How much wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room | how many rolls of wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room | estimate the quantity of wallpaper for 10 by 10 feet room | wallpaper calculator | how to figure quantity of wallpaper do i need.
To determine how much wallpaper you need for a 10×10 room, you’ll first want to calculate the total square footage of the walls you plan to cover. Since you typically don’t wallpaper doors and windows, you can subtract their square footage from the total.
Measure the height of the walls you want to wallpaper in feet. Measure the total length of all those walls in feet (perimeter). Then, multiply the height by the total length to get the square footage of the walls.
For example, if the walls are 8 feet high, and the total length of the walls is 40 feet (10 feet for each of the four walls), the total square footage would be 8 ft x 40 ft = 332 square feet. Wallpaper rolls typically list their coverage in square feet. Divide the total square footage of your walls by the coverage provided by one roll to determine how many rolls you’ll need.
For instance, if one roll covers 30 square feet, you’d need 332 sq ft / 30 sq ft per roll = 11.06 rolls. Round up to the nearest whole number, so you’d need approximately 12 rolls of wallpaper to cover a 10×10 room. Keep in mind that it’s a good idea to buy a bit extra for mistakes or future repairs.
There are different types of wallpaper comes in single and double rolls of different colours, pattern and texture. If you want to apply wallpaper on your walls of 10 by 10 feet room, this can help add color, patterns, and texture to a room to make it more inviting, comfortable and increasing beauty of the room.

If you plan on adding wallpaper in your walls of 10×10 room, accurately make estimate to calculate how much wallpaper you need. This can helps you to ensure that you don’t get too much or too little for your 10 by 10 feet room. By calculating the total surface area of your walls of 10 by 10 feet room and measuring the pattern of the wallpaper you want, you can easily plan how many rolls you’ll need. Always take 10% extra for pattern matching, or mistakes, or need to make repair in future.
A 10 by 10 feet room measures 10 feet in length and 10 feet in width and wall height about 8 feet as US standard. To figure out how much wallpaper do you need, multiply the total length (perimeter) of walls by their height to find total surface area. Add all the length of walls to find the perimeter that you are covering with the wallpaper. Multiply the perimeter by the height of wall, so, you can find the total surface area of room.
Perimeter of a 10×10 room = 2(length + width) = 2 (10+10) = 40 feet, and height of wall is about 8 feet high, so, total surface area of 10 by 10 feet room = 40×8 = 320 square feet. This will give total square footage of wallpaper you would need. Noted that you do not need to subtract surface area of openings like your doors, windows, ventilation or any others since its better to some extra paper rather than too little.
Wallpaper comes in single or double rolls. As per US standard a single roll of wallpaper gives you about 35 square feet, but waste and pattern matching usually takes this down to about 27 usable square feet per roll. Double roll of wallpaper will have 57 to 61 square feet which gives us 54 usable square feet.
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How much wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room
To calculate how much wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room, multiply the total length (perimeter) of walls by their height to find total surface area.
Add all the length of walls to find the perimeter that you are covering with the wallpaper. Multiply the perimeter by the height of wall, so, you can find the total surface area of room. Perimeter = 2 (10+10) = 40 feet, and total surface area of room = 40×8 = 320 square feet. Add an addition 10% as waste factors. So, including waste factors you would need 352 square footage of wallpaper to cover walls of a 10×10 room.
To figure out how many rolls of wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room, Divide the total surface area by the amount of usable wallpaper per roll. Like 320/ 27 = 11.85, round it in whole 12 of single rolls wallpaper, or 320/ 54 = 5.92, round it in whole 6 of double rolls wallpaper. Add an addition 10% as waste factors. So, including waste factors you would need either 14 single rolls or 7 double rolls of wallpaper to cover walls of a 10×10 room.
Steps to calculate how much wallpaper do you need for a 10 by 10 feet room:-
● A 10×10 room measures Length = 10 feet, width = 10 feet, and height = 8 feet
● Add all the length of walls to find the perimeter that you are covering with the wallpaper. Perimeter of a 10×10 room = 2(length + width) = 2 (10+10) = 40 feet
● To figure out how much wallpaper do you need, multiply the total length (perimeter) of walls by their height to find total surface area. So, total surface area of 10 by 10 feet room = 40×8 = 320 square feet. Add an addition 10% as waste factors. So, including waste factors total square footage of wallpaper you would need = 320 +32 = 352 sq ft
● To figure out how many rolls of wallpaper do i need, Divide the total surface area by the amount of usable wallpaper per roll. Like 320/ 27 = 11.85, round it as 12 of single rolls wallpaper, or 320/ 54 = 5.92, round it as 6 of double rolls wallpaper. Add an addition 10% as waste factors. So, including waste factors you would need either 14 single rolls or 7 double rolls of wallpaper.
You would need approximately either 14 single rolls or 7 double rolls of wallpaper to cover walls of a 10×10 room. If you measure in square footage, including waste factors of 10%, total of 352 square feet of wallpaper you would need for a 10 by 10 feet room.
To calculate how many rolls of wallpaper do you need, Divide the total surface area by the amount of usable wallpaper per roll. Multiply the total length (perimeter) of walls by their height to find total surface area. Each single rolls of wallpaper gives you about 27 sq ft usable area and double rolls 54 usable square feet per roll of wallpaper.
How many rolls of wallpaper do i need for a 10×10 room
You can calculate the total square footage of the walls of a 10×10 room which was 352 square feet including 10% waste factors and each single roll of the paper is about 27 square feet usable area so you would need at least 14 single rolls wallpaper. If you use double rolls, 7 rolls wallpaper will be required.
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You would need approximately either 14 single rolls, or 7 double rolls, or total 352 square footage of wallpaper for a 10×10 room including waste factors of about 10%.