Concrete mix ratio Table and concrete grade types, hi guys in this article we know about different types of concrete grade and their uses, we know concrete mix ratio for roof slab, column, beam, Foundation and floor. And discuss about concrete mix ratio m5,m7.5,m10,m15,m20 and m25.
We know that concrete each mixture of cement sand and aggregate in fixed proportion and concrete is used for several work in Civil Engineering construction of high rise and low rise building, over bridge, Bridge, dams, retaining walls and different types of piles.
Concrete mix ratio is used as PCC (plain cement concrete) in Roadways Pathways formation and for flooring of house and also concrete mix ratio is used as RCC for the formation of roof slab, Foundation, footing, beam and column.
PCC ratio for footing:– generally concrete mix ratio used as PCC for footing is 1:3:6 (M10).

Concrete grade types
We discuss about concrete grade types according to their use, there are two types of concrete grade given following:-
1) PCC (plain cement concrete)
2) RCC (reinforce cement concrete)
PCC ( plain cement concrete)
1) PCC :- it is plain cement concrete which has mixture of cement sand and aggregate which is used for mainly flooring and formation of different types of Pathways. PCC have do not use of Steel bar, concrete without use of Steel bar is used as and known as PCC
RCC (Reinforced cement concrete)
2) RCC :- it is reinforced cement concrete mixture of cement sand and aggregate with steel bar and used for formation of different types of civil construction works like beam, slab, footing, column , bridge, dams and piles. Concrete mix with steel bar known as RCC.
Concrete grade types according to their mix
1) nominal mix concrete
2) design mix concrete
1) Nominal mix concrete :- it is simple type of concrete mix used in domestic and formation of low rise building, M5 M10 m15 M20 and M25 is used in domestic purpose for different type of residential house and formation of bass for foundation. ratio of in this grade of concrete has fixed ratio of sand cement and aggregate.
That’s why it is known as nominal mix concrete like mix ratio in M20 grade of concrete is about 1:1.5:3 in which one part is cement 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate.
2) Design mix concrete:- it is standard type of concrete mix in which mix ratio of cement sand and aggregate is decided by expert engineer according to require strength of concrete and requirement of concrete strength for high rise building over bridge dams formation of piles.
Mainly mix ratio is calculated and decided by engineer according to requirement of strength of civil work construction. So grade above m25 like M30 m35 m40 m50 and so on has no fixed mix ratio of concrete that’s why it is called design mix concrete.
● Table for concrete grade types according to their concrete mix ratio:-

Concrete grade types according to their strength
1) ordinary concrete grade
2) standard concrete grade
3) high strength concrete grade
■1) Ordinary concrete grade :– it is simple type of concrete grade mainly used for flooring of surface and formation of flat base for footing and filling , concrete grade like M5 M10 m15 and M20 is ordinary concrete grade, in which M stand for mix and there numerical figure 5 10 15 and 20 stand for comprehensive strength of concrete in 28 days of curing time.
M5 M10 and m15 concrete is not used for RCC work it is only used for PCC work and nominal mix concrete M20 is only ordinary concrete grade which is used in both PCC and RCC work construction of low rise building.
◆ 2) Standard grade of concrete:- it is standard grade of concrete used for high rise building construction ,formation of over bridge ,dams ,Bridge and different types of foundation piles, and Railway sleeper. M25 M30 m35 m40 and m45 is known as standard grade of concrete used for RCC work.
Only m25 grade of concrete has nominal mix ratio of cement sand and aggregate that is 1:1:2 and above m25 grade of concrete has no fix ratio of cement sand and aggregate it is calculated and decided by export engineer according to requirement of strength of construction work.
◆3) High strength grade of concrete :– it has higher strength than ordinary and standard grade of concrete, m50, m55, m60, m70 is high strength grade of concrete, it is commercially used for construction of high rise building according to requirement of strength and their strength and mix ratio of cement sand and aggregate is also calculated and decided by expert engineer.
● Table for compressive strength of different concrete grade types:-

Minimum grade of concrete used for different work
Minimum grade of concrete for PCC:- The minimum grade of concrete used for PCC is M5. But it is very lean mix concrete and can be used in any nonstructural work, but it is banned today due to shrinkage issue, so the minimum grade of concrete is M7.5 for PCC. Typical M7.5 is used for PCC is weak in tension loading while strong in compression loading, this grade is widely used non structural member because it has less compression strength, it has 1:4:8 ratio of mix proportion to achieve the strength.
Minimum grade of concrete for RCC:- According to Indian Standard 456: 2000 recommend that minimum grade of concrete used for RCC is M20 and concrete mix ratio is 1:1.5:3 (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate).
Minimum grade of concrete for water tank:- The minimum grade of concrete required for construction of water tank is M20 for plain concrete, M30 for Reinforced Cement Concrete & M40 for Prestressed Cement Concrete.
Minimum grade of concrete for prestressed concrete:- Minimum grades of concrete for prestressed applications are as follows: M30 for post-tensioned members & M40 for pre-tensioned members.
Minimum grade of concrete in seawater:- According to Indian standard 456:2000, the minimum grade of concrete to be used is M35 when RCC structure is in exposure of sea water spray & the minimum grade of concrete will be M40 when the structure is sub merged or fully merged in sea water.
Minimum grade of concrete for post tensioning:- according to Indian standard 456 – 2000, a minimum grade of concrete used for post-tensioned system is M30.
Minimum grade of concrete for pre tensioning:- according to Indian standard 456 – 2000, a minimum grade of concrete used for pre-tensioned system is M40.
Minimum grade of concrete for severe exposure condition:- Sever condition is, concrete surface exposed to sever rain, alternate wetting and drying, occasional freezing, concrete completely emerged in seawater & concrete exposed to coastal area, minimum grade of concrete used for severe exposure condition is M30, M20 is used for mild exposure condition, M25 is used for moderate exposure condition, M35 is used for very severe exposure condition and M40 extreme exposure condition.
Concrete mix ratio
As per UK practices, best concrete mix ratio for general domestic jobs are 1:2:4 (1 part of cement mix with 2 parts of sand or fine aggregate to 4 parts of Gravel or coarse aggregate). When premixed ballast is required, then 6 parts are required for 1 part of cement. This concrete mix ratio provides compressive strength of C20 concrete grade which is medium strength concrete used for general work.
The appropriate concrete mix ratio for C20 concrete are 1:2:4, means 1 part of cement mix with 2 parts of sand or fine aggregate to 4 parts of Gravel or coarse aggregate or 1:6 by using 1 parts of cement to 6 parts of premixed ballast.
The appropriate concrete mix ratio for C25 concrete are 1:1.5:3, means 1 part of cement mix with 1.5 parts of sand or fine aggregate to 3 parts of Gravel or coarse aggregate or 1:5 by using 1 parts of cement to 5 parts of premixed ballast.
The appropriate concrete mix ratio for C30 concrete are 1:2:3, means 1 part of cement mix with 2 parts of sand or fine aggregate to 3 parts of Gravel or coarse aggregate or 1:4 by using 1 parts of cement to 4 parts of premixed ballast.
Concrete mix ratio Table
There are different grade of concrete and their mix ratio is discuss and concrete mix ratio table is given below:-
● Table for concrete mix ratio:-

Concrete mix ratio M5 (1:5:10)
Concrete mix ratio M5 (1:5:10) :- it is ordinary grade of concrete basically it is not used for structural work and concrete mix ratio (cement sand and aggregate) in M5 grade of concrete is 1:5:10, in which one part is cement 5 Part is sand and 10 part is aggregate.
And comprehensive strength of M5 grade of concrete is 5 mega pascal which gain in 28 days of curing time
Concrete mix ratio M7.5 (1:4:8)
Concrete mix ratio M7.5 (1:4:8) :- it is ordinary grade of concrete and also not used for structural work it is mainly used for flooring, PCC and Flat base surface for footing and it has concrete mix ratio (cement, sand and aggregate) for M7.5 is 1:4:8, in which one part is cement 4 part is sand and 8 part is aggregate,
And comprehensive strength of M7.5 grade of concrete is 7.5 mega pascal which gain in 28 days of curing time
Concrete mix ratio M10 (1:3:6)
Concrete mix ratio M10 (1:3:6) :- it is ordinary grade of concrete and also not used for structural work it is mainly used for flooring, PCC and Flat base surface for footing and it has concrete mix ratio (cement, sand and aggregate) for M10 is 1:3:6, in which one part is cement 3 part is sand and 6 part is aggregate,
And comprehensive strength of M10 grade of concrete is 10 mega pascal which gain in 28 days of curing time
Concrete mix ratio M15 (1:2:4)
Concrete mix ratio M15 (1:2:4) :- it is also ordinary grade of concrete used for PCC work and flooring of surface not used for RCC work, nominal mix ratio in m15 grade of concrete is about 1:2:4 in which one part is cement 2 part is sand and 4 part is aggregate.
And comprehensive strength of M15 grade of concrete is 15 mega pascal which gain in in 28 days of curing time
Concrete mix ratio M20 (1:1.5:3)

Concrete mix ratio M20:- it is only ordinary grade of concrete which is used in RCC work for domestic uses for construction of low rise building and concrete mix ratio for m20 is 1:1.5:3, in which one part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate.
M20 grade of concrete used for structural work for footing, beam, column and slab. And comprehensive strength of M20 grade of concrete is 20 mega pascal which gain in in 28 days of curing time
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Concrete mix ratio M25 (1:1:2)
Concrete mix ratio M25 :- it is Standard grade of concrete mainly used for RCC work in domestic uses for the construction of beam, slab, footing and column , and concrete mix ratio for m25 is 1:1:2, in which one part is cement 1 part is sand and 2 part is aggregate.
And comprehensive strength of M25 grade of concrete is 25 mega pascal which gain in in 28 days of curing time.
Concrete mix ratio for roof slab
The best concrete mix ratio for RCC roof slab is 1:1.5:3, (one part cement mix to 1.5 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate). As we know that roof slab is RCC structure, so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio is 1:1.5:3 for roof slab & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for roof slab.
Concrete mix ratio for beams
The best concrete mix ratio for RCC beam is 1:1.5:3, (one part cement mix to 1.5 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate). As we know that Beam is RCC structure so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:1.5:3 for beams & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for beam.
Concrete mix ratio for Foundation/footing
The best concrete mix ratio for RCC column footing is 1:1.5:3, (one part cement mix to 1.5 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate). As we know that Foundation footing is RCC structure so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:1.5:3 for Foundation & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for Foundation footing.
Concrete mix ratio for column
The best concrete mix ratio for RCC column (reinforced column) is 1:1.5:3, (one part cement mix to 1.5 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate). As we know that column is RCC structure, so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:1.5:3 for column & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for column.
Concrete mix ratio for floor
The best concrete mix ratio for flooring is 1:4:8, (one part cement mix to 4 parts sand and 8 parts aggregate). As we know that floor is non RCC structure so we can use minimum grade of M7.5 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:4:8 for floor & grade of concrete m10 & M15 are also used for floor.
The best concrete mix ratio used for RCC column, footing, beam, roof slab and general domestic jobs are 1:1.5:3, means 1 part cement mix to 1.5 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate. When premixed ballast is required, then 6 parts are required for 1 part of cement.