards of gravel needed for 100 feet long by 10 feet wide driveway at 4 inches thick
1) Convert thickness of driveway in feet- 4 inches in feet = 4÷12 = 0.33 feet
2) Measure the square footage by multiplying length by width, 100’×10′ = 1000 square footage
3) Multiply the square footage by thickness in feet = 1000× 0.33 = 330 cubic feet
4) Divide the resulting cubic feet by 27 to find cubic yards of gravel, such as 33÷27 = 12.2 yards
Thus, you will need 12.2 cubic yards of gravel for 100 by 10 driveway at 4 inches thick, 15.4 yards of gravel at 5″ thick, 18.5 yards of gravel at 6″ thick, 9.3 yards of gravel at 3″ thick, and 6.2 yards of gravel at 2″ thick.
:- Calculator for yards of gravel
How much gravel for 1000 foot driveway
Calculator for yards of gravel: Cubic Yards of gravel = Cubic footage × 0.037. To Convert cubic footage to cubic yards by multiplying by 0.037.