Plaster sand is a type of fine sand that is often used in construction and building projects, particularly for making plaster and mortar. It has a smooth texture and is free from impurities, making it ideal for mixing with cement to create a smooth and workable plaster mix. Plaster sand is important for achieving a smooth and even finish when applying plaster to walls, ceilings, or other surfaces in construction and renovation work.

Sand is the one of most important building material used in construction. It is often mixed with cement and water to make mortar that used for multi functional work such as brick laying, block laying, rendering, plastering, pointing, etc and when it mix with cement, aggregate and water to make concrete mortar that are used for concreting work for casting of different RCC and PCC structure.
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Sand have several types based on construction application such as building sand (builder’s sand), sharp sand (concrete sand, plaster sand, beach sand, washed sand and etc, there is a confusion between various different types and have different name according to area location and your country and it can also be confusion for professionals, but in this topic explain about mainly plaster sand, sharp sand (concrete sand), plaster sand, beach sand, washed sand which are mostly used in construction.
Plaster sand/ plastering sand (P – sand)
Plaster sand is type of sand which shall be soft, durable, clean, better grain of shape, free from impurities, smoother texture, rounded, fine grade with suitable particles, primarily used for plastering or rendering, generally available in white- grey, yellow and red colour and it resulting greater smoother overall finished surface.
Plaster sand shall be soft, durable, clean, free from adherent coating and organic matter and shall not contain clay, silt and dust and it also not contain any harmful impurities such as iron pyrites, alkalies, salt, coal, mica shale etc.
What is plastering/ plaster sand?
Plaster/ plastering sand is defined as those sand which are free from impurities, soft, smooth, rounded, fine grade with suitable particles, widely used in construction that have multifunctional properties and primarily used for plastering or rendering and it can also used for brick/ block work and for general purpose is called building sand.
Where does plaster sand come from?
Plaster (P – sand) sand is come from river, ocean and beaches, collected along the river basin bottom of river beds as river sand, along the shorline as beach sand, bank of ocean and floor as marine sand, lying across lake and in the flood plain area.
The plaster sand collected from river, beach, ocean are ideal for construction work and it is highly demanded for masonry work such as plastering, rendering, block/ brick laying. There is a plenty full of sand present in desert areas but this sand is not ideal for construction.
River sand falls under the fine quality of plaster sand which found near river basin and stream, generally white grey in colour, a smooth texture and better shape of grain, river sand demand very less water, the moisture which is trapped between their particle and serves is good for plastering.
River sand need to be sieved so that larger stone particles, pebbles and other material can be removed, the ideal sand particle size for wall plastering should be 150 microns to 2.36mm.
How plaster sand is made?
Plaster sand is a granular material composed of finely divided fragments of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock with mineral particles. Particle size of sand ranging from 0.05mm to 2mm, their grain particles are smaller than gravel and coarser than silt.
Plaster sand is made by decomposed rocks or rocks eroded or weather over a long period of time mainly by water, wind, alkaline and acidic effect. Their eroded parts or sediment transported along the downstream, it sediments even broken into a smaller pieces and till they become a fine grain of rounded that make plaster sand.
Marine sand comes from sediments or particles of grains transported into the ocean and the erosion of ocean rocks, in United Kingdom and other European countries is the main miners of marine sand.
Which sand is ideal for plastering/ rendering?
Using the right type of sand for particular job enhance the strength of structure, soft, smoother texture, clean, rounded and fine graded with suitable particle commonly known as plaster sand that resulting greater overall finishing is ideal for plastering or rendering because it bond correctly to brick/ block wall and prevent from the surface cracking and due to free from impurities, soft, smooth, rounded, fine grade with suitable particles it provides greater finished.
So you should selecting right type of sand for different kind of construction work, If you are using very fine sand that does not bond correctly to brick/ block and could lead to the structure failure, it is ideal for playing sand, children sand pits, jointly paving, patio and slab, recreational area, Golf bunkers and etc.
And also you should not choose sharp or angular sand made of large particles for your plastering and brick/ block work because it does not provide greater overall finished, besides this angular or sharp sand is ideal for concreting and masonry work because it binds extremely well to form the tough and solid surfaces not smooth, generally it is mined from inland areas away from coastal region.
Plaster sand colour/ yellow/ red
Plaster sand that is made from Rock have been generally seen white- grey, in yellow, red and Orange colour, it is a red due to presence of high amount of iron oxide in it and it is also in white colour obtained from beach or ocean floors.
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Yellow sand is type of plaster sand is used for the purpose of plastering or rendering. Often, it is mixed with water and cement to prepare mortar used for laying bricks, rendering, pointing and it is also widely used by builders and Landscapers, other uses involve the rendering of walls, bedding under pool liners, or mixed with cement for a gold colour finish.
Plaster sand bulk bag
In United Kingdom and other European countries plaster sand packed in large size plastic bag popularly known as Jumbo, or bulk or tonne bag for marketing, sale and purchase by different company and brand. Europe is larger consumer of marine sand and it is collected along the coastal region from the beaches and the ocean floor bed.
Weight of a bulk bag of plaster sand generally depend on their wet and dry condition, generally a bulk bag of plaster sand weighs around 800kg or 1 loose tonne that yields about 0.5 cubic metre volume and it will cover around 10 sq metres area upto standard depth of 50mm for your backfills.
Plaster sand 25kg/ 20kg/ 30kg & 40kg bag
Plaster sand is packed in a small plastic bag of weight around 25kg, 20kg, 30kg and 40 kg, sold by different companies and brand name in United kingdom as Wickes, Screwfix, b&q, Travis perkins, Jewson, JT Alkinson, and etc. All have been supplier of good/ best quality plaster sand and also some other companies are online supplier.
A bag of 20kg plaster sand yields about 0.0125 cubic meter volume and 80bags of 20kg sand is used to make one cubic meter, 50bags for one metric ton and 40 bags for one bulk bag of sand.
A bag of 25kg plaster sand yields about 0.0156 cubic meter volume and it will require 64bags of 25kg sand for one cubic meter, 40bags for one metric ton and 32 bags for one bulk bag of sand.
A bag of 30kg plaster sand yields about 0.0188 cubic meter volume and it will require 54bags of 30kg sand for one cubic meter, 34bags for one metric ton and 27 bags for one bulk bag of sand.
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A bag of 40kg plaster sand yields about 0.025 cubic meter volume and it will require 40bags of 40kg sand for one cubic meter, 25bags for one metric ton and 20 bags for one bulk bag of sand.
Plaster sand near me
Peoples are searching for plaster sand near me according to their location, city, states and country which are nearer for you, Europe is larger consumer of marine sand that collecting sand from coastal areas, beaches and ocean basin, if you are resident of United Kingdom, London, Birmingham, Belfast, dublin, country like England, wales, Ireland Scotland and northern Ireland, you are looking to buying plaster yellow sand for your projects, there are several companies, supplier and brand such as Wickes, Screwfix, b&q, Travis perkins, Jewson, JT Alkinson, and etc which supply plaster sand of 25kg or bulk bag of sand to your destination, look and select according to your location.
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Plaster sand delivery
Most of plaster sand supplier which are available nearly to you, will give you option to deliver plaster sand and others construction materials at your homes, for this they should cost some money for transportation. If you have a truck or vehicle that you can use to bring sand to your destination or construction site, then it is cheaper and faster option for you.
You should contact to plaster sand supplier through online, websites, blogs or on their shops , wholesales, contact to manager, purchase it, load it on vehicle and plaster sand delivered at your destination.
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How much plaster sand do you need for 100m2 plastering?
This is too much mathematical calculation, but according to Thumb Rule for general purpose, generally you will need 2m3 (3.2 tons) of plaster sand and 10 bags of 25kg cement for 100m2 (15mm thick) plastering by standard mix of 1 bag of 25kg cement to 3 full size wheelbarrow of 65 litres capacity. This is ideal mix for plastering and brick/ block wall.