Standard size of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat in India

Standard size of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat in India | size of 1BHK flat | size of 2BHK flat | size of 3BHK flat | size of 4BHK flat | size of a 1 bedroom house | size of a 1 bedroom house | size of a 2 bedroom house | size of a 3 bedroom house | size of a 4 bedroom house | size of standard bedroom in square feet and square meter.

Standard size of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat in India
Standard size of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat in India

If you are looking for a newhouse or 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat and want to know their standard size and carpet area, here you are at right place. 1BHK or one bedroom house means 1 bedroom, 1 hall, 1 kitchen, 1 toilet and 1 dining/ living room those covering of approximately 450 to 600 sq ft (square footage) of carpet area area.

2BHK or two bedroom house means 2 bedroom, 2 hall, 1 kitchen, 2 toilet, 1 dining/ living room and circulating area for passage those covering of approximately 650 to 800 sq ft of carpet area.

3BHK flat or 3 bedroom house means 3 bedroom, 2 hall or balconies, 1 kitchen, 2 toilet, 1 dining/ living room, stair room and circulating area for passage those covering of approximately 900 to 1100 sq ft of carpet area.

4BHK flat or four bedroom house means 4 bedroom, 2 hall or balconies, 1 kitchen, 2 toilet, 1 dining/ living room, stair room and circulating area for passage those covering of approximately 1300 to 1700 sq ft of carpet area.

1 BHK full form:- The typical 1 BHK full form is 1 bedroom, 1 Hall and 1 kitchen. B stands for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen.

2 BHK full form:- The typical 2 BHK full form is 2 bedroom, 2 Hall and 2 kitchen. B stands for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen.

3 BHK full form:- The typical 3 BHK full form is 3 bedroom, 3 Hall and 3 kitchen. B stands for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen.

4 BHK full form:- The typical 4 BHK full form is 4 bedroom, 4 Hall and 4 kitchen. B stands for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen.

5 BHK full form:- The typical 5 BHK full form is 5 bedroom, 5 Hall and 5 kitchen. B stands for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen.

1 BHK means how many square feet: 1 BHK means there are 400 square feet (sq ft) on average. Therefore, the minimum floor area requirement for a 1 BHK or 1 bedroom house is closer to 400 square feet or 35 square meters.

2 BHK means how many square feet: 2 BHK means there are 650 square feet (sq ft) on average. Therefore, the minimum floor area requirement for a 2 BHK or 2 bedroom house is closer to 650 square feet or 60 square meters.

3 BHK means how many square feet: 3 BHK means there are 900 square feet (sq ft) on average. Therefore, the minimum floor area requirement for a 3 BHK or 3 bedroom house is closer to 900 square feet or 85 square meters.

4 BHK means how many square feet: 4 BHK means there are 1300 square feet (sq ft) on average. Therefore, the minimum floor area requirement for a 4 BHK or 4 bedroom house is closer to 1300 square feet or 120 square meters.

5 BHK means how many square feet: 5 BHK means there are 1800 square feet (sq ft) on average. Therefore, the minimum floor area requirement for a 5 BHK or 5 bedroom house is closer to 1800 square feet or 170 square meters.

Standard size of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK flat in India

Now a days the planning of your building project has to be completed according to rules of local authority or Municipal Corporation because you have to get approval of designing of your flat or house from the municipality. Minimum carpet area has to be followed according to their building rules and regulation of your municipal corporation in the municipal building bylaws and code.

People are asking like that what is the size of 1bhk, how much square feet in one BHK, how many square feet is 1 flat, how many square feet is a 2BHK house?, get all the answer here-

Standard size of 1BHK flat/ one bedroom house

Standard size of 1BHK flat:- The standard size of 1 BHK flat/apartment or one bedroom house is settle between 450 to 600 square feet or 40 to 55 square meters. This is a standard or good carpet area for 1 BHK flat or 1 bedroom house that containing 1 bedroom, 1 hall, 1 kitchen, 1 toilet, 1 pooja room and 1 dining/ living room that make comfortable and spacious well living reside atleast for 1 to 2 members in a family.

Minimum size of 1 BHK flat:- The minimum size of 1 BHK flat/apartment or one bedroom house is settle between 450 to 600 square feet or 40 to 55 square meters. So the minimum square footage area required for 1BHK or one bedroom house is closer to 400 sq ft or 35 square meters. However you can make it look spacious in terms of of designing of your flat and interior decoration, you can easily adjust atleast 1 to 2 members in a family.

The minimum carpet area requirement for 1BHK Apartment/ flat/ house is calculated below:-

● 1 bedroom – 9×15 = 135 sq ft
● 1 kitchen – 9×6 = 54 sq ft
● 1 toilet – 6×6 = 36 sq ft
● 1 liv/ dining – 10×16 = 160 sq ft
● 1 balcony – 3×5 = 15 sq ft
● 1 Pooja room – 3.5 × 4.5 = 16 sq ft
● circulating area = 10% = 40 sq ft

Adding all you get minimum carpet area for one BHK flat/ apartment or one bedroom house is about 456 square feet, add 20% for walls area 456×1.2 = 547 sq ft (covered area).

How much carpet area is good for 1 BHK? Typically, 400 to 600 square feet carpet area is sufficient and good for 1 BHK house. Therefore, most suitable carpet area for 1 BHK house is 400-600 square feet and includes 1 bedroom + 1 dinning room + 1 toilet + 1 pooja room + 1 balcony.

Thus, you will need at least 450 to 600 square feet (covered area) for one floor or 1BHK and you have to leave minimum open spaces on four sides of the house as per the building rules. And, this open spaces are necessary for external drainage work, septic tank and water tank etc. and fire fighting purposes also.

Standard size of 2BHK flat/ two bedroom house

Standard size of 2BHK flat:- The standard size of 2 BHK flat/ apartment or 1 bedroom house is settle between 650 to 800 square feet or 60 to 75 square meters. This is a standard or good carpet area for 2 BHK flat or 2 bedroom house that containing 2 bedroom, 2 hall, 1 kitchen, 2 toilet, 1 Pooja room and 1 dining/ living room that make comfortable and spacious well living reside atleast for 2 to 3 members in a family.

Minimum size of 2 BHK flat:– The minimum size of 2 BHK flat/ apartment or 1 bedroom house is settle about 650 square feet or 60 square meters. So minimum square footage area required for 2BHK or two bedroom house is closer to 650 sq ft or 60 sq m. However you can make it look spacious in terms of of designing of your flat and interior decoration, you can easily adjust atleast 2 to 3 members in a family.

The minimum carpet area requirement for 2BHK Apartment/ flat/ house is calculated below:-

● bedroom 1 – 12×14 = 168 sq ft
● bedroom 2 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● 1 kitchen – 8×10 = 80 sq ft
● 1 bathroom attached – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 common bathroom – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 liv/ dining – 10×16 = 160 sq ft
● 2 balcony – 2(3×8) = 48 sq ft
● 1 Pooja room – 3.5 × 4.5 = 16 sq ft
● circulating area = 10% = 70 sq ft

Adding all you get minimum carpet area for one BHK flat/ apartment or one bedroom house is about 758 square feet, add 20% for walls area 758×1.2 = 900 sq ft (covered area).

How much carpet area is good for 2 BHK? Typically, 650 to 800 square feet carpet area is sufficient and good for 2 BHK house. Therefore, most suitable carpet area for 2 BHK house is 650-800 square feet.

Thus, you will need at least 650 to 800 square feet (covered area) for one floor or 2BHK and you have to leave minimum open spaces on four sides of the house as per the building rules. And, this open spaces are necessary for external drainage work, septic tank and water tank etc. and fire fighting purposes also.

Standard size of 3BHK flat/ three bedroom house

Standard size of 3BHK flat:- The standard size of 3 BHK flat or 3 bedroom house is settle between 900 to 1100 square feet or 85 to 100 square meters. This is a standard or good carpet area for 3 BHK flat or 3 bedroom house that containing 3 bedroom, 2 hall or balcony, 1 kitchen, 2 toilet and 1 dining/ living room, pooja room and circulating area for passes that make comfortable and spacious well living reside atleast for 3 to 5 members in a family.

Minimum size of 3 BHK flat:- The standard size of 3 BHK flat or 3 bedroom house is settle between 900 to 1100 square feet or 85 to 100 square meters. The minimum square footage area required for 3BHK or three bedroom house is closer to 900 sq ft or 85 sq m. However you can make it look spacious in terms of of designing of your flat and interior decoration, you can easily adjust atleast 3 to 5 members in a family.

The minimum carpet area requirement for 3BHK Apartment/ flat/ house is calculated below:-

● bedroom 1 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● bedroom 2 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● bedroom 3 – 10×10 = 100 sq ft
● 1 kitchen – 8×10 = 80 sq ft
● 1 bathroom attached – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 common bathroom – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 liv/ dining – 10×16 = 160 sq ft
● 2 balcony – 2(3×8) = 48 sq ft
● 1 Pooja room – 3.5 × 4.5 = 16 sq ft
● stair space – 1×105 = 105 sq ft
● circulating area = 10% = 80 sq ft

Adding all you get minimum carpet area for 3 BHK flat/ apartment or 3 bedroom house is about 925 square feet, add 20% for walls area 925×1.2 = 1110 sq ft (covered area).

Thus, you will need at least 900 to 1100 square feet (covered area) for one floor for 3BHK flat or and, if you build a two storey house, then the two floor together should be 1000 square feet, that is each floor should be 500 square feet (covered area) minimum.

How much carpet area is good for 3 BHK? Typically, 900 to 1100 square feet carpet area is sufficient and good for 3 BHK house. Therefore, most suitable carpet area for 3 BHK house is 900-1100 square feet.

If you build a two storey house (which is economical), then you need a land area about 500 sq ft x 2 = 1000 sq ft, and you have to leave minimum open spaces on four sides of the house as per the building rules. And, this open spaces are necessary for external drainage work, septic tank and water tank etc. and fire fighting purposes also.

Standard size of 4BHK flat/ four bedroom house

Standard size of 4BHK flat:- The standard size of 4 BHK flat or 4 bedroom house is settle between 1300 to 1700 square feet or 120 to 160 square meters. This is a standard or good carpet area for 4 BHK flat or 4 bedroom house that containing 4 bedroom, 2 hall or balcony, 1 kitchen, 3 toilet and 1 dining/ living room, 1 pooja room, space for stair and circulating area for passage that make comfortable and spacious well living reside atleast for 4 to 6 members in a family.


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Minimum size of 4 BHK flat:- The standard size of 4 BHK flat or 4 bedroom house is settle between 1300 to 1700 square feet or 120 to 160 square meters. The minimum square footage area required for 4BHK or four bedroom house of single floor will closer to 1300 sq ft or 120 sq m and for two floor it will be 650 sq ft. However you can make it look spacious in terms of of designing of your flat and interior decoration, you can easily adjust atleast 4 to 6 members in a family.

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The minimum carpet area requirement for 4BHK Apartment/ flat/ house is calculated below:-

● bedroom 1 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● bedroom 2 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● bedroom 3 – 10×12 = 120 sq ft
● bedroom 4 – 10×10 = 100 sq ft
● 1 kitchen – 8×10 = 80 sq ft
● 1 bathroom attached – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 bathroom attached – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 common bathroom – 6×8 = 48 sq ft
● 1 liv/ dining – 10×16 = 160 sq ft
● 2 balcony – 2(3×8) = 48 sq ft
● 1 Pooja room – 3.5 × 4.5 = 16 sq ft
● stair space – 1×105 = 105 sq ft
● circulating area = 10% = 100 sq ft


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Adding all you get minimum carpet area for 4 BHK flat/ apartment or 4 bedroom house is about 1113 square feet, add 20% for walls area 1113×1.2 = 1335 sq ft (covered area).

Thus, you will need at least 1300 to 1700 square feet (covered area) for one floor for 4BHK flat or and, if you build a two storey house, then the two floor together should be 1350 square feet, that is each floor should be 675 square feet (covered area) minimum.

If you build a two storey house (which is economical), then you need a land area about 675 sq ft x 2 = 1350 sq ft, and you have to leave minimum open spaces on four sides of the house as per the building rules. And, this open spaces are necessary for external drainage work, septic tank and water tank etc. and fire fighting purposes also.


The typical standard size of 1BHK flat is about 450-600 square feet, 2BHK flat is 650-800 sq ft, 3BHK flat is 900-1,100 sq ft and 4BHK flat is 1,300-1,700 square feet.