How to calculate concrete quantity for column

How to calculate concrete quantity for column,How to calculate concrete for column,in this topic we know about how to calculate concrete quantity for column. We know that column is load bearing structure, there is two type of load applied over it one is axial load second one is lateral load.

It is general question what will be the minimum size of your column it will be depend on several type of load applied on it. Column is main part of your building. In this topic we calculate concrete quantity for column

How to calculate concrete quantity for column
How to calculate concrete quantity for column

What is minimum size of RCC column

minimum size of RCC column will be not less than 9″×9″ or 225mm×225mm and we know that size of column is depend on several type of load.

Minimum size of RCC column using 4 steel bar of 12 mm size for first floor building is
9″×9″ or 225mm×225mm , but in our project minimum size of RCC column using 6 Steel bar of 12 mm size for first floor building is
9″×12″ or 225mm×300mm.

Types of column according to shape of column

column will be made in different shape it may be rectangular circular hexagonal. We have to calculate concrete quantity for various type of column

1) rectangular column

2) circular column

3) hexagonal column

how to calculate concrete for rectangular column

We should calculate volume of rectangular column that will be volume of concrete required, volume of rectangular column is

how to calculate concrete for rectangular column
how to calculate concrete for rectangular column

Volume = surface area × height of column

Given :-

Height of column = 3 meter

Surface area = 225 mm × 300 mm

We should convert millimetre into metre and divided by 1000 in to millimetre we will get

Surface area = 0.225m×0.3m=0.0675 m2

Volume of concrete = 0.0675 m2×3m

Volume of cocrete = 0.2025 m3

Hence 0.2025 m3 concrete quantity is required for one column having size 0.225m×0.3m×3m

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concrete quantity calculation for circular column

We should calculate volume of circular column that will be volume of concrete required

concrete quantity calculation for circular column
concrete quantity calculation for circular column

Volume of circular column= π r2 h

Where π = 3.14

r = radius of circular column

h= height of circular column

Given :-

Radius of column = 0.2 m

Height of column = 3 meter

Volume = 3.14×(0.2)^2×3 m3

Volume = 3.14× 0.04×3 m3

Volume = 0.3768 m3

Hence 0.3768 m3 of concrete quantity is required for 1 circular column having size 0.2m radius and height is 3 m

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