The size of aggregates used in construction varies based on the specific application:
1. RCC (Reinforced Concrete): Typically, 20mm and 40mm aggregates are commonly used in RCC. The choice of size depends on factors like the structural requirements and ease of placement.
2. PCC (Plain Cement Concrete): Coarse aggregates with sizes ranging from 40mm to 20mm are commonly used in PCC.
3. Slab Construction: For slabs, 20mm aggregates are commonly used. This size provides a good balance of workability and strength.
4. Road Construction: Aggregates used in road construction can vary, but commonly 20mm and 40mm sizes are used for the base course, while finer aggregates may be used in the surface layer.
5. Bridge Construction: The size of aggregates for bridge construction depends on the specific design requirements. It often falls within the range of 20mm to 40mm.
6. Dams Construction: In dam construction, larger aggregates such as 40mm may be used in the mass concrete, while a gradation of smaller aggregates might be used in the concrete face to enhance workability.
All types of aggregate made of crushed of igneous rock granite rock sedimentary rock and Metamorphic rock, all type of aggregate unit in different purpose for building construction pavement,roads, Street and building and interior and exterior designing of house.
Some of these you will be familiar with that is fine aggregate and coarse aggregate containing different size and name like crushed stone, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand ,silt ,clay and fine gravel ,medium gravel ,coarse gravel, pebbles cobbles and boulders.

When the aggregate is sieved through 4.75 mm size the aggregate is retained is known as coarse aggregate. Larger than 4.75mm size is coarse sand or aggregate, so coarse aggregate size arranging between 5mm to 256 mm or more.
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Types of coarse aggregate and their size
1) fine gravel -4 to 8 mm
2) medium gravel- 8 to 16 mm
3) coarse gravel -16 to 64 mm
4) pebbles -4 to 64 mm
5) cobbles -64 to 256 mm
6) boulder – more than 256 mm
Size of aggregate used in construction
Size of aggregate used in construction:- it all depend on structure, whether it is plain cement concrete or reinforced cement concrete.
The aggregate sizes most commonly used in construction are 10mm, 12mm, 20mm, 25mm, 40mm and 75mm. 10-20mm coarse aggregate for RCC structures, 20-40mm coarse aggregate for PCC construction, mass concrete and road and bridge deck construction and 75mm and larger for retaining wall and dam construction.
Size of aggregate used in PCC
Size of aggregate used in PCC:- PCC is plain cement concrete made of mixture of cement, sand, aggregate and water without providing Steel, typically most common size of aggregate used in PCC is 40mm. This is best, perfect, ideal and standard size of aggregate used in PCC like construction of PCC pavement, road, walkway or driveway.
Why 40mm size aggregate is preferred in PCC or mass concrete than 20mm :- for the same strength or workability, concrete with large size aggregate will require lesser quantity of cement than concrete with a smaller size aggregate. In a mass concrete work or PCC the use of larger size aggregate will be useful due to the lesser consumption of cement, this will also reduce the heat of hydration and the corresponding thermal stresses and shrinkage cracks.
But in practice the size of aggregate cannot be increased to any limit on account of the limitation in the mixing, handling and placing equipment.
In large size aggregates surface area to be wetted per unit weight is less, and the water cement ratio is less which increases the strength. On the other hand in smaller size aggregates the surface area is increased which increases w/c ratio and lower strength is achieved.
In general for strength upto 200 kg/cm2 aggregates upto 40 mm may be used and for strength above 300 kg/cm2 aggregate upto 20 mm may be used.
Size of aggregate used in RCC
Size of aggregate used in RCC:- RCC is reinforced cement concrete made of mixture of cement, sand, aggregate and water provided with steel bar.
Typically the most common size of aggregate used in RCC structure like roof slab, column, beam and bridge deck is a combination of 10mm, 12mm and 20mm. It is best, perfect, ideal and standard size of aggregate used in RCC for construction of roof slab, column and beam.
Typically, the minimum size of coarse aggregate used in RCC is a combination of 10mm, 12mm and 20mm. It is best size of coarse aggregate used for RCC slab, columns and beams.
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Maximum size of coarse aggregate used in RCC
Maximum size of coarse aggregate used in RCC:- generally, 18mm, 20mm and 25 mm size of aggregate used in RCC work. 18mm is minimum size, 20mm is most common size used and maximum size of coarse aggregate used in RCC is 25mm.
Size of aggregate used in road construction
Size of aggregate used in road construction:- Road construction needs mass concreting work, where there is no limitation for concrete flow, most common size of aggregate used in road construction is 40mm. This is best, perfect, ideal, standard and maximum size of aggregate used in Road construction of pavement, walkway, driveway and etc.
Size of aggregate used in RCC, PCC, slab, Road, Bridge & Dams
1m3 of concrete material cement sand aggregate and water
1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to cft
1 ton 10mm 20mm & 40mm aggregate convert to m3
1 cubic meter 20 mm aggregate weight in Kg
Size of aggregate used for retaining wall
Size of aggregate used in retaining wall:- Retaining walls are relatively rigid walls used for supporting soil laterally so that it can be retained at different levels on the two sides. most common size of aggregate used for retaining wall construction is 75mm. This is best, perfect, ideal, standard and maximum size of aggregate used for retaining wall construction.
Size of aggregate used in Bridge construction
Size of aggregate used in Bridge construction:- Bridge slab and their deck construction provided with reinforcement need mass concreting work, where there is no limitation for concrete floor. Most common size of aggregate used in bridge slab and their deck construction is 40 mm. This is best, perfect, ideal, standard and maximum size of aggregate used in bridge construction.
Size of aggregate used in concrete Dams
Size of aggregate used in concrete Dams:- dam is heavily concrete, require a lot of mass concreting work, in Concrete Dams – 75mm aggregate size provided near the face where there steel reinforcement provided and 150 – 200mm maximum size of aggregate provided in the rest of the dam. Here concrete is poured by cranes from concrete buckets.
Typically, the aggregate size most commonly used in RCC structures such as roof slab, columns, beams and bridge decks is a combination of 10mm, 12mm and 20mm.